
Chapter 6: The First Attack

Kinz Azul sense some void majic.... Sandar appeared in Argon.... Kinz Azul and the brothers go outside and saw Sandar standin right in front of them...

King Azul: Sandar? my son?

Sandar: Your son is gone.. Muwahahahaha.. I took control of him now Azul

Urk: What the.... his not Sandar, its Holbord.. you foul beast how there you use our brother like that? you igsignificant fool...

Holbord: Muwahahahaha... Is that all you've got?

Urk: How? This is impossible..

Ethreal: Big brother you fool... do you forget? you just have a defense

Urk: Oh!?

Ethreal: Yahhh!

Holbord dodge his sword and immedietly attack Kinh Azul.. But..

King Azul: Holbord! Brother... how there you lay your hands to my sons?

Holbord: Muwahahahaha.. of course it is one of my plans... use them until I break you brother... muwahahahaha

Holbord use a summoning magic, an army appear before them...

Rift: Brother! anytime now, we need your best defense...

Urk: Yeah! I know

Urk create layers of shield that could defend all the tribes....

Urk: Uruk! Army of Legion now

Uruk: Shabala Sharak Gen gen musuke, Harabashi

The army of the undead appeared because of the summoning magic of Uruk... But Holbord's void army outnumbered them... Astrid use the majika tempesta and countered the numbers of the Army

Holbord: Hmmmm... So its a human using a sacred treasure... tell me little one what is your name??

Astrid: My name is Astrid Kowler, and I pressumed you are Holbord?

Holbord: Oh no! muwahahaha, I only use this body to tear them apart, but soon you will meet me... muwahahahaaha

Sandar's body retreat... but the army will attack and destroy.... but King Azul use his special attack...

King Azul: Espe Espe Sharala inmodem, Gra!

A blast of light came out on King Azul's chest using all the elements to defeat and wipe out all the Army.... but it made him weak and he needed rest...

Urk: Father you will not able to fight with us.

King Azul: I know my son, lead the Army, lead our Clan in victory

All the Borthers: We will make our victory, for Sandar..

To be continued....

Chapter 7: Welcome to the earth