
The Second Gambit

“Let go of the illusion that it could have been different.” ------- Atlas stood there at the end of the world, his peers and family all lying dead beneath him. The sky in front of him seemed to have shattered, remnants of the two moons seemed to float around as the stars around him slowly died. Thud. Thud. Footsteps could be heard across this barren wasteland. “How unfortunate.” That was the last thing Atlas Silverthorne heard before succumbing to his injuries and falling to the ground. … Clap! Clap! Atlas Silverthrone knew and learned many things during his life, but he also knew that when one dies, they aren't supposed to hear loud thunderous clapping…nor feel the soles of his feet starting to cramp. ‘…the fuck?’ ———-

TiredViolinist · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Captive (3)

Unknown Location, White Room.

The world was falling—no literally.

Atlas's eyes glazed over as his surroundings flipped upside down.

The machine he was strapped to continued its disorienting motion until he almost lost consciousness.

"Next," a voice that always made sure to unnerve Atlas snapped him back to reality, shaking off his dazed state.

The clasps around his wrists and waist finally released him from the chair.

He stood up, stumbling his way toward the wall, and passed the man with orange hair. He reached out and supported himself on the stable surface, breathing heavily, clutching at his chest.

The beeping noises of the machine seem to ring in his ear.

'F*cking monster.'

How Kai had lasted 27 minutes in that torture machine was beyond Atlas' comprehension.

The machine was basically a chair with straps, trapping the person on there as it threw them in a continuous circular motion until they practically pass out.

In other words, a torture machine.

It's been three days, Atlas' thinks- since he arrived here. Today, they were finally escorted out of their cellar and forced into white uniforms before being dragged into another unfamiliar room.

Inside, they were subjected to some kind of test.

Their hell had truly started.

"Atlas, 19 minutes! Good job!" Mr. Davian's cheerful voice rang out as he scribbled on his clipboard.

The others on the wall stole a quick glance at Atlas before turning away, their expressions a mix of exhaustion and surprise.

The room soon returned to an uncomfortable silence, the beeping noises continued.

Atlas couldn't help but sigh; his time might have been more impressive if he had gone before Kai.

Sure, Atlas had endured his fair share of torture during the war, but that didn't mean he was immune to it now.

He turned his body to lean against the cold wall, crossing his arms as his gaze was fixed on the next unfortunate student who was called up.

The room exuded a harsh brightness, its white walls enclosing them like a snare.

The white tiled floor offered little comfort, a stark contrast to the situation they were in.

It offered no solace.

A water dispenser stood in the corner, a token of their captor's kindness, though they lacked the energy to get up and actually use it.

Against the walls, everyone waited, each passing second filled with dread as they anticipated their turn on the machine.

Exhausted and dazed, some had already reached their breaking point, their vacant stares fixed on a distant void.

The toll of this ordeal had rendered them unresponsive, lost in their own worlds.

The quiet repetitive whispers of 'mom' or 'home' had long ceased. No hand was willing to lend them out of this.

The air in the room felt heavy- suffocating.

Atlas remained unfazed by the sight, for he had witnessed it countless times during the war. They would call out, yearning for the comfort of home while drenched in the blood of their enemies.

No one ever came.

It was at that moment that someone approached him, bringing him back from the past.

"Water?" Kai asked as he offered Atlas his water bottle.

Of course, only Kai would have enough energy to get water.

Atlas stared at the water bottle for a moment, contemplating, before sighing and accepting it. He waterfalled it, the cool liquid providing a small respite from the tense atmosphere of the room.

"What do you think they're up to?" Kai asked, breaking the silence.

"Data," Atlas replied shortly.

Kai gave Atlas a curious look before sighing in agreement, "Yeah, probably."

They stood in silence for some time, each lost in their thoughts.

Then, Atlas's sharp voice cut across the quiet air, breaking the silence, "Give up."

Kai looked at him with a clueless expression, "Hm?"

"I know what you're doing. It's not going to work," Atlas said, his tone firm and slightly annoyed.

"What do you mean?"

When Atlas didn't respond Kai chuckled nervously, closing his eyes as he leaned on the wall, "I see, I got found out pretty quickly, didn't I?"

"It's obvious what you're up to. You're going to try to get close to me and then somehow rope me into helping you," Atlas stated matter-of-factly.

The silence stretched on, the only sound filling the gap being the mechanical hum of the spinning machine. Kai's eyes remained closed, contemplating Atlas's words.

"Your right, I do need your help," Kai confirmed as he reopened his eyes, tracing over to the spinning machine.


Atlas let out a tired sigh, "Get someone else."

"I can't do that."

"And why not?"

Kai faced Atlas, searching for the right words. "I can tell."

Atlas raised an eyebrow at Kai's assertion. "Tell what?"

Kai's smile disappeared, and a serious expression replaced it.

"You're experienced," Kai emphasized sternly. "It's in your stance, your movements. You're always on guard. That's not normal for a student."

Atlas frowned, both annoyed and surprised by Kai's observations.

'What an observant freak!' He thought, unaware his battle habits would betray him.

"Lend a hand, won't you?" Kai asked- for the third time, Atlas couldn't help but add as he stared at Kai's shy smile, his earlier expression nowhere to be seen.

Ignoring his weird behavior, Atlas was quiet for a while, debating his inner turmoil.

If he were to be involved not only would that have the possibility of affecting the outcome- it might also speed up the process.

The butterfly effect was a dangerous thing.


'Yes, a little help wouldn't hurt.'

He just needed to speed this whole escape thing up. He was tired of cold bread and soup. He felt that he might actually break if it continued. His actions won't be too important.

Plus, he'll just back away after this whole incident.

"Next~" Mr. Davian's voice called out.

Besides, every extra minute away from their captor, Mr. Davian, was a minute well-spent.

"Alright. I'll offer some assistance, but the rest is up to you."

"Thank you, Atlas." Kai smiled warmly.

Atlas couldn't help but make a face of disgust, knowing that Kai would only continue to bother him until he had agreed.

"What do I have to do."

Kai tapped for his hand which Atlas gave him.

Kai then hid it behind their backs while tracing his fingers in the middle of Atlas' palm.

Atlas's eyes widen at the contents of Kai's short message.

'Crazy bastard.'

It was then that someone else had approached them.

"Hey, Kai! My man, where have you been?" A tanned boy with brown colored hair approached Atlas and Kai.

Spotting Kai next to Atlas, he expressed surprise, "Oh, you actually managed to do it?"

Atlas gave him an incredulous look, "You're all in on it?"

"Nah, I knew Kai was going to keep pestering you, just didn't expect him to succeed this time," the boy replied casually.

"I see…" Atlas said skeptically as he eyed the newcomer.

Kai placed his hand on his hip and held his head with the other, saying, "Yes, Kane, Atlas will be in on our plan from now on."

"Great! Nice to have you aboard, Atlas." Kane exclaimed, offering him a handshake.

Atlas took it, though a bit reluctantly.