
Shadows of the Past

Ryo and Hana ascend the spiraling staircase once more, their breaths labored, their muscles aching from the intense trials. The tower is unrelenting, but they push forward, knowing there is no turning back. As they reach the next chamber, the air grows thick and cold, an eerie stillness settling over them.

The door opens into a large, dimly lit room. At first glance, the chamber appears empty, but as they step inside, the stone walls shimmer, and ghostly images begin to materialize before them. Ryo freezes, his heart skipping a beat as he sees a familiar face — his younger brother, standing in the center of the room.

"No…" Ryo whispers, his chest tightening.

Hana glances at him, confused. "What is it?"

Ryo takes a step forward, his mind spinning. His younger brother, who had died so many years ago, is standing there, smiling at him. It's impossible. He knows it can't be real, but the sight of him brings back a flood of memories and pain Ryo thought he had buried.

"This is a test of your past," the Manager's voice echoes around the room, cold and distant. "The ghosts of what haunts you will either break you or make you stronger. Face your demons, Scrapers, or be consumed by them."

Hana's hand tightens around Ryo's arm, pulling him back to reality. "It's not real," she says firmly, her eyes scanning the room. "They're just illusions."

But to Ryo, it feels real. His brother's image — the boy who died when Ryo was only five years old — looks so lifelike, so genuine. His brother's innocent eyes stare at him with a mix of love and sadness, a look Ryo hasn't seen since that tragic day.

"Ryo…" his brother says, his voice soft but clear. "Why didn't you save me?"

Ryo's heart twists in agony. He knows it's not real, but the words cut through him like a knife. Memories he had tried to suppress come flooding back — the day his brother drowned while playing by the river, the guilt he carried for not being able to help, for not doing more.

Hana steps in front of him, blocking his view of the illusion. "Ryo, focus," she urges. "This is a trick. It's trying to mess with your head."

Ryo shakes his head, his mind clouded with grief and guilt. The illusion of his brother takes a step forward, his small hand reaching out toward Ryo. "You could have saved me… Why didn't you?"

"Stop it!" Ryo yells, his voice breaking. His fists clench, shaking with the weight of his emotions. He wants to run, to escape this nightmare, but his feet feel rooted to the ground.

Hana grabs his arm, her voice sharp. "Ryo, listen to me. This is a test. They're trying to break you. You can't give in."

Ryo looks at her, his vision blurring with unshed tears. She's right. Deep down, he knows this is another trick, another trap set by the Crap Field to weaken him. But the pain feels so real, the guilt so overwhelming, that it's hard to push it away.

"I…" Ryo stammers, struggling to breathe. "I can't… I—"

Hana steps closer, forcing him to meet her gaze. "You can. You've come this far. You have to let go of the past, or it will destroy you. This isn't real. None of this is real."

Her words slowly penetrate the fog of Ryo's mind. He looks back at the illusion of his brother, his heart still heavy with guilt but his mind beginning to clear. This isn't his brother. This is a manipulation, a cruel trick designed to exploit his deepest fears and regrets.

Ryo takes a deep breath, steeling himself. "You're not real," he says quietly, his voice steadier now. "You're just a ghost. My brother is gone. He's been gone for a long time, and it's time I let him rest."

The illusion flickers, the ghostly figure of his brother shimmering as if made of mist. The boy's expression changes, the sadness in his eyes fading into nothingness. With one final flicker, the illusion dissipates into the air, leaving nothing behind.

Ryo's shoulders sag with relief, but the weight of his past lingers. Hana is right — he has to let go, or the Crap Field will tear him apart piece by piece.

Hana watches him closely, her brow furrowed with concern. "Are you okay?"

Ryo nods slowly, though his chest still feels tight. "Yeah. I'm okay." He glances around the room, noticing that other illusions have appeared for the remaining Scrapers — haunting figures from their pasts, each one carefully designed to exploit their emotional weaknesses.

Hana's gaze shifts to the corner of the room, her expression tightening. Ryo follows her line of sight and sees an older man standing there, his face hardened and cold. The resemblance is striking, and Ryo realizes this must be someone from Hana's past.

"Is that your…" Ryo starts, but Hana cuts him off.

"My father," she says quietly, her voice tense. She stares at the figure for a moment, her body rigid. "He wasn't a good man. He didn't care about me or my mom. He left us when I was a kid, and I haven't seen him since."

The figure of her father steps forward, his face twisted into a sneer. "You're weak, Hana," the illusion says, its voice dripping with contempt. "You've always been weak. That's why I left. You were never worth my time."

Ryo watches as Hana's fists clench, her body trembling with barely restrained emotion. He can tell she's fighting the same battle he just faced — the battle between past and present, between the ghosts of old wounds and the need to survive.

Hana takes a shaky breath, her eyes narrowing at the figure. "You don't control me anymore," she says, her voice growing stronger. "I don't need your approval. I don't need you."

The illusion sneers again, but Hana doesn't back down. With a defiant glare, she takes a step forward, her voice firm. "You're not real. You're just a shadow. And I'm not afraid of you."

The figure flickers, its sneer fading into a blank expression. Slowly, it begins to dissolve, its form breaking apart like dust in the wind. Within seconds, the illusion is gone, leaving Hana standing tall, her face set with determination.

Ryo exhales in relief. "You did it."

Hana nods, though her eyes are still dark with unresolved emotions. "We both did."

As the final illusion fades from the room, the door leading to the next level slides open with a low rumble. The air feels lighter now, the oppressive weight of the past lifting from their shoulders. They've passed the test.

Ryo and Hana exchange a look — one of mutual understanding. They both carry scars from their pasts, but they're still here, still fighting.

"Let's keep going," Hana says quietly.

Ryo nods, and together, they step through the door and begin the climb to the next trial. Each step feels like a small victory, but they know the hardest challenges are still ahead.