
who’s she to you?

"Are you ok" Mika asked Rìan, he was in deep thoughts

"My love for her was not fake it was real, is for this same love that i disappeared because I couldn't bear waking up to see her still angry at me. Knowing she was close but I couldn't be with her. I hurt her yes but I was sorry and I apologized"

"You apologized? Rìan I am so sure even your conscience knows I'm not wrong, you were a coward and you know it when she needed you, you always disappeared. Do you really love her? If yes then you failed at loving her. Loving her means protecting, bringing her peace taking her sorrows and pain away being there for her, assuring her that you'll always be there and you did none of these

Instead of protecting her you put her in harms way

Instead of being there, you disappeared

You should have stood like a man and asked for her forgiveness, Aileen is not that cruel that she will ask for your life in exchange of forgiveness she will have reprimanded you for risking your life, there you could have witness her love, her anger would have turned to care she was not going to leave you alone she was going to forgive you because at that moment she will have realized she can't live without you

Is her anger not justified though, a lot of people had gone through the same pain and never came out alive

If I were you I would have begged a thousand times till she forgave me, show her love a billion times to make her fall in love with me again

I would heal the wounds I cost

You didn't know the woman you claimed to love if you did you would have known that all she ever wanted from you was a sincere apology, an assurance that it was never going to happen again, a commitment that you are there despite giving her space to heal, an assurance that if such situations happen again you would stay and not leave her alone to die, she wanted to make sure that maybe just maybe if circumstances were different you wouldn't have left her to die

For this much I know about her, how could you not know her when you spend more time with her, when she was your shield

If I were you, I would have never let her go, I would have made her forgive me and I would have loved her right because she's one of a kind"

"Do you love her"

Julius was silent

"She's important to me. for the second time, I am going to lie to her about your death because you don't deserve her so please remain dead and don't ever come to her life again" Rìan remembered these words Julius said to him and was quiet

"Aileen if I ever lie to you it's because I care about you please forgive me" Julius said to Aileen

Rìan kept on thinking about what Julius said

Maybe he was right his love was weak

Mika tried to take his mind off what happened although he was pretending to be ok, she knew he wasn't

The next day they returned home, Aileen was back to her job and Julius also his

They went back to the way things were

Julius did everything to make sure, she didn't remember Rìan

Brian and sel returned from their honeymoon and they had their own house and just as promised he organized a reception just for the two sisters

Sel noticed Julius was uncomfortable whenever she and her husband was around

"Julius, did I do something wrong to you"


"You're no longer friendly with me like before"

"Now you're married and maybe I was a bit disrespectful I should treat you like an elderly"

"Julius there's something definitely wrong, you never speak like this tell me what's wrong please"

"I don't know sel, I don't know if I even have that right but I am hurt sel, my mind can't grasp what's happening, I really want to ask you something but what if you know about it, it will hurt me and someone I really care about and what if you don't know anything about it then things will break and I don't want that, I am in such a dilemma, let me talk with someone first before I can tell you anything please"

Sel couldn't ask further