
The Saga of Legendary NPC

Arthur, one of the best players of GOO, died. Only to find himself in the past with two RPG games he created and joined his journey as NPC of GOO! Wait! What?! Ehem! Follow Arthur in his journey as he paved his path to be the Legendary NPC!

Francis_m · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

C26. New Companion

**3rd Person POV**




"I will help her and return safely." Arthur rubbed his head and looked at him with a weird gaze. The rat-kin felt his gaze and smiled bitterly before giving him a bracelet artifact to hide her mana signature temporarily. Arthur received the item and asked him a simple question.


"Why me? I'm grateful for putting your trust, but why me?"


"If I told you. My guts telling me to trust you will you believe me?" Rat-kin stood up and covered himself with the coat.


"Go! I will act as a decoy."


"Hey…" Arthur clicked his tongue and checked the elf girl after he discovered her situation was stable. He carried her and left the place immediately, shortly after another 20 Shadow Puppets appeared. Suddenly some of the Shadow Puppet groaned and before it moved chasing the scent left behind by the rat-kin.


A few hours later.


Arthur returned to the inn with the elf girl in his hands after the duo saw him carrying a child and looked at him with a strange gaze. He felt uncomfortable and told them about a half-lie. Once the mother and daughter duo learned the reason behind looked at the girl with pity.


"Fu~! fu~! fu~! Take the room next to you. Sure you're lucky to have all kinds of exotic beauties, dear." Mai chuckled after she saw her pointed long ear and looked at him with a strange look. Melissa showed her a strange gaze at him after she heard her mother's remark.


"Sigh! What a hopeless young man." She shakes her head and expresses her disappointment.


"…" Arthur heard their words and smiled awkwardly after he heard both their remarks. He is thankful at least the leprechaun species are more accepted than the beast-kin.


"Thank you."


Next morning.


Arthur woke up earlier and did his daily routine before he visited the elf girl's room with his companion. He opened the door and discovered she was already awake, she raised her head and saw him a man with bottomless mana and spirit energy. 


"Mn. Thank you."


"Wow~! What are you?" Fia ran beside her and asked after she saw her pointed long ears. Imani followed her and pointed her ears in curiosity before asking. "Can I touch them?"


"Girls! Show a proper manner? What else did I tell you before?"


""Introduce yourself before asking!"" The duo answered and the girls looked in the adorable duo. The elf girl smiled after she saw the peaceful conversation with her proficiency in spirit and innate to read a person's heart. She could tell all of them are good people though few of them have high affinity with nature and mana especially toward the two human girls.


"I'm Imani~!"


"Hello! I am Fia! Who are you? Can we be friends with Imani?" Fia grabbed her hand in excitement.


"Mn. I'nura Green. Leprechaun. Forest Elves. Albino Tribe." I'nura introduced herself and Arthur looked at her with a weird gaze after she cryptically introduced herself. Elsa smiled bitterly after she heard her introduction while Lisa frowned after she heard her tribe belong to the Albino Tribe.


"I'nura are your tribe among the 7 ethnic guardians? Who guarded the Tree of Wonders over 1000 years?"


"Mn. Yes. You knew?"


"OMG! Master! Master! We found a living fossil from the old era!"


"Cough! Lisa mind your attitude." Elsa glared at her best friend though she understood her attitude after she grew up hearing tales about them. A hero who took down all 72 demon lords while protecting the 7 Tree of Wonders.


"Oh! Sorry."


The next few hours.


Arthur watches the girls having a good time talking about various topics and decides to visit the orphanage he decided to support. The girls hearing his word joined him including I'nura since she stayed in the tree of wonder all of her life before she was taken away by force.


Reaching the orphanage he saw the man from a few days ago the director and they talked about business. When they reach the agreement he will sponsor the orphanage while the man will provide the product. He also purchases learning materials of market standard and quality.


Arthur smiled after reaching the agreement though at first glance his trade with him put him in a disadvantageous position, but using his skill and learned his desire to protect the orphanage. He decided to sponsor them at least he could see the children and his girls smile.


After visiting the orphanage, they visited the whole town before visiting the merchant guild to purchase a 2nd handed four-wheel carriage. The girls are excited as they choose the vehicle they will use in their long journey. Arthur rubbed his chin and picked the largest one with a load capacity of 10 people. 


'I need to learn enchantment magic to expand the space and turn them more durable.' He thought.


**Narrator's POV**


Arthur and his party managed to secure a 2nd handed carriage before going shopping. Where they purchase various items for them to use in the long journey. Elsa brought 3 sets of sewing kits. Lisa and Alanna purchase additional clothes including winter outfits. Meanwhile, I'nura purchased a musical instrument for entrainment while Arthur joined the two girls looking for cleaning materials.


During their shopping, Arthur buys some shirts and toys after Imani persuades him to purchase them. He smiled and patted her head in relief since he managed to make friends with a few children from the orphanage. He also purchases a few utensils for the hospitality he received from Mia and Melissa.


Arthur in his group enjoyed their day before he trained his marshaling skill and date with Jennifer.


**Narrator's POV End**


**???'s POV**


"Hey! Where are you going?" I looked at my best friend who is currently wiggling like worm in salt. Jennifer sat down and placed her pillow while hiding the blushes. "I have a date tomorrow with Arthur."


"How hopeless."


"Hey! Sarah!"