
The Sandcrawler

— — Synopsis: — — — — — — — — The High Dominions punishment towards those deemed Cursed has grown. Every Awakening comes with the risk of disownment and expulsion from society. They're deemed as devils. It's almost time for Heath's Awakening into noble society... I wonder what'll become of him. — — Extra Info: — — — — — — — — Written for WSA 24 800 word count (minimum) Cover made by me Hopefully there’ll be a new chapter released every week — — Warning Notice: — — — — — — WARNING ⚠️: There are some dark/offensive themes covered in the book, along with blood and gore. — — Authors Note: — — — — — — — This book is written following Heath Maladar. He’s meant to be portrayed as a villain, though with noble intentions. I may have made the “good guys” seem a bit too evil, but I hope you can look past that…

Saurx · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

The Awakening [3]: Gate

I don't remember how long I'd been walking for; All I know was that I was tired. Exhausted. My body covered in mosquito bites from head to toe. The occasional scratch from a branch or two.

When I reached the south-western road, I was practically spent. The sun had begun going down, and the owls of in the distance already starting to hunt in the forests.

The only way the guards could know I was there was thanks to the noise I was making — blindly waving their halberds towards the darkness as if it were a walking cane.

"Come out-!" A guard shouted out, poking the tip into my shirt and yanking me from the side of the road. "State your business!"

I looked up towards them, slowly regaining my composure and standing before him. "I'm a noble," my voice wobbled, "the Maladar family. I demand to be let in."

A guard scoffed. "A noble? Dressed in Those old rags?"

I had never even released that my clothes have been nearly completely torn apart — held together by only by a prayer. "I'm a noble- nobles can't be Cursed, damnit!"

"You Cursed really aren't the brightest of the bunch!" They laughed. One stepped towards me; His hand slapping down onto my shoulder as he venomously spoke into my ear — the smell of booze filling my nose. "Listen here, fucker. Either you walk back into those woods or we'll make you."

I let out a slight tick. "Lay a finger on me, and my father'll hear about it-!"

"Not a daddy's boy-!" They laughed, "-Wonder what'll do, the Cursed fecker!"

I could see farmers from within the wall begin to look out. The darkness shrouded their faces, but I could tell they hated me. That they feared me.

"I- I can't be Cursed, you ildarar! I'm a noble! I'm a no-!"

They shoved the halberd down my throat — my body pinned against the road as the tip began to pierce through my neck.

"You shut the fuck up, Cursed!" He shouted at me; Spit flying onto my face as he continued. "You're lucky enough we even keep you folks alive."

He raised his pike just before his boot smashed into my face. I felt my nose crack out of its socket as blood began to drain from it in droves.

Just from the corner of my eye, I could faintly see him about to kick me again. I raised my arms; A desperate attempt to block it. His boots crashed into my arms — hitting straight into my bones as they resonated with pain.

It was only when another shuffle came from the bushes did the guards stop.

"You got a friend?" I heard the guard murmur to me. "Come out here-!"

The guard was cut off. I only heard the thud of him hitting the floor as the other guards unsheathed their weapons.

Hesitantly, I unblocked my eyes. I was greeted with an arrow pierced through the guards skull.

The other two quickly moved towards me — grabbing on my arm and pulling me towards the gate. "You son of a bitch!" He yelled, yanking me forward. "You'll be hanged for this!"

I tried to pull myself away, but I was too injured. Too weak. The only thing that saved me was an arrow that lodged itself straight through his skull.

I raised myself from the ground — hand held to my jaw as I looked in horror; Blood spewed in my face, drenched in his blood.

I could hear the helpless murmurs from the other guard in the distance, though my eyes only stayed glued to the one dead before me.

Before my brain could even comprehend what had happened, I was underneath a tree. The girl sat me down — a cut across her cheek as she placed her bow on the ground.

"Are you okay-?" I heard her ask, though she cut herself off. She briefly peered up and down my chest; No doubt examining my wounds which littered every inch of my chest. "-Let's get back to the cave."

She lifted my arm up, pulling me into the forest. I shoved her away, yelling out from deep within my heart- "Stop-!"

Despite my cries, I was too weak. I could barely feel any part of my body. I stumbled backwards — crashing right into the stump of a tree as my legs collapsed from under me.

She rubbed her hand against my wounds; I winced with every movement she made.

"You're hurt," She murmured, whisking her finger away from me, "The Cursed aren't allowed at the gates. I told you this."

"I'm not a Cursed," I corrected her, "I never have been. It's a misunderstanding, that's all."

The girl chuckled "Quite a violent 'misunderstanding.'"

I scoffed — grabbing at my wounds and laying back against the cave walls. I didn't want to respond. I don't know how.

She grew quiet. I could see a somber and ever lasting expression of sadness in her eyes through her cloak.

"Well," she continued, "I can't say that I agree with you. But… well, I'd rather not let you die trying to prove yourself."

I glanced up at her. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying I want to help you — as long as you help me."

(Innitial Batch Release Chapter | 3/3)

End of the batch release! Thanks for reading up until this point. Any feedback/suggestions would be welcome!

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