
Hi I'm No One

Hi there i'm name is Justin Lakewood and this is my story. I have a mom a dad, and a little sister. There names are Jenna, Jacob, and Jessica Lakewood. And Dad is a gray wolf Mom is a eagle and Jessica was 2 years younger then me. When I was born I had two different eye colors. They were Blue(right eye) and yellow(left eye) andJessica had yellow eyes. My parents were loving and caring until I was 5 years old. Usually at the age of 4 or 5 you would get you ears and tail or your wings or fins and gils or maybe a mixs if you were a hybrid. I had no ears, tail, nor wings. That meant I was not a wolf nor a eagle. If I was not a wolf or a eagle then I was nothing. My parents tought that my ears, tail, or wings were just not ready. So they took me to the hospital to see if I would get my wings or ears and tail. The doctor came back to say that I would probably never get my wings or ears and tail.