Max, a Mexican military man, loses everything in a mission that goes wrong so he ends up reviving in the year 830 at the beginning of the Viking Age, as the son of a Jarl in exile named Einar. Einar can overcome the challenge of surviving a hostile world where only the strongest can live. It is up to you to find out.
After saying goodbye to Natukt and the Inuit warriors, Einar began to walk into the great hall as he planned to have dinner and spend time with his two wives.
Because last night he hadn't been able to spend much time with them due to how tired he was, so he once reached the great hall.
He could see all the children sleeping comfortably, so he only smiled at the sight of them.
'Children today check the orphanage and the construction is progressing correctly, at the latest by the middle of the following month they will have a comfortable and warm room.
I will see to it that they can live in that place without any problem, but for now, my little ones sleep well.
Well, tomorrow I will teach you some topics about biology, I think it is time for you to learn about microbes and how to avoid diseases.