
in the process of healing you came

She listened to Julius and went to her sister

"Sel I am really sorry for yesterday"

"It's ok"

"Serena Quinn! Is it true you're getting married?" Aileen questioned her using her hand as a mic

" what are you doing?"

"Miss answer the question"

"Yes I am"

"Congratulations, you're in luck we have offers for the bride to be, choose A or B"

"Mmm tell me what A is about"

"Sorry miss but it's a surprise"


"Ohhh that was a good selection please stand at this place" Aileen said as she took her to the garden, slowly she moved away as she sprayed water on her

"Congratulations!!!!!!! Miss Serena" Aileen said

Sel was really glad to see her smile

They sat on the ground

"Thank you"

"Don't thank me I should be the one saying that you're a very good sister, I am sorry for yesterday"

"It's ok"

"No I need you to hear this, I don't blame you for anything. I want your happiness and I know you want the same for me, I want the best for you the situation change me but I promise I am going to bring back that sister you want back"

Sel smiled

"So what was the option B about?"

"Both had the Same outcome"

"Oh really??" Sel stood up and ran after her

Rebecca looked at them and smiled

This was how she wanted her children to be, she was glad Aileen talked with her sister and sorted things out

Somewhere else,

"Brother I created the new software for your company, I will send you the details so check"

"Glad you didn't give up on your programming" Brian said

"Yeah what about that business you set aside"

"I merged it with the family business, I wanted to live away from our family name but I guess dad needed me, it was time he took a break" Brian said

"So when will you be coming here again"

"Why? Do you miss me?"

"Stop it, I want your advice on this new project I am starting on"

"Send me the details and I will check it out"

"No you need to be here, also my birthday is coming up"

"I will be there"

Aileen wrote down everything Julius said she should and true to his words he made it all happened

"Don't you have work today?"

"Quiet baby, you're a child you shouldn't be worrying about adult stuff" he said and Aileen smiled, he took that whole week off just to make her dream come true

"So now whenever you think about your childhood, think about the one you spent with me" Julius said and she hugged him

She was thankful for Julius, for the past seven years he had been there for her, she's having it easy because of him, he wanted to be away from his family and live his life on his own terms but he came back because of her after their graduation and when Rìan died

His father understood him better and allowed him to be who he was and live his life and in exchange he took over the business and he was doing awesome

"So I have earned my leave from work for this two months"

"Two months?? Who allowed it and does your father know"

"Hey I am the boss now but yeah he does, he will be managing it while I am away dude has been away for years"

"So where will you be going"

"It's a surprise"

"I am going to miss you"

"You promise"

"Yes Julius I will miss you"

The next day Aileen went to work and early in the morning Julius brought her breakfast

"I thought you will be leaving today"

"I wasn't going to let you miss your morning breakfast" he said and watched her finish up and ate with her, he knew she wasn't going to eat on time if he leaves so he ate with her