
The separated family

This is a story about how my life got turned upside down in just one day.

Ashley_Cortes · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Moving day

(Daughters POV)

One day it felt like any other normal day until it was 9:38 AM, when my classroom got a call that one of there students is moving to Missouri and of course I was wondering who but just as I was think my teacher came up to me and said this.

Teacher- Ashley the Library needs u to take your books in because you are moving to Missouri.

Ashley- umm ok but I'm not moving to Missouri my parents never said something about moving.

Teacher- well just go to the library they maybe made a mistake.

Ashley- Ok

(Ashley's POV)

Ok that was weird but I'm sure it was a mistake but I didn't question it I just grabbed the books I had and walked down to the library once I open the door the librarian Mrs.G said.

Mrs.G- you must be excited to be moving to Missouri.

Ashley- what do you mean?

Mrs.G- Well your mom called and said you guys are moving.

Ashley- (starts crying) l-I-I'm not ready to move I don't even want to move I want to stay here in California were all my family is.

Mrs.G- It will get better just talk to your mom and dad about and you should probably get to class.

Ashley- (still crying) Ok bye

(Ashley's POV)

When I left I immediately started crying again on my way to class once I opened the door I went to my seat and I couldn't hold back my feelings I just started crying again then my teacher Mrs. Hendrix asked me)

Mrs.Hendrix- Ashley what's wrong? Are you ok?

Ashley- No I just found out I'm moving (starts to calm down)

Mrs.Hendrix- ok let go outside and talk about this.

Ashley- ok