
An unexpected visit from the sea

On a ship in the sea, Bardas was nervous because according to the information he bought they were near the island where the Nordics were.

'I hope Master Jasiel knows what he is doing. It really doesn't give me confidence to be at sea so far away from something.


I feel that some sea monster could attack us in this place abandoned by the hand of God. '

Jasiel, who was in her cabin on the ship, just sneezed and looked at the map while calculating the distance to the mythical northern Norse city.

"If the information you buy is correct, we should be two days away. I hope I can get there before other traders.

I have to make a trade route in order to increase my income, it should not be impossible as long as I guarantee to bring slaves.

To think that I might have a chance to recover after that despicable duke stole my family's wealth. "