
The Scourge of All Monsters

Growing up on the streets with constant lurking danger, Jade was a girl who was obsessed with blood, weapons, death, and danger. A daredevil. On the day she dies, she finds herself being a baby all over again. However she isn’t in the same world. As the daughter of Ares, in the world of Percy Jackson, there’s just danger everywhere. And Jade loves it.

Madam_Sera · Livros e literatura
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The Devil that Lurks in the Shadows

The three men walked through the alleyway with no trouble. They looked like the typical shady men you wouldn't want to mess with on a dark night with nobody around.

One word for them: Gangsters.

"What'd he say the girl looked like?"

"Short black hair, black eyes, pale like snow, with a large scar from her left eye to the lower lip."

Suddenly a loud noise rang out. It was a gun. The bullet hit the tall man in the head. Before the other two could react, a shadow sprang out from the darkness and stabbed the short man in the back.

The one who seemed to be the leader had a calm face and held out a gun.

"So you're the one we're looking for. Hands up young lady. Your under arrest for murder."

The agent had been sent to the area because of all the mysterious deaths going on. When they had the description of the murderer, he had joined a gang to find the culprit and make an arrest.

Finally what resembled the shape of a woman emerged out from the shadow. Her face was beautiful even with the long scar on her face. Her sinister smile made the agent shiver.

"Agent Daniel Fox right? Talented rookie. Good at everything, especially fighting."

The woman threw a knife at him which sliced his cheek. It wasn't properly aimed at his head and Fox knew what the woman's purpose was.

"You just want a good fight don't you? Tell me, why waste your talents on killing people when you could use it for the greater good?"

Although the woman was still smiling, Fox could see the pain in her eyes. She lunged at him with a large knife in her hands. Fox took out his gun and tried his best to shoot her only for the gun to be knocked out of his hands and for him to fly to the wall.

"You don't understand how it is to actually be born on the streets do you? You've been born with rich parents, had a good life, friends surrounding you. You even have a family back at home."

Fox's eyes widened. He didn't expect her to know so much about his personal life.

"Too bad they're all gone now."

Fox froze and the woman took the time to kick him on the ribs and give a good slice on his left leg. Limping, Fox stood up again shaking in anger.

"W-was it you who killed them?"

The woman shrugged her shoulders and he lunged at her in anger. She easily dodged and jammed the knife at his back. Fox almost screamed in pain and but bit his tongue.

She abandoned the knife that was lodged in his back and stepped away, back into the shadows.

"No it wasn't me. I don't kill without a reason. If you really want to know, go ask them in Heaven."

She started to walk away from the scene only to feel a sharp pain.


The woman's eyes widened when she saw a blade through her chest. It was from the blade of a chained scythe. She coughed out blood as she fell to the ground on her knees.

Fox stood up as if nothing had ever happened.

"I'm a much more cruel person than you. Family is some thing I can sacrifice and it's hell not heaven."

The woman looked at him and then laughed.

"Right. How could I be so stupid? The shadow's shape back then was quite similar to yours. No wonder the faces of your wife and children were in such shock. They never expected their husband and father to kill them."

Fox grinned.

"I do anything for my job even if it is to create a fake family and kill them afterwards."

The woman took a more careful look at him, however no matter how much she looked she couldn't see his face. It was blurry and black.

Horns emerged from his head and wings sprouted from his back.

"What is your name?"

The woman looked at Fox. She almost laughed. The devil had personally came to visit her. Was it finally going to send her to hell to pay for all her sins?


She could feel it getting harder to breath as she lost more blood. Black spots covered her vision as it got harder to see the man.

"Truly, what a great loss. It's been the first time a human actually made me go this far. Well then Jade, as a reward for your win against me I will now-"

However before he could finish, Jade blacked out, her hands lifeless lay dropping to the side.