
8. A chance!

Hazel's pov

"But how can they just reject?"

"What have they written?" He asked

I again read the paper

"Its written there is no specific reason for the divorce" I said

"They are right"

"How can you be so relax Henry?"

"Because I already knew this will happen" He said

"And how you knew?" I asked folding my arms

"I just knew" He said

"Henry I am not getting this. Why you want to continue this relation? This divorce will give you profit as well as after divorce Alice can come back then why are you doing this?"

He sighed

"Hazel I know what I am doing and I Haven't forced you right? I given you the permission to file a divorce and About Alice I know she is never gonna come back even after divorce I know her very well" he said

"What type of love is this?"

"Our love is like this only but Hazel try to understand I know you hate me you don't want this relation but can't you just give it a chance like I am giving? I know its not easy to replace someone from heart but how can you still love the person who ditched you, betrayed you?" He said I was in tears by now

"It's not easy to forget Henry" I said

He held my hands in his.

"I know its not easy and I am not saying you to do it today only but Hazel you can at least try right? Nothing is difficult time heals everything, please think about my words" he said looking straight in my eyes

"I am ready" I said unknowingly

"Are you sure?" He asked

"Yes because I want to throw him out of my heart and mind" I said while he smiled

"I am glad to hear" he said freeing my hands

He again starts eating his food so I.

"I want to say something else as well"

"What?" He asked

"I want to work in your office as an employee" I said


"Yeah I mean I can't just stay at home I will go mad as there is nothing to do expect of watching tv or using mobile. I can't even do the house chores, I can't even make food as maids and servants are there to do"

"Ok You can but not as an employee"


"As my assistant or...yeah you can be a model of my company"

"I and model? Are you even serious?"

"Yes I am why will I joke around? You can be the model of my company its a great opportunity for you"

I thought for a moment

"I will think about it"

"Sure take your time but now I have to go as I have a very important meeting" he said standing up

"You can use the laptop to pass your time, it has no password you can use that" he said wearing his blazer

"Ok" I said while giving me a small smile he left


I am sitting in my room watching a romantic movie. I love horror movies but being alone in this mansion and after last night incident I can't take a risk so I guess romantic will be better.

The scenes in the movie reminded me about our sex session happened 2 days ago but I tried to divert my mind totally. The scenes were the same. The boy pinned her to the wall kissing her hard. I felt electric currents reminding the scenes.

As the movie was finished I closed the tab and was shocked as previous tab was full of porn videos


I closed the laptop immediately. How can he watch such things god!

Henry's pov

I am sitting in my office reading some documents. Suddenly The door opened revealing Alice.

"I want to talk to you" she said closing the door with a thud

"What?" I asked getting up

"Why you did this to me?"

"What have I done?"

"Seriously you are saying you have done nothing? Henry you betrayed me"

"I haven't Alice I told You I was helpless-"

"Helpless huh? You know what you think I am a fool I should have thought this before. She was your childhood friend and your parents always wanted you to marry her and I guess you too as well wanted the same. I just want to know why were you with me if you never wanted to marry me if you never loved me" she was shouting on me

"Its nothing like that Alice-"

"Its like that only stop fucking lying to me"

"Alice listen to me calm down"

"No I won't just give me the answer why have you done this just give me the fucking answer"

"Yes I wanted this. I was the one who married her because I love her" I finally said

She was shocked

"I knew this, why were you with me then?" she asked in tears

"I know I have done wrong but I just wanted to....I don't know why have I done this" I said as I can't tell her the truth

"But I know. You just wanted to use me nothing else" she again shouted on my face but I stayed quite because I know I am at fault "You know what you are a fucking looser and I hate you so much" saying so she left

I sat back on my place. Finally her chapter is over. I smirked as everything is going according to the plan. I was the one who told them to reject the divorce application and now she accepted to give this relation a chance. Everything is happening the way I want.

I entered in my room changing my clothes. I looked for my laptop. I guessed Right she is using

I went towards her room. I knocked the door but no one answered I entered inside to see her watching something on laptop

She was lost.

I went near her with a baby steps and there I was shocked as she was watching porn video


Why I haven't closed the tab?
