
The Saga of Legendary NPC

Arthur, one of the best players of GOO, died. Only to find himself in the past with two RPG games he created and joined his journey as NPC of GOO! Wait! What?! Ehem! Follow Arthur in his journey as he paved his path to be the Legendary NPC!

Francis_m · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

C14. First Dimensional Dungeon Experience!

**3rd Person POV**


"Good job! Girls." 


Arthur looked at them in satisfaction and rubbed their head. They proceeded to clear each floor more than an hour after they cleared the last floor. They decided to rest, and Arthur prepared to cook their meal.

Only Alanna discovered an old mansion in the middle of nowhere.


"Master! I found an old mansion!" Alanna hugged him tightly with her bunny ears twitching waiting to be praised for her discovery.


"Umu. Good job, Alanna."


"Me too! Me too!"


"Imani~! Master!"


The trio flocked around him and wanted to be patted as well. Arthur smiled and patted their head before they visited the old mansion with the trio guarding him with great vigilance.


A Few Minutes Later. 


Arthur and his party entered the place after he confirmed the old mansion was safe to explore.

Soon they spread out and searched for any valuable by following his instructions. Arthur visited the study room and the basement after learning the identity of the person living in the mansion is a researcher and sage.


He stops at first in the basement of the old mansion and discovers various equipment used for alchemy such as cauldron used in some novel. He even discovered a complete laboratory apparatus from a beaker to a microscope. 


"Wooh! A microscope in a fantasy world setting? Tsk! Tsk! GOO game immersion was broken though he won't be surprised after he received both modern and magical pistols after the genocide."


He took them and placed them in his inventory including the preserved notes that remained in the library after reading he discovered a few recipes. They're all consumable goods, a suitable item to expand his market. The interesting part, the author of the notes includes a few strange potions. 


"Amplify Finger Potion? Split Tongue Potion? Sweet Moisture Pill? Enlargement Symbolic Pill? What a weird potion and pill names."


He looked around and discovered a secret door using his appraisal skills. He entered the door and saw numerous though most pods were empty until; he saw a chamber with a weird cat-like creature sleeping inside. He moved closely and discovered the cat-like creature was like a hybrid between a fox and a hamster.




Name: First Sin (True Name: ?)


Title: King's Watcher


Age: Forever 18


Gender: Genderless


Race: Cath Palug


Threat Level: One Skull – Extremely Dangerous (level 90)




First Sin Lore:


Mythical Cat from the Age of Gods. The manifestation of the first sin and bearing the burden to witness the rise and fall of every mighty man until the beginning of the Twilight Era. As the first bearer of humanity's sin, he is given the task to end them like how he ends every king he found unfit.


(Unlocked the True name to his detailed information)




Association: The first person to see will gain his Alliance.


Relationship: Unlocked his true name to receive his absolute loyalty.


Alignment: True Neutral




"The Cath Palug from the Welsh Legend? Also, what the heck is True Name?"

Arthur looked at the Cath Palug as he couldn't remember lore about him being involved in the GOO main storyline, but his guts telling him. The creature in the Chamber Pod has a vital role in changing the future of the world. He takes a risk and decides to open the Pod and operate the instrument by slowly draining the water.


Cath Palug slowly opened his eyes and saw Arthur open the chamber stretching his hands in his direction, but Cath Palug slapped his hands out of reflex.




[Notice. You learned 'Resistance Skill: Pain Tolerance' level 1]


[Notice. You learned 'Resistance Skill: Curse Resistance' level 1]


[Notice. You learned 'Resistance Skill: Death Resistance' level 1]


Arthur smiled and took him before rubbing his cheek with his hands in satisfaction. He didn't expect the little creature can hurt him even though the system acknowledged the pain her received. 


'Good Lord' He thought. He didn't expect to gain two rare skills namely the curse and death resistance if he is a normal person. He will die and struggle himself even in the afterlife such a dumb way to be killed. Cath Palug was startled after he slapped his new Pet with his death paw, only for him to realize he developed resistance from his attack!




[Notice. You unlocked the unique title 'Cath Palug New Pet']


"…" Arthur's lips twitched after he received a new notification, but didn't say any words. He rubbed his head with his hands and Cath Palug relaxed his body after he discovered his new 'Pet' wasn't bad.


"You will be named Haku and become my new companion together with the girls."




"Yeah! You have three servants and protect them okay, Haku?"


"Feee!" Haku salutes his hands after hearing his words and swears in his name to protect his new property!


Meanwhile, on the other side of the old mansion.


Alanna happily went to the kitchen and discovered a few magic items used for cooking without using fire but rather by supplying mana in the tools. An essential item for outdoor activities such as camping and expedition, she checked each item even tried the kitchen knife, and felt the sharpness just by holding it.


"Master will reward me with these items ~" Alanna hummed happily from the item she collected before placing it inside the storage bag. She caressed the item with care since the magic tool he gave to them was the first gift, she received.


She decided to be the best companion he would have and vowed to dedicate her life.


On the other side of the mansion, Imani and Fia entered the storeroom. Where the duo discovered food stocks, valuable materials, gems, and armory made them smile happily. As they can see they received their master head pat and praise for being a good girl!


"Fia! Let's do our best!"


"Yes! Imani-sis let's do our best! I will get the shiny items and you took the meat~!"


"Meat~!" Imani made a hand salute before taking all the preserved foods.