
The Saga of Legendary NPC

Arthur, one of the best players of GOO, died. Only to find himself in the past with two RPG games he created and joined his journey as NPC of GOO! Wait! What?! Ehem! Follow Arthur in his journey as he paved his path to be the Legendary NPC!

Francis_m · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

C27. Date Disaster

**Elsa's POV**


"Okay! We have an urgent mission a vixen managed to attract our master's attention." I stood up in front of my companion together with I'nura and Melissa joined the meeting after they heard his date earlier today.


"Who is the offender?" Melissa kept biting her nails after she heard someone dare to steal his Arthur. I'nura looked at me with an intense stare. I'nura looked around and saw various colors around them and despite the varied colors it had one meaning. They seek his attention!


'Mn. Sinful. Pervert.' I'nura thought.


"Jennifer Fox, D rank adventurer, and our acquaintance. Who met during our visit at the theater." Alanna explained the whole event. Melissa frowned hearing the whole situation and began to plan and decided to monitor their date.


"Do you guys plan to follow them?" I asked them in curiosity. Since she planned to observe them from a distance and protect my master's innocence. I suspect her unworthy with her look screaming about her free spirit nature!


The rest of the girls nodded their heads and decided to head out. Once we left the inn, we encountered another vixen. What is her name again? Ah! Bella Storm the strange stalker of our master.


"Ah! Melissa! Where are you going?" Bella looked at us and searched for someone. Alanna saw her gaze and smiled bitterly even told her about our master's date with the fox. Bella's eyes widened and stamped her foot complaining about the lack of opportunity.


'What weird stalker.' I thought.


Thus we followed our master's date and witnessed a total disaster.


**Jennifer's POV**


"Really? You're from the other side of the continent?" 


I looked at Arthur in skepticism after I heard his origin. Arthur simply shrugged his shoulder and took a bite from the food. He didn't care much if people around him won't believe since he didn't believe either.


"Yeah! I grew up in one of the small villages on the war-torn continent. Where you can be rich overnight by selling weapons or doing a mercenary job. The only reason I came to this land is to experience and start a new life."


"Wow…" I looked at him in disbelief though I was doubtful at first, but remembering his behavior and leadership. I could tell Arthur's life isn't easy especially if he grew up on 'that' continent. Arthur smiled and they talked about various topics until he asked the question.


"How about you Jennifer? Tell me about your life."


"Me and my brother are nomads of the Foxtail Tribe from the far north on the edge of the continent."


"Far North? Cool. I didn't expect to see a fellow foreigner in this place!" Arthur looked at me with admiration and I smiled slightly since most people disdain foreigners. Specifically, the people living in the snowy part of the continent and they called us barbarians.


"You're not afraid?"


"Eh? What do you mean?" Arthur looked at me in confusion after I asked him the crucial question.


"Arthur people called us barbarians for practicing the 'mystic system' called the Shamanic Art. Where we're cursed with the demonic monster flowing from us even some Beast-kin saw as impure."


"Really? Are you worried about me hating your shamanic art? Don't worry about hating you or your tribe as long as you didn't practice human sacrifice, cannibalism, etc. I'm a chill guy." Arthur chuckles after hearing my words before he looks at me with a solemn face.


"Though I have an important question You transformed is fox, right?"


"Yes?" I looked at him with a dumbfounded expression. Did he just say he didn't hate our practice?


"Can you transform to a humanoid form with a fox tail and ears?" Arthur looked at me with a serious expression. I didn't expect him to ask such a weird question and I didn't realize the redness of my cheek.








**Arthur's POV**


'Holy Cow! I didn't expect to encounter a person who practices the mystic system. The interesting part is the NPC named Jennifer Fox. As far I remember from her lore, she and her family have no connection with the mysticism! This is gonna be interesting.'


Jennifer Fox is also known as the 'Diva' after she led her party against the group of cultists and rescued the Empire from its downfall in version 2. However, I heard different scenario may have happened if the players killed her.


She is also dubbed Saint of Song before her death from the betrayal of someone close to her in version 3. I shook my head and decided to enjoy my time with her as my date was more important than the future event.


"F*cker! There you are! Stay away from her!" The man screamed and pointed his finger at us. I looked at him with a weird gaze and looked at her before I asked her.


"You know him?"


"Yeah! Same guy you mocked a few days ago. Do you remember?"


"So, an acquaintance?"


"No, we kicked him out after the subjugation event. Do you know the reason?" Jennifer frowned as she couldn't contain her anger from her voice.




"What happened?"


"He deserted our party formation leading few casualties and dared to ask for commission!"


"…" I looked at her and frowned.

I didn't expect to hear such horrible news from her and glance at the man. The man looked at us in anger and he was probably drunk from the way he walked. The man glares at me before he draws his sword pointing at me and blaming me for all misfortune.


"Stay away from her or else I will you!"


"Mr. Jake don't interfere with our date and you have no rights over my life!"


'Tsk! Tsk! I need some popcorn and watched a live-action melodrama.'


"YOU!!" The man screamed and started cursing. I looked at him before giving him the middle finger he deserved. The man screamed and ran toward me. Before, I stamped to the ground.