
The science and magic of a reincarnated genius

What happens when a scientific genius is sent to a world of magic? Gene is a scientific genius who is reincarnated in a world of magic and now armed with science and magic is slowly changing the world he was reincarnated to

F_Maestro · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Into the Fae Realm

Norn's POV

That familiar dark energy. I felt it once before. So are my suspicions true? Is Raphael the vampire queen? I mean she can use invisibility spells and the way she butchered that angel-like being, She definitely is the Vampire Queen. Good thing that gate opened when it did otherwise I would have followed suite.

...Where am I exactly? Am I outside? I am surrounded by such lush vegetation and it looks like I am in the middle of a very beautiful forest. Was I able to get outside or is this another floor? If it is another floor I will eventually find the door out, but I highly doubt this is a floor because it just feels so vast and very liberated.

The forest am In has such an odd sensation like it is alive. For some reason this place feels oddly familiar to me but how can it, I don't think I have ever lived here, or maybe I have I mean I do have a gap in my memory so maybe this is where I truly come from.

"Who are you?"

What was that, is somebody talking to me? Maybe am just hallucinating I mean I am pretty tired from my various encounters so far.

"...Answer us who are you?"

"Is somebody there?... If you can hear me, please show your face!"

"We are right in front of you, can you not see us?"

In front of me? How? are they invisible? All I see are various plants with unimaginable beauty... Ahhhh I also see quite the peculiar insects buzzing around.

"They have quite attractive bodies, Bathed with various fluorescent colour schemes. Truly a harbour of beauty. This land is very interesting."

"Are you listening to us you insufferable being? We asked who you are and where you came from?"

These hallucinations are getting worse, must be my hunger. Now that I mention it I am quite famished, how did I not feel this hunger before? ...Luckily for me this forest is quite packed with luscious fruits.

I can see quite the juicy berries on those bushes.

" Will you keep ignoring us? Well, if you insist on ignoring us, you will soon find out that all is not what it seems in this forest. And like the peasant you are you will come to beg for our help."

Okay, this voice is starting to irritate me.

" Let me dig into these big beautiful dark berries... They are very delicious. Oh, how I missed the taste of real food. I never knew berries can taste this good."

Now that I have had my feel I can continue with my journey.

" Look at this amateur, she has eaten the fallen seeds. She will surely die."

"Fallen seeds? Die?... What does that mean and why have the voices not disap-"

"... Where am I?"

"Looks like you are awake. Prepare yourself for you are about have an audience with the chancellor."

"Chancellor? and who are you?"

"That is not of importance, just make yourself presentable. I will come back to take you to the Fairy Council. I will take my leave now."

... Fairy council? Where exactly am I? I thought fairies were only myths. So they actually exist.

"Hello again looks like you did not die, well that's unfortunate. At least now you will learn not to ignore us."

The voices are back...

" ...Who, Who are you?"

" My siblings and I are but pixies."


"Yes, you should be very thankful to us for if we had not summoned that nymph you would have died."

"Looks like the fairy council is ready to receive you, we will talk soon bye"

The fluorescent specks that had filled the room have disappeared. Were they the pixies that were constantly talking to me? So what exactly are pixies?

"The chancellor together with the council are ready to receive you. Please follow me."

"Wait!! I have questions... Who are you people and what is this place?"

"All we'll soon be revealed just please follow me."

Should I follow her, maybe I should not, what if they want to kill me? No, they would have already done that... but what if they planning to make a public show of my execution due to me trespassing into their lands... Well even if that is the case it's not like I know a way out. My only option now is to meet with this fairy council and try to persuade them to show mercy and allow me to leave or at the least learn how I can escape myself, I do need to get back to my king.

" ...Miss!!! are you coming?"

"Ah yes, please show me the way."

I had not noticed it before but this is quite the interesting architecture. It all seems to be made out of wood and vines.

"...We are here."

"The council is now ready to give you an audience."

On entering, I got to see a variety of beings I had never seen before. The energy they were emitting was unlike any I have ever felt before.

" You are standing before the fairy council. You may state your name."

" ...Eh, Oh my name well it's Norn."

"She said it so easily, Is she not a fairy?"

"Maybe it's a fake name."

"But you all know fairies can't lie."

"Then how did she enter our domain?"


"Yes...Ehhhh...may I also know your names."

"There is no need for you to get that information. You may refer to me as the chancellor and the others as council members.

Now tell us are you a fairy or fae kin of any kind? "

" No, I don't believe I am."

"Then how did you get to the fae realm?"

"I am not sure of that myself. I just saw a gate open and decided to enter it."

" Wait did you say you saw a gate open and passed through?"


"She must have used a fairy portal to get here then."

"Yeah that must be the case but you all know that only fairies and fae-kin can pass through fairy portals."

"Actually only our kind can even perceive them."

"Then she must be a fairy."

"Yes, that must be the case."

" But I am telling you I don't even know what a fairy is!!!!"

" If she is a fairy, she must be one of the dark ones?"

"Yes, I think she is a dark fairy. I have looked at her essence and it has quite the dark signature."

"So is she the legendary Dark queen?"

" No, I don't think she is?"

"Hey everyone just what is going on here? I told you all I am not a fairy... To my knowledge, I believe I am a demon."

"Demon? Then is she a changeling?"

"No, I don't think so. Usually we fairies use Elves to make changelings and on rare occasions humans as conduits. But maybe the dark queen uses demons."

"That does make sense... So are you a servant of the dark fairy queen?"

"Servant? I don't even know who this Dark queen is... All I want is to find out is how to get back to my king and the demon realm."

"Did you say you want to get back to the demon realm?"


"You do know that it is in the material realm."

"So what is the issue."

"Well the issue is that we are in the fae realm, And unfortunately for us, fae getting to the material realm can be quite the hustle."

"But as I told you before I am not fae, I am a demon."

"Are you sure about that?"

"You might not look like us but you do have fairy essence soooo, you are definitely a fairy or at the very least a being made from magic."

"I a being made from magic. How? I think you have it wrong. I was born a demon and am a demon... So I don't believe you.

Just tell me the reason you called me here and quickly show me how to get back home. "

" My objective has already been achieved. I wanted to confirm if you are my sister the dark fairy queen and unfortunately, you are not."

"Okay if you are done with me then show me how to get back home."

"Sorry but once you enter the fae realm as a fairy or magical being it is very hard for you to leave even using fairy portals so it looks like you are stuck here with us."

"I am stuck here with you. No, I won't accept that. If you have refused to show me how to get home then I will do it myself.