
The Secret of Author

hemant_yogi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter ;- 2

The sky is covered with thick clouds, there is a loud sound of thunder from the clouds.

Which, like other people, attracts Mariko's attention to the sky, then light rain drops start falling on the earth leaving Mariko.

Due to which the crowd starts moving here and there to avoid getting wet from the rain.

Suddenly Then many Rolls royce cars stop together in a queue.

All eyes are on those cars, and security tells everyone to stay away in loud noises so that no guest gets into trouble.

The drops of water have now taken the form of rain, a handsome man quickly gets down from the car, opens the door of another car and at the same time opens the umbrella and stands by the door.

A wave of happiness runs in the eyes of all the news reporters and the people standing there as if they have got what they were eagerly waiting for.

A charming young man emerges from the car, surrounded by security guards from all sides as well as a news reporter, the sound of their cameras passing through the campus.

Everyone just wants to touch, see, or take a photo with that person, Some people also get success in this, some start moving towards brooklyn college conference venue along with that person with hopeful eyes.

In spite of all this, Mariko was also watching this very carefully, Seeing the man walking down the Mariko red carpet on a rain-wetted floor, she also follows him, Dr. Dan and some senior officers greet the man at the entrance, as well as everyone inside towards the press conference.

They leave, but because Mariko can't see the person properly, she follows them in a curious way and runs inwards. but Due to the large number of crowd, Mariko can't reach near the stage.

and "Dr.Dan addresses everyone, introduces that person to everyone, and says welcome today to the well-known author Ban Takashi among us, today he will release his new book with us and also one by one from all of us will get to know.

Once again welcome author Ban takashi with loud applause.

"Ban Takashi this stage belongs to you".

The whole atmosphere reverberates with thunderous applause, Ban Takashi says looking at the love and respect for himself in everyone's eyes, "I salute all of you who gave me so much love, so much support to my stories for this. Greetings all of you again."

"And that's why today I present to you all, my new book "After the Apocalypse and the Rise of the Castle Clan" which is a fictional story."

And that's why today I present to you all, my new book "After the Apocalypse and the Rise of the Castle Clan", which is a fictional story.

Then the cover page of the book appears on the big screen, then Ban Takashi asks everyone and says, "tell me how is the first look of my new book".

A wave of happiness runs everywhere, everyone becomes happy. Ban Takashi's name starts shouting spreading everywhere, everyone starts congratulating him, everyone wants to read that book and want to know about her.

And asks, when will we get this to read, then only ban takashi says, "just a few days and about a week, but today everyone can talk to me or else can ask questions about this 50th book (After the Apocalypse and the Rise of the Castle Clan",) and or about me anything that all you want to know?"

With this, he meets and talks with his fans like this till the day.

Mariko's attention remains on Ban Takashi, after which Ban Takashi begins meeting with reporters, while like Mariko and many of his intern begin a conversation with Ban Takashi, asking a variety of questions about their

Personal and professional life?

how he came in this writing profession?

About his upcoming and previous projects?

How he feels after his First book getting famous?

Some insights about How to be an Author or writer?

So all the questions were being asked in many ways, because it was a part of their apprenticeship. Mariko was still silent, then the Dr.Den said that Mariko, "you should also ask your questions" But Mariko's attention is elsewhere, now dr den calls her again then she gets distracted

And she suddenly asks a different question, which she had read in the newspaper of the person sitting in the coffee shop while coming to the college event in the morning by taxi.

"asks did you read this morning's newspaper? ".

Ban Takashi - replied "saying I didn't understand anything? "

she says "let me simplify this question for you".

"Are you the writer of that famous Secret Author of The Multi-universe ?"

he smiling, denied the statement.

with this it Ban Takashi finished his conversation starts going from there towards escape the press conference.

Mariko shouts and says "are you hiding something? "

Ban takashi looks behind the turn and smiles.

and sits in his car to get out of there.