
The Scandal: Killing Him Softly

The death of 5 women makes Elliot accused of being the killer. The reason is the women who were killed were ex-lovers! Surprisingly, every corpse found was always in a terrible state, and something was hidden in their mouths. A few rose petals, and the police always find this thing in the mouth of Elliot's ex-girlfriends. Jo Rumi's presence is pure because of the negotiations that Oliver put forward--a firm man who wants to destroy Elliot. The mission that Rumi must complete is to kill the man, at least as a penance for the sins he committed.

Rasazara1 · Urbano
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6 Chs

Meet him

The flash of light from the camera made Elliot close his eyes, not one but several. Rays of light continued to shine on him, making his vision blur for a moment. However, despite his complaints, he can still smile and answer reporters' questions well.

"Is it true that you were involved in the murder of your fiancé?"

The question was asked by a woman with wide glasses, staring fiercely, hitting Elliot with an unreasonable question.

A commotion erupted as the question remained unanswered. With a relaxed and calm demeanor, Elliot put on a sad face as if he didn't expect to be accused like that.

"That question sounds inappropriate if you were in my position. Losing a loved one is not easy. Just now, I had a bittersweet incident where people even pointed to me as the culprit. I don't understand how I can live after this…"

The answer is full of emotion. Everyone fell silent as they listened, and the reaction shown made Elliot smile slightly, though his face still showed sadness.

Yes, this is the purpose of holding a press conference. Answer all reporters' questions briefly without arousing suspicion and then refute each accusation with concrete answers.

"But your fiancé was in your apartment when the murder took place. Have the police established you as the culprit?"

Elliot lowered his head, "I will cooperate with the police to uncover the truth about my fiancé's death, and I don't care if my reputation deteriorates. Please continue to monitor this case until everything is finished. Excuse me."

The manager and two bodyguards immediately escorted Elliot to the back so as not to be interested in the reporters who still wanted to ask questions. The camera keeps taking pictures of him. Refusing a question that was impossible for him to answer, Elliot headed straight for the door that separated himself from the people who were still hunting him with curiosity.

The voice slowly disappeared, and Elliot sat down while resting his body. His head felt like it was going to explode now. His bones would also shatter if he continued to be suppressed like this.

Hailey's death made him miserable.


"Are you sure you want to quit your job now? You are already in a very good position. "

Oliver turned on his cell phone after asking that question, and then he started surfing the internet looking for today's news before arriving at the office. Oliver doesn't mind Marco's decision, but the departure of his right hand makes it difficult for him to find a new 'right hand'.

"Sorry, Sir, my wife is due next month, and my mother is also gone. The only family I have now is him and our baby-to-be," Marco said. Previously, he had been reluctant to say this because he knew Oliver would not care about his reasons.

But unexpectedly, the man looked at himself through the center mirror as if surprised by the answer. Marco refocused his attention on the steering wheel and the road. It was quite jammed today as it is now the middle of summer.

"Alright, I respect your decision, this time I won't ask again. But before you go, tell me where you live," Oliver said after a few seconds of silence.

"Alaska, I'll stay there."

Their conversation was cut short when Oliver's gaze focused on the sound of the demo on the street, where there was a photo of someone he knew very well. It didn't take him long to quickly search for today's news; Sure enough, the figure had just pulled out his trump card. That is using public sympathy.

Elliott's face was plastered all over the place, and this morning news broke of his refusal to stay out of the Harley Wright murder case. Where it all started, Oliver's hands clenched at the sad expression on the man's face. He couldn't help but feel disgusted at the fakeness the man was displaying. That's disgusting.

"Sir? Should we stop first?" Marco asked.

Oliver's eyes were still out the window, occasionally reading articles and watching this morning's press conference. The expression on his face was different, and his jaw clenched without returning Marco's gaze, Oliver told the car to keep going.


Tortured by the harshness of life is painful for everyone, including Rumi. She would have almost died horribly if only no one had come to her aid when the crisis hit her. The difference was that he had no desire to continue living at this time. However, being held captive in this tiny house made her reconsider her decision.

Oliver is a dangerous man, but Rumi knows exactly what he means by daring to kidnap her from a notoriously strict Belarusian prison for a plot. Rumi is sure something is waiting for him.

Sitting limply without food almost made her lose consciousness. Her vision blurred when the door in front of her opened again. At this time, the guards let her sleep, but the one standing in front of her was not the guard in the black suit typical, but a figure who came all the way and managed to bring herself here.

Marco closed the door slowly, his firm steps stopping right in front of the sofa. At a glance, Rumi saw the man staring at her silently.

"Do you want to talk already?"

The words spoken and the wind blowing in her ears, Rumi straightened her shattered body. There Marco sat, waiting for her to speak. "I dont know him," she said hoarsely.

"There's no way you don't know Oliver. He is quite famous for his nightlife. This time you must be willing to speak. There is something you must do."

Marco's voice interrupted, typical of a loyal and cruel dog. But Rumi didn't flinch, didn't let herself be intimidated. "Your boss just conveyed his condolences, and you should know how I am. In addition, I have never received any consultation," said Rumi.

The howling of the wind made the tense atmosphere even more pronounced. Marco leaned forward to look closely at Rumi. "You can talk after you meet Oliver. Now clean yourself up. We'll meet at the casino, don't make yourself look pathetic like you are now."

There was no reason for Rumi to refuse Marco's orders. Or, conversely, she has no rights. After confirming herself in the mirror, she finally followed Oliver's will, setting off with Marco to the base where the man was spending time.

"If you refuse Mr. Oliver's request, say so politely, though I'm sure you can't refuse it."

Marco got behind the wheel first and then started the car. Beside him, Rumi didn't budge, didn't look nervous or anything. Marco headed straight for her destination tonight, a casino in Las Vegas, one of the biggest casinos, with a dark secret inside.

There was no conversation between them until Marco pulled over to Rumi's car, still looking uninterested in asking. Even the woman seemed to know where to go to see Oliver.

Before actually leaving, Marco gave her something she had hidden in an envelope. "Don't look flashy. Play a few games before entering the VIP room," he ordered, then left Rumi by the side of the road.

Her appearance tonight was not her at all. Wearing a red dress with light makeup makes her appearance not stand out. However, Rumi chose to ignore it all. Her goal tonight was to meet Oliver and turn down all the negotiations the men had to offer.

Casino atmosphere is the same as always. Rumi had also been on a mission in a place like this. The difference is, this time she came to a luxurious residence, the largest casino in the sense of a gambling place with complete games.

Or maybe the most cunning she's ever met.

A cacophony began to sound. On her left side, two men were fighting each other for defeat. It is a common occurrence in casinos. Rumi kept walking until her steps stopped at a table with her favorite gambling game.