

Walking slowly toward the doors of a fancy restaurant is a handsome and rich young man named Noel. He is about to meet with his grandfather. The only person who cares for him more than anyone in this world.

In a table alone stands an old man waiting for his nephew. This is grandpa Joe , he is about to meet his only nephew left in this world by his daughter. The moment he sees him he gets up says ; ''Noel my boy what took you so long?''

''Well you know how work is, I barely made it out of there.''

Granpa Joe looks at him with admiration of the man he has become and says''Boy I told you the moment you said you didn't want to be part of your fathers company and that you wanted your own. This was gonna be hard.''

On the other hand Noel laughs and looks at his grandpa full of joy. But he is reminded of his family. Noel's parents had been very in love with one another. They got married very quickly and a year later he was born. When Noel was 10 his mother died and only one year later his father got married to this women who resembled his mother. But beside her face they had nothing in common.

His stepmother Aleyna was vicious and a two-faced snake. On the other hand his mother was a nice and generous who doted a lot on her son. From the day that his father got married Noel's life went downhill. Three years after his mothers death Aleyna gave birth to a son and later to a daughter. He was forgotten and despised by his own family. Due to one of Aleynas schemes his father even kicked him outside of the house. Leaving 15 year old Noel to sleep outside causing him to suffer from a high fever.

At that time grandpa Joe had heard of the situation and requested that Noel came to live with him. Mario(Noel's dad)had denied his request at first but seeing the situation his son was in he accepted and also pushed to accept from his wifes words.

He went to school and managed to one of the best business universities. From that day onwards Noel's life had been normal and nice.Until his father had asked him to return home . His father hoping that the sweet boy he had kicked out would happily return home to his father never expected the new Noel. The new Noel was cold he couldn't care less about returning and not to mention helping his father to run the company. He went to such length even telling his dad he was going to create his own company which left his father at a shock state and later fuming with anger.

Along with 3 of his university friends he created a company way bigger than that of his father. Now one of the most desired bachelors in the business field. But he was known to be cold and disgusted by women who approached him for his money leading to him being called ''Cold King''.

Hello everyone I am sorry for any grammatical mistakes. Due to the fact that English is not my mother language. So please forgive me for any type of mistakes.

Thank you for reading.

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