
The Servant's General

A world set in the ages of warring kingdoms, in this novel you can expect a unique power trope, combat & action, strategy, a bit of kingdom politics and most importantly... No Harem. I took inspiration from works such as Kingdom and The Heroic Legend of Arslan. I'd hoped for more manga or novels that have a progress focused kingdom archetype but there hasn't been any recently so I decided to try one for myself. This novel is something I'm not too deeply invested in, but I'll keep writing for as long as people enjoy it. I'll probably write around 10-20 chapters before deciding if I'll continue or not based on feedback. [Chapter Schedule: 3-5 Per Week] [Novel Cover Image is not mine, it is a placeholder.]

StingLikeAMountain · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

War X Skania

The Fay continent is home to seven different countries, with each country having their own unique gifts and culture. Many have their own currency, way of living, and environment. But, the one thing that they all share is that they are ruled by those who have been favored with a Regalia that was meant to rule over the masses.

Regalia can't often be inherited, so many times, the ruling family will be expansive and can usually have hundreds of different members who will all be hoping that their child will be the lucky one to awaken a ruler's Regalia. It's often fraught with corruption and intrigue as they silently kill one another in the hopes that they will be the one's to give birth to a future King.

If they do, then for the parent, it means a lifetime of glory, and their child will become the ruler of the nation and they will enjoy the benefits.

The Gavel Kingdom, on the southern side of the continent, is mainly known for having the most extensive coastline and thriving in an industry that comes from the bounty of the oceans. It's situated comfortably at the borders of three different kingdoms, but only two of which are worthy of mention.

Inside the City of Gavel, the Royal Capital, there was an immense sense of unease spreading. The city was one of the largest in the country, a central hub for trade, and it should've been sprawling with merchants. But, the atmosphere was smitten with a disembodied sense of dread.

Inside the noble's district in the Gavel Kingdom's royal castle, there was a similar silence as the countless nobles kneeled before the King. The air was oppressive as they exchanged glances and silently waited.

The castle had sprawling amounts of beautiful gems, pearls, and blue tapestry. In contrast, the old and frail King who sat on the throne seemed to have lifeless eyes as two of his ministers stared at each other from each of his sides.

"My King, We have no choice but to begin a full-scale assault on the Skania Kingdom."

The silence broke, and all eyes in the room converged on the smiling minister to the right of the King. His pale blue minister uniform was in stark contrast to his red hair and beard. He stood pretty tall with a calm smile on his face as he spoke towards the King, yet he stared at the other minister.

"Throughout the last few years, we have tolerated their numerous attacks. They've stolen our food, killed our people, and stole our wives."

"They disguised their armies as bandits and pillaged our villages and have even recently started to stake claim on some of the land the villages reside on." He said in a solemn and deep voice calmly.

The other man on the left was even more old and sorry-looking than the King, currently sitting lifelessly on the throne. Yet his eyes were a deep and vibrant green as he seemed to care little about what he was hearing from the other side.

He lifted his old wooden cane and gestured towards the man, "We both know what the consequences would be of a full invasion." A gruff but somewhat light and carefree voice said as it resounded effortlessly around the hall.

"It might be in your best interest since you would be the one to gain control over the lands we conquer, but what would be the point if our Kingdom falls in the end, Minister Rylen?" The old minister added mysteriously.

The man's red beard slightly shook in disguised anger but showed a facade of refined clarity and replied, "My King, Minister Leian simply has no respect for our Gavel Kingdom's military. Our armies are ready to go, and we clearly hold the advantage after the recent skirmishes with their disguised armies."

"All that is needed is your order, and we can change the continent's maps for the first time in decades and grow the Kingdom even further." The helpless nobles below the two kneeling in the hall were all but silent, looking at the exchange.

None of them were stupid; all of their thoughts were about the current game between the two. And whoever spoke the more flowery words to the mentally ill King would be the one who won in the end.

Yet, they worried because even though the red-haired minister Rylen was correct that they might be able to conquer them, it wouldn't be without cost.

After a moment of silence, it was broken by Minister Leian's words, "Are you blind to the Viridian Kingdom? Do you really think they will just watch us conquer and leave us alone as we reap the lands of the Skanians?"

There were a few whispers among the nobles, but Minister Rylen's face showed no look of guilt or surprise, and they calmly replied with a smile, "Of course I'm not; I simply believe that our King's forces are second to none and could handle any force on the continent."

He looked over to the King with a look of flattery and arrogance in his eyes as he tried to win over the King.

"Our King will be known for the glorious conquest that hasn't happened on the continent for decades! People will worship his name, and our country will be feared by others. After our conquest, they may even come to us, begging, to be our vassal state after seeing our swift campaign."

"They won't dare to do anything to us after seeing what we are capable of," Ended Minister Rylen.

"I don't know who you've struck a deal with, but I know you stand much to gain Minister Rylen. Just know that getting your way won't be as easy as you want it to be." The aging Minister mysteriously said.

He knew it was foolish to try and say anything more, as the current King was seriously ill and could no longer stay on the throne and make decisions.

The only reason he hadn't surrendered his position was because of the struggle between his family, as there were currently two Regalia holders who had the right to inherit the position.

He favored both of them and postponed the decision so long that he started to forget about it even in his aging years and was preparing to leave it up to fate after he passed away.

But, if there was one thing that the current King wanted… That was a way to go out in glory and fame. A war that would conquer a kingdom that the people had despised and hated for years due to their constant attacks was something that would give him endless amounts of glory in death.

The silence in the room was broken once more by the King as he grunted and forced himself to stand up, his knees creaking under his weight.

Standing with a hunched back and strands of white hair bellowing down to his neck, he cleared his throat and spoke with an eerily determined voice that would soon doom the fate of countless people, "Let both Princes take command in the war effort; whoever distinguishes themselves in valor will be the one fit to succeed me. I've always respected your views Minister Leian, but I simply can't this time."

"We will crush the Skania Kingdom."