
Chapter 155: Rape 2

"Who are you? You don’t sound like Daisy." Raymond stated, and Sofia opened her eyes wide in surprise as Raymond attempted to switch on the lamp.

She pushed him to the side of the bed and tried to run out of the room when he held her hand and dragged her by the waist. He pulled her closer to his chest. She was trying to break free, but he held her tightly. He switched on the light and she put her hands in her face.

Raymond removed her hand and realized it was Sofia.

"What the fuck are you doing in my room? Are you trying to take advantage of me?" he asked bluntly.

"Looks like the drug didn’t have much effect on him." She muttered.

"Which drug did you drug me?" He asked.

"No we didn’t." she muttered, closing her mouth immediately.

"Did you say you were two? Who is your accomplice?" he inquired.

He realized that he was still holding her and immediately let go of her. She squatted to pick her dress up from the floor. Raymond stepped on the dress, and she quickly ran out of the room in her bra and pants.

Raymond shut the door immediately and sat on his bed. He couldn’t sleep as he rested his head on the bed.

It was morning, and Raymond quickly jumped down from the bed and ran outside his room.

He suspected his mother of being Sofia’s accomplice. He walked to her room and started banging on the door.

She groaned.

"Who is that?" she asked as she got up from her bed and opened the door. Her hair was messy as she stared at him.

He pushed his way into her room.

"What is wrong, son?" she asked as he showed her his back.

She closed the door and stood in front of him.

"Mum, I can’t believe you can stoop so low that you plan with Sofia so she can rape me?" he stated, and her eyes widened. She started staring at her finger.

"I don’t know what you are talking about." She shrugged.

"You don’t know what I am talking about? Is this a joke to you? " He asked irked as he smashed the mirror in her room, with his hand. His hand started bleeding. She held his hand immediately.

"You are bleeding." She muttered, trying to get the first aid kit.

"Stop it, mum, stop pretending it doesn’t suit you." He remarked.  

She didn’t answer him as she put the first aid kit on the bed.

"Why will I pretend you are my son." She muttered.

"So I am your son now? You didn’t think that I was your son before you planned to do those stupid things to me with Sofia." He said, clenching his fist.

"I am sorry," she apologized, trying to grab his hand. He shook his head and raised his hand.

"Don’t ever talk to me." He stated and dashed out of the room before Mrs Kingston could utter a word.

He walked down the stairs of the house as Mr Josh ran up to him. He sighed as Mr Josh stared at his hand.