

basically he focused on studying and didnt cultivate suddenly he realized he needs to cultivate to get a longer lifespan (that's the story)

DAKICHI · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


In the serene seclusion of his mountain sanctuary, Kelin Ludwig contemplated the intricacies of cultivation. While others sought immortality, Kelin's thirst for knowledge eclipsed such ambitions. He yearned to grasp every nuance of the craft, driven by an insatiable curiosity.

From his youth, Kelin displayed an exceptional intellect and a hunger for learning. It was a pivotal moment when he observed his father engrossed in a tome detailing the manipulation of true qi from the earth. This encounter ignited Kelin's passion for the subject. However, despite his fascination with the theories, he found the practical aspects of cultivation uninspiring. The notion of sitting in meditation, coaxing qi through meridians, seemed a tedious endeavor, a waste of valuable time.

But Kelin inhabited a world vastly different from our own. In the year 3780, Earth underwent a profound transformation following the accidental opening of a dimensional gate. Cultivation techniques from a distant galaxy inundated the planet, relegating electricity and modern technology to relics of the past.

As decades passed, Kelin delved deeper into the mysteries of cultivation, developing his own theories and techniques. Now, at the age of sixty-five, the weight of time bore down heavily upon him. Each movement left him feeling weary and lethargic, a constant reminder of his mortality.

Anxiety gnawed at Kelin's mind as he confronted the vast expanse of knowledge still beyond his reach. With the specter of aging looming over him, he entertained the idea of extending his lifespan through cultivation. Yet, the prospect seemed daunting for someone of his age with no prior experience in the art.

Determined to find a solution, Kelin embarked on a quest to discover techniques suited to his late start. After weeks of searching, he chanced upon three promising volumes: "Cultivation Way for Commoners," "How to Cultivate as a Villain," and "The Profound Aura."

"Cultivation Way for Commoners" presented a straightforward method of absorbing qi from the earth into the meridians, ideal for novices. "How to Cultivate as a Villain" intrigued Kelin with its unique approach to harnessing negative emotions, while "The Profound Aura" promised to enhance one's aura, irrespective of qi levels.

Armed with newfound knowledge, Kelin withdrew to an isolated abode in the mountains to commence his cultivation journey. Despite the initial challenges posed by his aging body, he persisted, propelled by an unyielding thirst for knowledge.

Two years elapsed, and Kelin finally attained mastery over "The Profound Aura." Though progress was slow, he remained resolute. Little did he anticipate that his solitary endeavors would soon be interrupted by a fortuitous encounter that would alter the trajectory of his destiny forever

As Kelin stood amidst the darkness, his heart raced with a mixture of fear and curiosity. The eerie silence of the night was broken only by the faint rustling of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl. The sight of the partially devoured body sent shivers down his spine, as he realized the gravity of the situation.

With trembling hands, Kelin reached for the hilt of his cultivation sword, his fingers tightening around the worn leather grip. Despite his years of study and practice, he had never encountered such a gruesome scene before. The metallic tang of blood hung heavy in the air, mingling with the earthy scent of the forest.

Drawing upon his inner reserves of courage, Kelin forced himself to focus. He knew that he couldn't afford to panic in the face of danger. With a deep breath, he surveyed his surroundings, searching for any sign of movement.

Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the darkness, sending a chill down Kelin's spine. He instinctively tightened his grip on his sword, his senses on high alert. The forest seemed to hold its breath, as if waiting for the inevitable confrontation.

And then, like a ghost emerging from the shadows, the demonic beast appeared before him. Its fur was matted with blood, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. With a guttural snarl, it bared its razor-sharp teeth, saliva dripping from its jaws.

Kelin's heart pounded in his chest as he faced the creature, his mind racing with strategies and counterattacks. He knew that he had to rely on more than just his cultivation skills to survive this encounter. With a steady hand, he summoned his profound aura, channeling his energy into a powerful wave of force.

The beast recoiled at the sudden surge of power, its eyes widening in surprise. Kelin seized the opportunity, pressing forward with renewed determination. With each step, he felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, fueling his resolve.

But just as victory seemed within reach, the beast lunged forward with lightning speed, its claws slashing through the air. Kelin barely had time to react, his sword flashing in the moonlight as he parried the creature's attack.

The two adversaries clashed in a whirlwind of fur and steel, each fighting for their survival. In that moment, Kelin realized that he was no longer just a scholar of cultivation – he was a warrior, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. And as the battle raged on into the night, he knew that his journey was far from over.

With a calm resolve, Kelin planted his feet firmly on the ground, his sword held aloft like a beacon of defiance. The blade gleamed in the moonlight, its edge honed to perfection. With a steely gaze, Kelin locked eyes with the demonic beast, his aura pulsating with a primal energy.

In that moment, time seemed to stand still as the forest held its breath, awaiting the outcome of the impending clash. The beast hesitated, sensing the raw power emanating from Kelin's stance. Its eyes widened in primal fear, a flicker of doubt betraying its savage demeanor.

Kelin's lips curled into a determined smirk as he channeled his profound aura, unleashing a wave of energy that rippled through the air like a shockwave. The ground beneath him trembled as if bowing to his command, amplifying the force of his presence.

The beast recoiled, its bravado faltering in the face of Kelin's unwavering resolve. It took a cautious step back, its growl reduced to a mere whimper. For the first time, it seemed to acknowledge the true extent of Kelin's power.

With a resolute nod, Kelin lowered his sword, a silent challenge echoing in the depths of his eyes. He knew that victory was within his grasp, that he had triumphed not just over the beast, but over his own doubts and fears.

And as the beast slunk back into the shadows, defeated and cowed, Kelin stood tall, a beacon of strength and determination amidst the darkness. For in that moment, he had proven himself not just as a scholar, but as a warrior forged in the fires of adversity.

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