
The Second Time Traveler- LTT Book Two

This is Book 2 of Lizzy The Time Traveler. Ashera Clearsword. That's my name. I am the daughter of the Queen of the Kingdom of the Rainbow Sands. One day, I was out in the woods and a creature attacked me, knocking me out. When I awoke, there was a man there. He said that if I do one small thing for him he will grant me eternal life. That small thing was murdering my parents.

AyakoTatsunishi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

The Run

After a time, it was finally time to leave this place. I was found by Brom in the dead of night, who told me they were leaving and to get up quickly. I wasn't too sure how he found me; it wasn't like I was in the farmhouse, I was in the forest lounging on a tree. But he did and now, we are running for our lives. I had called to Phantom and Nissy, who both came, and Teardrop rested on the top of my head. Now, we were somewhere in a forest near the town of Therinsford. They had ventured in and purchased horses for the two of them and then we left.

Brom had offered to buy Phantom a horse as well but he politely declined, instead sitting with me on Nissy. We left that town, heading to Yazuac and encountered Urgals. Eragon panicked and used a spell, Brisingr, to light his arrow to defeat the Urgals that attacked him.

During that battle, I was darting around the field as fast as I could, trying to beat up as many Urgals as I could handle. Once I began, Phantom also went around, however, his movement was more calm. I began wielding my sword, using both hands gripping the handle. I've noticed that when I do so, I can put more power into the swings.

The battle finished quickly, but Brom was still injured like it said in the books, and Eragon still used the spell. Eragon insisted that Brom rode Saphira, and, though he protested, he did so. At one point during the journey, we found Seithr Oil and Brom redirected our course to Teirm, where an old friend of his lived.

He also asked for me to help him train Eragon in the ways of the blade. I consented and together we helped train Eragon to become someone very powerful. At least, powerful early on. When we got to Teirm, I pardoned myself, saying I was finished travelling but that I may come back one day to check up on them.

"But how'll you know where we are?" Eragon asked me.

"I have my ways." I gave Brom a conspiratorial grin and he nodded.

"She is correct. There are many ways she can find you. Goodbye Ash." I gave him a light embrace and whispered to him.

"I will miss you, my friend."

"I'd say I hope to see you again but I know that is unlikely." He replied, just as quiet.

"Goodbye Eragon. I do hope you have a good life." I smiled to him and took a deep breath. I have not used a spell in the Ancient Language before so hopefully this works. "Atra gülia un ilian tauthr ono un atra ono waíse sköliro frá rauthr." Silence followed my words.

"That was good of you to do." Brom spoke up first.

"Thank you."

"Now, I believe we should get going." Phantom said.

"Yeah, yeah. Goodbye you three." Eragon and Brom nodded. Phantom, Nissy, Teardrop and I turned and left them.

Once we were out of sight, I opened the portal to the next world.


"Hm?" I turned to Phantom.

"Been a while."

"Huh? Oh. Yeah." We were back in the world I had made, oh so long ago. "Welcome back home."

"Glad to be back." He smiled and headed to the small cottage. "I wonder..." He went upstairs to the loft where he had slept as a child and I followed. Phantom walked over to the place where the floor met the wall in a corner. He pried up one of the boards and pulled out a little doll.

"What's that?"

"You don't remember?" He chuckled, tossing it at me. I caught it and noticed a small little rip in the seam, revealing flowers inside. "This is one of the first gifts you gave to me."

"I remember now." I said softly. Phantom, at least at first, was quiet and distant except for at meal time, so I labored for a while, gathering sweet-smelling flowers and conjuring up cloth as well as a needle and thread. I had carefully made the small bunny doll and given it to him. He had smelled the flowers and saw the small toy and his eyes had lit up. After that, he dragged that little thing everywhere he went, going to gather plants? Bunny went too. Getting sticks for a fire? Bunny came with. As a result, it got so beat up I gave up on fixing it and made the flowers stay eternally and the cloth immune to tears. It still got dirty, of course, but I no longer had to keep fixing it.

"Yeah... I never named him, did I?"

"No." I smiled. "You didn't. Just dragged him around and cried when I had to wash him." I laughed, seeing Phantom's face grow flushed.

"Hey!" I laughed harder.

"Want to have one more meal? Just like old times?"

"Sure." He smiled, blush fading, slowly. "Make that first meal again. It'll bring our experiences come full-circle."

"Alright." I smiled in return. "Want to gather with me?"

"Can't you just conjure them?"

I laughed again. "I could, but what happened to bringing our experiences full-circle?"

"Ah. Well, let's go then." I snickered.

"Change first."


"Actually, first, we should release the glamour."

"Thank you." He smiled. "I'd like my hair back." I giggled and move my hand in an off-hand gesture, releasing the glamours on the two of them. Nissy turned back and so did Phantom. I allowed my wings and horns to reappear. My change wasn't a glamour, not really, so it was a bit different. My hair faded into a new color, one similar to that of the ocean. The hair color my Goddess gave me was like that of the sky on a sunny day, but now, I chose one that looked a lot like the ocean. It even had the foamy white at the ends. I left the eyes, I really did like that color, and the outfit. I had put back on the first outfit I wore in the world of Eragon on the day we left. Phantom had picked a white shirt and light grey pants, ones not suitable for messing around in the dirt. "Pretty."

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Anytime." He chuckled and caught the outfit I tossed at him. It was the one he wore when we went to Eragon's world. "Thanks." He went back up to the loft to change. Once he finished, I told him what I'd gather and he said he'd get the rest.

"Let's get going." Phantom nodded and we left, wandering my little world for the majority of the day. We met back up when the sun neared the horizon.