
The Second Gambit

“Let go of the illusion that it could have been different.” ------- Atlas stood there at the end of the world, his peers and family all lying dead beneath him. The sky in front of him seemed to have shattered, remnants of the two moons seemed to float around as the stars around him slowly died. Thud. Thud. Footsteps could be heard across this barren wasteland. “How unfortunate.” That was the last thing Atlas Silverthorne heard before succumbing to his injuries and falling to the ground. … Clap! Clap! Atlas Silverthrone knew and learned many things during his life, but he also knew that when one dies, they aren't supposed to hear loud thunderous clapping…nor feel the soles of his feet starting to cramp. ‘…the fuck?’ ———-

TiredViolinist · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Orientation (2)

A boy with soft, curly brown hair approached the podium with a confident smile and captivating eyes. As he ascended the stairs to the microphone, an air of charisma enveloped him, drawing the attention of those around him.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Instantly, drones buzzed around him, projecting his face onto large screens for all to see. He paused, took a small breath caught by the microphone, and began speaking in a warm, poised voice, "Fellow students and esteemed faculty, a warm welcome to all."

The stadium fell silent, captivated by his words.

Atlas noted that most of their gazes lingered on the boy's face. 'Tch. I'm not that bad myself,' he thought, wishing for a mirror.

'Why hasn't this face ever charmed anyone?' Atlas sighed.

"I am honored to stand before you as your student council president for this school year," the boy continued. "As your student president, I am here to serve and represent you. My name is Keys Halls, class of 2079, rank 1." He flashed a charming smile as cameras circled overhead and everyone cheered.

A girl with brown bangs to the side of Atlas leaned over to her tall neighbor and murmured upon seeing Keys Halls, "Wow, he's totally going to be my new wallpaper."

"Life can be so unfair, right?"

Meanwhile, Atlas, observing from the shadows, couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity and déjà vu.

He crossed his arms and nodded knowingly. From what he remembered, Keys Halls was the student president during Atlas' first year at Reign Academy, just like this time.

'Since everything is playing out exactly as I remember...' he thought, scanning a section of the encircling stadium for someone specific: Kai Blackwood. His attendance coincided with Atlas', making it impossible for him to not have bumped into him at least once before the war.

Not that he could forget him—Kai was the reason Atlas had lost everything. He still blames him for that.

Physically, Kai was far from human; even at school, he stood out from the rest. Onlookers couldn't help but often wonder and sulk, 'How can someone be like that?' He was someone one cannot even dream of becoming.

As Atlas searched through his memories, Keys' speech continued in muffled tones.

"I encourage you all to get involved with the many clubs and activities available here on campus..." Keys urged.

Atlas felt something amiss but couldn't pinpoint it yet. He'd already determined he wasn't an illusion nor a walking corpse and could confirm he was in the past. So, what could be wrong?

Something was strange.

His intuition wouldn't let up.

"Before we wrap up, I want to celebrate and applaud the exceptional individuals who impressed us with their outstanding performance in this year's entrance exam. Their hard work is truly inspiring! Let their success ignite a fire in each of you to strive for greatness..."


The pain in his feet momentarily subsided, and even the sun's rays seemed less bothersome.

'What was it...what was it?'

What exactly had happened that day that he was missing? Truthfully, it had been almost a decade since then, so it proved quite difficult to recall all the details.

"First and foremost, let's congratulate Raya Moonbringer, on her incredible performance, securing a well-deserved 3rd position overall!"

'Raya…' Atlas echoed within his head.

In his recollection, Atlas remembered Raya Moonbringer from his previous life. She was not only a prominent figure in the academy but also a formidable presence on the battlefield.

Atlas remembered the nickname she had earned: 'The Scarlet Viper.' The mere mention of this name made their own soldiers flinch, while weaker enemies would flee in fear.

Not that he ever fell victim to it…

He recalled her standing alongside Kai and a few others during the final fight.

Indeed, Raya's role in the future seemed significant. Atlas's mind started to meticulously record all the prominent figures he would encounter, relying on his memories from technically the future.

They held the key to his survival.

Amidst the eager crowd, a vibrant girl with fiery red hair stepped forward, beaming with pride. As she gracefully approached the platform, her infectious joy and excitement spread like wildfire, drawing cheers and admiration from her fellow students.

With each step, she exuded confidence and determination, waving to the cheering audience.

As she reached the edge of the stadium, a breathtaking moment ensued - a bridge of light seamlessly extended from the stadium to the floating platform in the middle; a testament to the extraordinary talents and innovations at this prestigious academy.

Raya's smile widened as she embarked on the illuminated bridge.

This pathway symbolized not only her academic achievement but also the boundless possibilities that awaited each student at this renowned institution.

Each student envisioned themselves walking on that bridge of light, reaching for their aspirations, and leaving their impact on the world.

It was just the beginning.

Atlas recalled having similar reactions to these students, picturing himself achieving greatness someday.

If only they knew.

His thoughts lingered on this feeling a little longer.

"Darnell Weston! For securing 2nd place overall!"

A nondescript individual walked to the edge of the stadium before an illuminated bridge presented itself to him as well.

Atlas tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for the individual who had scored first to reveal himself.

'Show yourself, you bastard.'

"Hey, do you know who secured first place?"

"I heard they must be incredibly talented."

The students huddled together, their whispers filled with excitement and curiosity. However, they seemed to steer clear of the white-haired student, avoiding direct interactions with them.

"And finally, Kai Blackwood for achieving first place!"

As Atlas remembered it precisely.

'That's him alright.'

A young boy with a neatly ironed uniform and charmingly disheveled dark hair stood among the sea of students. Exuding a subtle confidence, he raised his head, allowing sunlight to accentuate his bright red eyes.

"Please make your way to the platform."

A hushed silence engulfed the stadium as everyone's a contrast from the earlier applauses. All eyes were fixed on this enigmatic figure, curious to discover the identity of the brilliant mind who had earned the highest honors in the entrance exam.

Atlas stood there, holding his breath, as he stared at Kai. Each step Kai took towards the awaiting illuminated bridge seemed to echo loudly in his ears.

His heart pounded faster and harder with every step that Kai took.

'I feel like I'm forgetting something…?'

Atlas knew he had an above-average memory compared to his skills. He used to pride himself on it. It was probably his only above-average trait. However, a nine-year gap was indeed a significant period, and remembering every exact detail wasn't exactly simple.

The entire stadium fell into an eerie stillness as all eyes were fixated on the boy making his way to the stadium's edge. A complete hush enveloped the space, tense anticipation hanging in the air.

Kai Blackwood steadily crossed the bridge, joining the two others on the platform next to the podium. They stood shoulder to shoulder, a high presence radiating off their figures.

"Any words of advice or motivation for your peers?" Keys inquired, graciously offering his spot on the podium.

Raya Moonbringer promptly stepped forward, standing tall with a firm grip on the podium's sides. She let out a radiant smile through the screens, "Embrace your efficiency and imagination, forge strong bonds with others, and remember that loyalty and confidence will carry you far."

Clap! Clap!

Her words were met with polite applause from the students, but Atlas couldn't help feeling disgruntled. 'Loyalty and confidence my ass,' he thought cynically, as he found it hard to believe that those virtues alone would have prevented the end of the world.

He sighed deeply before refocusing his attention back on the individuals on the platform.

Despite the forgettable nature of most speeches, there was one that had left a lasting impression on Atlas. It wasn't Raya or Kai's words but rather of the individual who had placed second overall in the entrance exams, Darnell Weston.

As if on cue, Darnell ascended the podium where Raya had just left, and Atlas found himself amused by the upcoming comments.

Darnell Weston stepped up to the microphone, leaning in slightly with a mischievous grin as he uttered words that remained vivid in Atlas's memory to this day.

"Scoring high is commendable, but being at the top, like me, requires true genius. So take notes and aspire to be as exceptional as I am. I'm pretty cool, aren't I-."

Chuckling uncomfortably, Keys interjected, "That's enough for now. Let's hear from Kai next, shall we?" He gently ushered Darnell off the podium, trying to regain control of the situation as the crowd burst into laughter.

"Quite the character," Atlas mused to himself, a slight grin forming on his face.

Although these rankings reflect the current state of the academy, they are subject to change over time. Contributions, achievements, and personal growth throughout the year often influence the shifts in rankings, typically measured during school events or exam seasons.

Atlas couldn't help but wonder what happened to Darnell Weston after his stunt; perhaps he dropped in the rankings as he never saw him again.

The environment in the academy could be harsh to those who fell behind. In truth, staying at the top is the most challenging aspect of rank placements.

With a total of 2500 ranks for 2500 students attending the academy each year, there were plenty of opportunities available.

Finally, it was the moment everyone had been waiting for. Kai Blackwood took the stage, and the crowd hushed in anticipation. The students settled into a respectful silence, curiously awaiting Kai's words.

The drones, hovering above the vast stadium, fixated solely on Kai's figure.

'What did he say again?' Atlas pondered to himself, racking his memory to recall Kai's words. He was about to raise his hand to his chin when he abruptly froze, mid-motion.

Impatiently, the crowd leaned forward, even though screens all around were displaying the moment, offering a better view.

Yet Kai never got to say his words of advice and motivation.

At that very moment, Atlas Silverthorne's mind recalled a crucial detail that had transpired on this exact day.

He recalled sneaking out of the orientation early, right after Darnell Weston's speech, which meant he wasn't present for what happened afterward.

That was the reason he couldn't recall Kai's speech.

However, if what he heard a few days afterward was correct then-!

With a sudden sense of urgency, Atlas tore his gaze away from Kai and began scanning the audience frantically. He realized that while everyone's attention was fixated on Kai, it created the perfect window of opportunity for someone else.


In an instant, Atlas spun around, locking eyes with an individual donned in an academy uniform, holding an unidentifiable gun aimed at the platform a few rows above him.

Hey, what do you think? Any thoughts or feedback so far? Feel free to comment.

TiredViolinistcreators' thoughts