
The Secrets of Bloodline Academy

Abandoned as an infant and broken as a teenager . Scarlett was all alone in this world , orphaned at a young age , when her family was brutally murdered . Strange things surround her life . Being hunted by an unknown creature of the dark , can she make her way out of this alive ? " I can't do this anymore . I...I see a huge wave coming my way , about to wash me away from the shore ." What is going to happen when things turn out of control . Will scarlett emerge out of all this victorious or will she lose every ounce of happiness from her life ?

Mysterious_fairy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

The Reunion

Scarlett couldn't believe her eyes . She was seeing her dead parents right now . How was that possible ? " What is this place ?"

The couple walked to Scarlett and pulled her in for a hug . It looked like a family reunion . " This place was built by our ancestors . Once we're dead we come to this place and find our peace . You must have thought about seeing us , that would explain you being sent here." The woman explained sobbing .

The man came forward and ran his hand through Scarlett's hair . " You were the size of a small bean the last time we saw you . Never did I imagine I'll get a chance to see you again . But your physical body will gain consciousness soon , we don't have much time." The man cried tears of joy .

Scarlett never met them but she could feel the familial bond already . " What is it that killed you ? Why is it trying to hunt me ? What does it want ? What are your names ?" Scarlett seemed to have asked everything that was on her mind .

They all sat down in a circle around the dining table. " I'm Mira , your mother and this is Zayden , your father . Since we don't have much time I'll get to the point . The reason we were hunted and you're being hunted is because of our powers . Naira will fill you in with the information of the entity . The only important thing you need to know is , be ready , your awakening is close . Everything is connected to the academy . Go to the academy once you've tapped into your powers . You must.....stay...." Slowly the voice of her mother drifted away and she came back into the reality .

' Naira? Is it the same person who wrote me letters signed off with N and gave me that book ?' Scarlett was brought back to reality by Daisy's screams . " What happened to her ? Is she possessed ? "

" She's gone into some sort of trance . We must wait for her to gain consciousness . " The woman held Scarlett's hands in her hand and rubbed them to keep her warm . " I saw my parents!" Scarlett exclaimed as soon as she woke up .

The woman and Daisy looked at her with confused eyes . " I'll tell you everything , but can you tell me where I'll find someone named Naira ." Scarlett couldn't risk forgetting the name and so she started with that question.

Just as Scarlett asked that question , both Daisy and the woman started laughing ." You would have known if you had asked her what her name is." This wasn't the first time they said something that Scarlett couldn't understand . " Who ?"

To this the woman and Daisy laugh harden . The woman tries to control her laughter ," Me ... I am Naira and if I'm right your parents were the one who mentioned me . What did they tell you ?"

Daisy stops laughing and starts listening as that conversation was important . " I couldn't get much out of them because time was something which we were lacking . They said soon it's the time for my awakening and that everything is related to the academy . They also said that once I tap into my powers , I must go to the academy. They were saying something when I drifted back to reality . Also they said you'll help me in knowing about the entity ."

Naira takes a deep breath to process everything she heard . Then she places a hand to her mouth and sighs into it . " I wish I could help you with information on the entity but neither could I gather anything about it . I'm so sorry ." Scarlett was disappointed , she expected to get some answers from Naira as her parents had instructed . That was when the other question struck her mind ." Are you the one who left me a letter on my birthday and in my locker along with a book ?"

Naira smiled ." Yes . You had to know atleast something about Zeldia before you got here . I was sure that one day , for some crooked reason you will reach Zeldia because it has always been your destiny ."

" What about the time when I saw you in my school hallway ?"

" I have always looked after you with my spiritual body . But that day you could clearly see me , due to which I had to return to my physical body .Your powers were growing , that was the reason you could see me . There wasn't a single day that I didn't come to look at you . Sometimes I'd bring Daisy along and that is how she knows some things about you , like your favorite food , color , etc ."

After this long explanation , Naira walks over to the kitchen and brings a small wooden box . " What is that ?" Daisy was impatient about what that box was or what that box had . " It's something Mira and Zayden wanted her to have . Here , open it ." Scarlett badly wanted to know what it was , but she decided to open it alone in the night .

" You were saying the village's location has been compromised . Is it safe to live here then ? " Scarlett was concerned . " Yes dear , don't worry . I realized the village hasn't been compromised , it was you they managed to find . That's another reason why I gave you the concealment potion , so sleep without any worries ." Scarlett was relieved hearing that .

While Naira and Daisy talk about something , Scarlett yawns , which makes Naira and Daisy realize that she is tired and needs to sleep . They both leave and Scarlett takes the box to the bedroom .

There she opens the box . It had a baby photo of her with her parents . Looking like it was taken right after Mira's delivery . Hot tears flowed down her eyes as she touched the photo and felt the happiness her parents were feeling .

The next thing was a necklace , with intricate golden works and a beautiful glow . It looked like something carved out of rich stones and designed by a talented jeweler . She finds a letter under the necklace .

[ Dear Scarlett ,

Well I hope that is what you've been named . We left a tag with that name for you when we dropped you off at someone's foyer . We had been watching them for a while and learnt that they were very kind humans and had problem with conceiving . We thought you would be the best gift to them . Forgive us for giving you up but it was a necessity at that moment .

Since you're reading this letter , I assume you're in Zeldia and that me and your father are dead . Things might start getting ugly for you . Being hunted , no knowledge of how the supernatural world works , finding out you're one of them too . But , you are capable of facing everything thrown at you and coming out victorious .

There's a book in the box which will guide you through your powers. No one can help you learn about your powers because Phoenixes are very rare and a Unix is something people haven't seen in centuries or maybe millenniums. The book will not be able to help you much either because it consists information on phoenixes not A Unix .

We love you and be strong . Everything will fall into place by itself and you'll feel better . Trust you allies , they will be the only weapon you have again your enemies .

~ Mother and Father]