
The seven kingdoms [serialized novel]1

It is an epic fantasy novel. The story takes place in an imaginary world. The world is divided into two continents. Each continent has its own languages. Their history is influenced by the wars fought between the kingdom Anuradhapuram and Tanjore. Tanjore’s king lost his life in the war. His son Indrajith wants to take revenge against his father’s murderers. His own blood betrays In that journey. Indrajith wants to retake his throne and take revenge for the murders of his father. Indrajith’s actions affect the entire world. Some of them supported him but some did not. What will happen next?. Read the story.

sreerag_s · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

The promise [prologue]

Indrajith is walking through a field. He cannot bear the pain and fatigue. His legs were changing directions from time to time. Indrajith occasionally stabs his sword in the ground to prevent him from falling. A mix of Blood and mud on Indrajith's face. So there has been some blurring of vision. So Indrajith cannot identify where he has been. Not only on his face but also on his long hair and armor, there has been mud and blood. Indrajith stopped walking. After dropping the sword, Indrajith wiped his face with his hand. When it became clean, Indrajith can clearly look at the sight before his eyes. That sight really shocked him. Thousands of corpses lay in front of Indrajith like a sea.

Indrajith stared at the bodies without moving a single foot. His heart rate increased. A sense of fear filled his heart. He looked around. He sees no one alive. Indrajith looked at the bodies lying in front of him. It starts a little farther from him and spreads out into an invisible distance. Indrajith slowly walked toward the dead bodies. Flies fly around the carcasses all the time. Indrajith covered his nose because of the stench. It was then that Indrajith's eyes catch a corpse wearing the armor of his country. Indrajith realized that thousands of dead bodies in front of him are his army. It filled his mind with so much grief that he cannot bear it. Indrajith bent down and touched the head of a soldier. Afterward, he stood up and prayed for the peace of his soldiers for a while. Then, a voice came from a distance.


Indrajith looked in the sound's direction. He sees nothing but scattered corpses. Indrajith picked up the sword lying beneath him. Indrajith raised his sword and looked around. He cannot see anyone.


Indrajith realized whose voice it was.


Indrajith cannot contain his happiness. A smile spread across his face. His eyes wandered to his father. Indrajith started rushing to the spot where he listened to the sound, regardless of the pain in his body.

Indrajith is now slowly walking over the corpses. He walks slowly, wondering if there is any living body under his feet. Indrajith cannot hear life, except the sound of his feet squeezing the corpses.

"son, Comes to Father"

Indrajith started walking fast in the sound's direction. At that moment, he did not look for life under his feet. After walking some distance, Indrajith came across a group of vultures. They sitting around and eating corpses. Indrajith stopped when he saw the vultures. Only when Indrajith crosses the herd will he can be able to move in the sound's direction. Indrajith knows well that in his condition, it will not be easy to cross the 100 vulture herd. But Indrajith went ahead. He gripped the sword in his hand. Afterward, Indrajith walked towards the herd.

While walking toward the vulture herd, Indrajith noticed that darkness was spreading all around. The intensity of the darkness increased with each passing moment. Indrajith sank into the surrounding darkness. The herd of vultures that were eating the carcasses left their food there and flew away. Indrajith did not understand what was happening. Before the earth fell into darkness, Indrajith ran toward his father's voice. But after some distance, Indrajith's leg fell between the bodies. He fell down. Indrajith loses his sword. Indrajith tried to get up. But could not. Half of his body was trapped between the bodies. Indrajith tried to get his body out of the dead bodies, but could not. Not knowing what to do next, Indrajith looked at the place where he heard his father's voice. Then sounds were heard from the sky. Indrajith looked up at the sky. His eyes filled with fear. Thousands of eagles circle in the sky.


Indrajith tried to get out of the bodies with his hands. But he can't. The call of eagles from the sky is increasing.

"Son, where are you?"

Hearing his father's voice, sadness and despair came together to Indrajith. He looked around. Then a hand appeared in front of Indrajith from somewhere. Hands filled with blood. Indrajith saw that it was the hand of a soldier. who lying dead a short distance away. Indrajith grabbed the soldier's hand and started coming out. He was finally released from dead bodies. Indrajith stood up. Indrajith picked up his sword lying between the bodies. Then he ran towards the place where he heard his father's voice.

"Father, I Am Coming"

Indrajith reached the place where his father's voice came from. But he saw nothing but dead bodies.


Indrajith called out in all directions. But there was no reply. That's when Indrajith noticed something. In the distance, an object glows between the corpses. Indrajith walked towards the object. Indrajith realized it was gold. What came to Indrajith's mind was his father's golden armor. Indrajith ran and reached there and recognized his father, king Agilan's face among the dead bodies. Agilan face was covered in blood. Smile and tears appeared on Indrajith's face at the same time. Indrajith immediately started dragging the corpses lying on his father's body. Indrajith finally frees his father from the corpses. Agilan was unconscious. His lips were whispering something. It was not clear to Indrajith. Indrajith was happy to see that his father was alive.


The king slowly opened his eyes. When he saw Indrajith, a smile spread on his blood-stained face. His whole body is covered with blood. The golden armor bearing the emblem of his kingdom was shining.

"Father, let us return to our country"

When Agilan heard Indrajith's words, tears flowed from his eyes.

"I lost. The gods I have worshiped for so long have defeated me. I am going to die at the hands of a god now. "

"You will not die. We will fight back and win this war. "

Indrajith tried to pacify the king with tears.

"My son, I can not go back from here. But you have to win this war, no matter what you do, son. "

The king's voice growled.

Fear spread inside Indrajith.

"Father, are you leaving me alone?"

Indrajith prayed to the gods to save his father.

"My son, you must win this battle at any cost. Promise me. "

Said the king with stumbling words. Then the king stretched out his hand in front of Indrajith.

"promise me"

It convinced Indrajith that death had come to his father. He put his hand on his father's hand.


The king closed his eyes. Then his body became motionless.


Indrajith called his father and looked at him. Nothing happened. Indrajith hugged his father's body and started crying. Indrajith did not know that darkness was spreading around him. Lightning struck the sky. Indrajith heard human voices from the sky. Indrajith looked up at the sky. But because of the darkness, he could not see clearly. Then lightning struck the sky. In that light, Indrajith saw creatures flying in the sky. The creatures look like an eagle with human body. They have huge eagle heads and wings. And having hands and legs like a human being. Thousands of them flying in the sky. Indrajith looked at the eagles angrily.

"one day, you will all die".