
The Shadow : Marvel

A young man in his late twenties prepares for a long journey to find the true purpose of his life Book cover https://www.pxfuel.com/en/query?q=satoru+gojo

MAYJOHN · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


'Holy shit' It's Spiderman Tobey Maguire's look alike, does that mean there is Mary Jane too? Should I tell him to stop being a SIMP over her, hoooh.. just calm down and take a deep breath.

Maybe I am just assuming things because there is no reason for Mary Jane to be the only one present here. After all, it's a mesh of different universes.

Well he looks a bit taller than Tobey almost 5'10". Still a bit shorter than me I am almost 6'0", and I think I will grow a bit more when I fully assimilate both Batman, but there is also Cypher so maybe it's my maximum height.

His shoes are covered in dirt, There are no clouds whatsoever today, ahh maybe he visited Uncle Ben's grave today.

His clothes are not ironed properly. His hairs are in a mess. But that aura of friendliness and duty around him is almost blinding me.

The fake smile that is hung on his face hides the wound he gets from fighting villains while being called a mutant menace.

He is one of the people who, while at the short end of the stick always gets ready to help the ones in need.

While I was contemplating him for a minute only a second has gone in the real world.

He hands over the box to me and I see the bill, damn things were cheap back then.

"Just a second," I say and move inside my apartment placing the box on the dining table while collecting some money for his tip. He always had some problems with money.

"Thanks for the tip sir"

"Thank you for your service" I replied and closed the door.

After eating my fill, I move towards my room and sat on the bed in a meditative position. After concentrating a bit all the information about my powers gets finally settled in my mind.


A chakra is a form of life energy that all individuals produce to some degree; those who run out of chakra will die. Produced within and manipulated by organs such as the heart, the energy circulates throughout the body in a network called the "Chakra Pathway System" similar to the cardiovascular system.

Chakra is essential to even the most basic jutsu. Through various methods, the most common of which is hand seals, chakra can be controlled and manipulated to create an effect that would not be possible otherwise, such as walking on water, exhaling fire, or creating illusions.

I have chakra too when checked in the morning with six eyes. I just have to feel it. In just a minute or two I began to feel warm energy flowing throughout my chakra pathways. They serve the same function for the chakra as blood vessels do for blood.

I move the chakra around my body for a while completely familiarizing myself with this foreign feeling. I think I am great at chakra control. Maybe like cursed energy, six eyes are also able to process Chakra incredibly efficiently.

I read somewhere in my previous life that a proper six eyes user will never run out of cursed energy. Maybe when I master the six eyes I will be able to spam S and A-rank jutsu then I will become an honoured one throughout heaven and earth like Gojo. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Ahmm looks like I should come back to Earth now after all someone like Gojo was also caught up in the prison realm.

After about an hour or two of familiarizing myself with the chakra, I move on to the hand seals. They are used to performing many ninjutsu, genjutsu, and other secret arts other than taijutsu.

They are designed to aid people in properly summoning and moulding the chakra necessary to perform a technique. Learning the techniques requires memorization of hand seals.

While techniques may require several hand seals to work, a skilled ninja can use less or even one to perform the same technique.

There are twelve basic seals, each one named after an animal of the Chinese zodiac. Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Ram, Monkey, Bird, Dog, Boar.

Well, I am indoors and can't just burn in it all if something goes wrong. Let's start with something non-lethal but useful. Unlike the basic Clone Technique, shadow clones are physically real. They possess the same clothing, damage, and transformations as the user at the time of their creation.

Because they are visually identical and possess the same chakra as the user, shadow clones are indistinguishable from their original, I made the hand seals of the shadow clone jutsu and with a pop sound, A clone similar to me was standing in front of me.

"YO" Hmm so the shadow clone does have its mind.

"So how are you feeling," I asked

"Strange, it's like I was always a part of you there but now I feel separated from you No Homo".

I asked him to make a shadow clone, He succeed but immediately gets dispelled due to a lack of control over his chakra as I received his memories.

It feels weird to view yourself in a second-person view. Looks like Sinister and I can have a competition between us, But if he knew I am coming after him he will be prepared

Can't give such people second chances. After that, I called upon my clone once again and started a light Taijutsu and martial art spar with him

It's been two hours since I started training my powers and now I am panting hard while laying down on the floor. It's covered with all my sweat. They say that exercising after eating food will prompt your stomach to empty the content but I just feel a slight discomfort. *sigh* Still so much for the Genius intellect.

Now I can make one more clone. I instructed one of them to clean the mess and the other one to review what we did today. I make my way towards the shower after all taking a shower after an intense workout gives you a heavenly feeling.


After changing into comfortable neighbourhood-friendly clothes, I wear my flip-flops and make my way towards the local supermarket. it's almost closing time.

Should I buy nutrient supplements or not? Well, I don't think I will need it. Hmm, I was gonna ignore but someone is eyeing the store for quite a while. Is that gun? Oh shoot I will have to move into the store's blind spot. I was contemplating how to escape from this problem, A certain blue spandex hero disarms the robbers and web them.

[(A/N)- Damn here goes my chance of seeing MC in some action]

Well, I only had a knife and a Taser on me so the spandex hero helped with this otherwise I had to dispel myself

After arriving home I dispelled myself and let the main body know what I experienced.


hmm. looks like staying vigilant helps especially in marvel world. Now onto the next part building the mental faculties.

Since I am a semi-telepath and have Batman's mental fortitude, I am 100% sure that most of the telepathic abilities will not be useful against me but still, why take a risk especially when we have telepath like Charles, The host of Phoniex: Jean grey, The White Queen: Emma Frost.

I sat down in the lotus position and start to concentrate. My objective this time is to locate my mind space. After concentrating for a bit I find myself in my own mind space. All my experiences and moments in my life were seen as flashes here.

Now here comes the Cypher and Yamanaka clan techniques in usage. I will start programming my mind to be like that of a computer combining the Yamanaka clan mind techniques.

After that, I started organizing my memories into memory banks. They will store all the memories that I have gained in this life as well as the previous ones. Then I started to convert my memories into Machine language.

Every single other person if ever breaks into my mind will need a supercomputer to interpret my brain waves and I said IF. There is a big if in there.

The thing about being omnilingual is programming language looks like reading your mother tongue. It's on the tips I can subconsciously interpret read and observe my mind to the depth.

After what felt like hours my memories were converted and it felt like a dam opened. All the memories which were supposedly forgotten by me can be recalled with but a single thought.

My brain processing speed becomes faster. This wouldn't have been possible if even one of the two powers weren't present. I opened my eyes and notice the time difference.

What felt like two hours were about two minutes in the real world. I stood up to celebrate my little success just in time to fall again and black out.

'Ahh. looks like I got mentally exhausted' was my last thought before my eyes got closed.


(A/N)- So that's it for today. Share your opinion about the story down below.

Till Next Time Guys