
The Seven Elder Demons

This story is about Elitiah who used to be human but turned into a angel/demon and the angels and demons are at war because of Lucifer who killed many humans, in the process killing angels.

IMrHanzo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Ch.2: Lucifer

His chest ached; this was worse than any pain he had felt.

Then he heard laughter. A male laugh, deep and resonant. He stopped walking, searching for the source of it. Wherever it came from, it sounded familiar.

"Well look what I caught! My poor little pet has finally found h master…"

His heart skipped a beat. No. It couldn't be. "Lucifer…"

"My poor little pet! I told you this would happen."

His breath hitched in his throat. This was impossible. It was just a trick. Lucifer was dead, lost in the flames. But his voice, it was still as deep as it had always been. He couldn't hear any hint of mockery in it. It was simply Lucifer. There was no doubt.

"Why are you here? What do you want?" Elitiah asked, fighting to sound calm. To keep his voice even. "Why did you say those things to me? Why did you hurt everyone like this?"

The laughter grew louder, until it was echoing all through his ears. The world seemed to spin, and he closed his eyes, trying to get control of himself. He had to think clearly. He had to be smart.

"If you must know, my pet, I came to see you. I was so sad when Michael sent you away, but now that you're back, I'm sure I'll be able to have fun again!"

Fun?! Elitiah opened his eyes again and looked at the scene in front of him, unable to believe what he was seeing.

There were thousands upon thousands of demons, standing around Lucifer, waiting for his next order. There were thousands of demons standing behind Lucifer, looking like they were ready to attack at the drop of a hat if Lucifer so much as raised his arm. The demon that had started this whole mess stood at the center, laughing and pointing at something on the ground.

It took all of Elitiah's self control to not react. He clenched his fists, digging his nails into the flesh of his palms, making it bleed. He forced himself to take several deep breaths, reminding himself that he wasn't in Hell. He was safe and sound inside Eden. Nothing would happen to him while Lucifer was here.

"I didn't hurt anyone," Elitiah said slowly, forcing himself to remain calm and collected. "What happened to the humans?"

Lucifer grinned. "Your kind killed them all, my pet, just like you'd done back then. I guess that's where you'll always belong, isn't it? In Hell, cleaning up other people's messes? Well, I suppose it's fitting! After all, your sister was responsible for this whole mess in the first place!"


"Oh yes, that traitorous bitch! Did you honestly believe she'd stand aside when Heaven fell? She betrayed us, abandoned her position as commander of Heaven's armies. She's just like you. An enemy to the end!"

Anger welled up inside of him, hot and blinding. He clenched his jaw, taking an unsteady step forward towards his tormentor, his eyes blazing red with rage. As far as he was concerned, that traitor was the one who had destroyed everything and everyone he loved. She hadn't protected Heaven from Heaven's destruction either. He'd done it, and now she was going to pay the consequences.

"Stay away from me," he warned quietly, voice dangerously low. His gaze flickered to the crowd of demons who stood silently around Lucifer, waiting to attack and destroy anyone who displeased him. "Don't try to stop me. I won't let you ruin everything for my people. I won't let you do this to them."

Lucifer laughed. "My pet is angry! Don't worry! Once we've gotten rid of your little problem, I can promise I will make it easier for you to join us."

Elitiah clenched his fists again as the anger burned within him. It was pointless. Nothing was going to stop him from destroying everything Lucifer stood for. It'd cost him nothing if it meant he got rid of him once and for all. He was the Devil himself after all.

And yet, he hesitated

To Be Continued