
Triumphal entry into the capital of Ui Maine

While this was happening in the eastern part of the kingdom of Ui Maine in the western part, Einar was about to besiege the capital of the kingdom.

When the soldiers were besieging the city, one gate in the wall was opened and a young man came out, accompanied by some old men.

They came out with their hands up, so Einar looked at them with his spyglass with some curiosity.

The men walked over to where the soldiers were.

When they arrived, one older men spoke in Latin "We requested a meeting with King Einar to discuss our surrender."

One soldier looked at him curiously and stepped forward. "I can let you in, but we will have to check their bodies for any dangerous weapons."

The old man translated the words, and the three agreed so the soldiers searched for dangerous things.

When they found no weapon or something dangerous, they were brought before Einar, who was wondering how he should attack the city.