
3. Divorce

Hazel's pov

I wake up with a heavy headache as last night was full of tears. I still can't believe I am Mrs. Evans not Roberts.

All my dreams everything I thought about us is being ruined. I picked up my phone dialing Levi's number but it was switched off

I was going towards the washroom to change my dress but

"Where is my suitcase?" I looked around everywhere but there was nothing, yes I am still in a bridal dress

I came out going towards his room as I was going to enter he suddenly opened the door. I collided with him and lost my balance

He held me before I could fall. He looked at me for a few seconds.

"Can't you see?" He asked being irritate

Am I going to live like this only?

"I am sorry" he made me stand on my place

"What you want?" He asked

"I am not able to find my suitcase do you know where it is?" I asked

"I forgotten to pick it up from the jut I will tell my guard till then-" he stopped

He went inside his room, after of a few seconds he came back

"Wear this till then" he said

I looked at the shirt and the trouser as it was of his size. I didn't complained as this is better then the heavy dress I am wearing

"Thanks" I left

I came out from washroom as soon as I was out I saw him he turned around immediately as I was in just a towel.

"I am sorry" he said

"It's ok"

"Actually I wanted to say I am going to office you can tell The maid about your breakfast and dinner she will make whatever you want to eat and yeah your suitcase will be here by evening" he said


He was going out but stopped he turned towards me taking fast steps I was shocked. I starts taking steps to backward

He bent down picking up the photo frame which was fell on the floor

"I know this room is yours but that doesn't mean you can throw away my things" he said

I remember last night I was angry so I threw everything away.

"I am sorry" I said in a low voice as I was scared

He left along with the frame.

I released the breathe I was holding from a long time.

I came out down I was wearing his shirt only which was till my half thigh as the trouser was very long. I came down

Fuck! He is still here before I could run back he caught me, he ignored focusing on his food

I sighed and went towards the table.

"What would you like to eat mam?" The maid asked

"Just an omelet with a bread" I said

I was going to sit but he again looked at me this time from head to toe. He coughed all of a sudden

I given him the glass of water while he drink in a go as he was back normal he again start eating

I sat back waiting for the food. I was again and again looking at him

"Why aren't you wearing the trouser?" He asked

"Uhm, it was very long" I said

He rolled his eyes

"Fine" he said

I start eating my food quietly. What I thought the first lunch I will do with Levi will full of talks, romance and laughs but here everything is completely opposite

Fuck my life!

"Here is the credit card. You can go for shopping if you need anything" he said giving me the card

"But I don't know any place here"

"The driver will go with you and he knows everything here" he said and I nodded

I hesitantly took the card from his hand while he stood up to leave

"Kindly change your clothes before I come back" he said and left

I eat the rest of my lunch.


It night time I am watching a movie as there is nothing else to do in this empty house. Today I got to know the value of a small house.

You have a lot of peoples to talk in that small house rather than having a big mansion with almost no one

I listened the voice of a car. I stood up went towards the hall. As he entered inside he saw me

Fuck I was still in his shirt! I forgotten to change

He looked at me from head to toe rolling his eyes

"I said you to change!" He said putting the bag on the table

"I forgotten"

"Yeah I can guess" he said taking off his tie

"Are you hungry? Should I serve the dinner?" I asked

He was opening the first button of his shirt but listening to my words he stopped. He looked at me for a while

"What you just said?"

"Are you hungry should I serve you-"

"What you think is going on? You are no one to serve me remember and about dinner I will eat whenever I want" he said leaving the place

I got tears in my eyes but controlled


An hour later I knocked on his door.

"Come in" I entered inside

He didn't looked at me his eyes were plastered on the laptop screen

"What you want?"

"I want to talk about something important" he looked at me

He sighs.

I looked at myself

Not again

"Uhmm I...." I was short of words

"Whatever say" he said

I went towards him. I was playing with my fingers.

"I want divorce" I finally said

He looked at me with a shock


"Yeah, I mean neither you want this relation nor I so better end this and don't worry I won't let anyone know about the divorce" I tried to make him understand

He closed the laptop getting up. He came near me

"You thing marriage is a game?" He asked

"I know it is not but still I can't live with you not after knowing that you love someone else I just can't ruin anyone's life" I said

"Seriously and whom you think will be ruined?"

"Alice" I said

"How do you know her?" He asked being shocked

"She is Levi's sister" he was shocked

"This can't be the truth" he said taking a step backward

He didn't knew?
