
Chapter 351: The wedding ? 3

"It's funny how our love story started. We didn't even like each other. I was your apprentice and you were my boss. I just needed you to ask a girl out for me because I was not that free with a woman. I never even liked you or loved you, but we found ourselves stuck with each other and you even pretended to be my wife. That was when I started realizing I wanted you to be my real wife. I wanted a warm-hearted woman to be in my life. I won't deny the fact that you liked money {all the crowd burst into laughter} and was too stubborn. I Raymond promises to be your guiding light in the darkness, a warm comfort in the cold, and a shoulder to lean on when life is too much for you to bear on your own all the days of my life." Raymond stated.

"Well, you have said all I wanted to say. I was too stubborn to admit or realize my feelings sooner. I was too naive. Putting all that aside, I Daisy promise to be your honest, faithful, and loving wife for the rest of my days." She promised, a tear escaped from her eyes.

"By the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The priest stated.

Daisy ran to Raymond and wanted to take the lead when he bent her over.

"Daddy kiss mommy!" Ryan screamed. Mrs. Louis ran to him and closed his little eyes, followed by Gwen, who closed the little bride's eyes.

"You move too fast. I am your husband." Raymond said softly and removed her veil. She looked stunning under the veil, with her well-refined make-up and beautiful, tempting lips.

Raymond closed his eyes and crashed his lips on hers, kissing her softly.

"Woohoo!!" The crowd cheered, including Richard, who was the happiest. Elena leaned closer to him.

"They look good together." Elena muttered.

"Yes, they do. I can't wait for our wedding," Richard replied.

Mr. and Mrs. Kingston were smiling because their son was smiling on his wedding day for the first time. And was ready to kiss his bride in front of them.

The priest tapped Raymond on the back.

"It's okay, sir, your son also wants to see. You can have a French kiss at home, but keep it low-key." The priest whispered.

Raymond groaned and let go of Daisy. 

All the crowd started applauding.

Mrs. Kingston was crying as she pushed her husband towards Raymond and Daisy. 

"Raymond, my son, will you find a place in your heart to forgive us? We were so blinded by money that we ignored your feelings, Mr. Marcus was blackmailing us to give him his money back..." Mr. Kingston cut in.

"And I was too greedy to give him back." Mr. Kingston added.

"I have forgiven you guys, I just want you guys to accept my wife and child," Raymond stated as Ryan ran to them and held his hand.

"We already have, Daisy. I am sorry for all I put you through and the abusive words I used on you." Mrs. Kingston apologized.

"I have forgiven you; it's all in the past now," Daisy assured.

Ryan glared at Mrs. Kingston.

"Does this mean she is my grandma?" Ryan inquired.

"Yes." Daisy and Raymond chorused.

"Evil grandma," Ryan stated and ran away.

They all burst into laughter.

"Don't worry, he will come around," Daisy assured.

"I know how to win his heart." Mrs. Kingston beamed.

All the girls in the crowd stood, including Gwen, who was ready to push anyone out of her way as Daisy stood in the middle of the hall and threw her bouquet of flowers into the air.

Gwen pushed a girl away and wanted to catch it when it landed on Elena's hand.

"Shit!" Gwen groaned.

"Don't worry, babe, we will get married." Mr. Josh assured.

They all took millions of pictures together, including the bride and groom.

After the wedding, they all went to the after-party at night, while Mrs. Louis took Ryan to their new house.

Raymond and Daisy were wearing matching outfits.

"Why do we have to come here?" Daisy inquired.

"It's all Richard's doing," Raymond replied.