
The Secret Of Garneta

Every night, Garneta Tambayong likes to take a walk alone. Whether it's around her neighborhood, sitting alone in the park, or just going out to listen to the sound of crickets. She considers it her routine. At first, everything was going well before a handsome guy came into her life and claimed to be cursed to be a Cat. To get rid of the curse, there are nine missions that the two of them must carry out according to what is written in the old magic book. The problem is, Garneta has Alzheimer's disease. A disease that makes her always forget the events of every second. Not to mention she has to deal with her annoying neighbors, as well the sudden presence of a scary gang leader. Success destroying his life. "Human nature is forgetful, except for something that fills the space of his heart."

Nyakniku · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

2. Fun night

"Hey!" called Garneta casually from behind.

"He came by himself without looking for it."

Spontaneously it made her laugh out loud without any fear, "There's only one tooth left, don't be a badass," she teased while sticking out her tongue.

The two thugs looked angry when Garneta casually spoke like that. But soon her face changed again. This time she had to be careful.

Take it easy, Neta. These thugs are just like that. she thought.

"You're a girl with no manners!" another thug scolded. This time his teeth were intact, but his head looked like a professor's.

"Manners, what did you say?" Garneta chuckled and shook her head, "My parents taught me to respect those older than me," she continued, deliberately pissing off the two thugs. She was going to act like a bitchy girl.

"I'm old," the bald thug replied innocently.

Hearing that answer made Garneta's lips twitch with laughter. But a few seconds later, she finally laughed until she sat limply on the road, "You realize?"

"Shit! You're looking for death!" snapped the thug who didn't accept being humiliated by a woman.

"I'd rather die. Instead of you looking for illicit money that will later be given to his children. Don't you feel sorry for me?" she replied wisely. She didn't care about the lives of these thugs. Let's just say it was a pep talk before the fight started.


Garneta was getting ready to put on her horse's legs. But before he fought, his eyes glanced at the man who was already lying on the ground. She felt guilty when she saw the wounds on his face. If only she had come to his aid sooner.

But... Ah, never mind. It was better for her to help late than never, right?

The fight was inevitable. Two against one. The two thugs relentlessly pulled out various moves. But none of them hit Garneta. Not even a single punch hit her body. Instead, the bodies of the two thugs were battered by the beautiful girl.


No, it wasn't Garneta who shouted. It was a group of men who had just arrived. Each carrying a large motorcycle. Suddenly the two thugs ran away in fear. Just as Garneta was about to chase after them, one of the men from the group grabbed her wrist.

"Let go!" he snapped angrily. It should be noted that she was not an easily touched girl. She hated it when anyone made physical contact with her. Especially if it was a man.


"I SAY RELEASE!" shouted Garneta angrily with a red face. She almost kicked him in the stomach if she didn't remember that it would only add to the problem.

"Okay-okay. Calm down. Who are you?" the man asked curiously. It was obvious from his face. Garneta remained silent, not saying a word. Her eyes were busy circling the group that was busy helping the man she helped earlier. She seemed to know who they all were. A motorcycle gang that was quite famous in her area.

"Hey? I was talking to you," the man said again to no response.

Garneta's eyes widened in surprise when she saw one of the groups. Oh, God! This is bad. Don't let that guy see her here. It will be dangerous for him. No, no! She had to get out of here as quickly as possible. But before she left, she had something to say.

She looked at the man in front of her with piercing eyes. Unbeknownst to her, his gaze was making her heart beat twice as fast.

"Tell your friend. Men should be strong, not weak. How can you protect the one you love if you're exhausted like this?"

Without another word, he ran as fast as he could. Leaving the man with one painful word. She had to leave quickly before everything came to light.

"Garneta." The man who was still where he was after Garneta left spontaneously turned to the source of the voice, "That girl, Garneta. Garneta Tambayong." a smirk was etched on his sexy lips. It didn't matter where her friend knew the girl's name, what mattered was that she already knew it.

She would remember that name until the universe brought them together again.

Garneta thought, once she left that place, everything would go back to normal. But her expectations were reversed as a cat with white fur kept following her. Her intention to climb the guava tree was dashed. How could she leave such a cute cat behind? But on the one hand, she couldn't possibly let it in.

"What's wrong with you?" she massaged her throbbing forehead. Don't let her high blood pressure flare up here. It was enough that she had helped that frail young man who had to sacrifice his routine. But now lo and behold, this cat came at a bad time.

she massaged his throbbing forehead. Don't let his high blood pressure flare up here. It was enough that he had helped a weak young man who had to sacrifice his routine. But now lo and behold, this cat came at an inopportune moment.

"I don't have a rich face. So don't expect me to feed you." Garneta tried to shoo the cat away even though she didn't have the heart. But the cat didn't seem to want to move from its spot.

"Oh my God Cat! I'm already sleepy. I'm tired, I'm tired! So don't mess with me," she shouted in frustration. But wait a minute, wasn't this the same cat she had met before? She squatted down and took in every detail of the cat's body shape. She shook her head briefly, "Ah, no. That white cat is a girl. It's a boy," she muttered under her breath.

As it was getting late, the beautiful girl was forced to take the white cat inside with her. Tomorrow she would figure out how to get rid of the adorable animal. But apparently, sleeping with a cat wasn't such a bad thing.