
The S Classes That I raised:Geunseo( 근서) 218+

He was an F-rank Hunter. To top it off, he was a useless F-rank loser of a big brother who dragged down his incredible younger brother. While he carelessly lived out his messed-up life, he ultimately took his younger brother's life. He regressed back in time with the title, Perfect Caregiver. "Okay, this time, let's lay low and take care of the talented ones instead." He thought. But those S-ranks are acting a little strange. = Not the official and accurate translation of the novel. But I fixed some of it so it'll be readable at least, if you have suggestions feel free to comment, ENJOY!

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67 Chs

Chapter 265: Water spirits (4)

After regaining its form, the spirit, now just slightly larger than a person, probably looked at me. Without eyes, I couldn't discern its expression.

"When I felt the third disturbance, a strong force outside tried to peek in here. It happened to be near where I was, and it seemed to have qualities similar to mine, so I investigated."


"I possessed the ability to manipulate memories with mist and seemed to be searching for a caretaker. Probably you."

The King of Harmlessness. A jellyfish. If the ruler of this world is the King of Harmlessness, it's somewhat fortunate.

"Definitely outside? Not a presence of this world?"

"Yes. I knew this place was a constructed dungeon and it tried to enter me. Like how you entered Delta's body. But I was pushed out soon after, and I gained some of his power and information."

Normally, spirits couldn't use skills, making it nearly impossible to perform such tricks. Thus, attempting to manipulate my memories with mist was a skill of the jellyfish.

It's not just stealing memories; it can change them too. It's truly a dangerous ability.

"In the end, when the disc is fully installed, not only newcomers but also the King of Harmlessness can interfere, right?"

"I will give you it's remaining power. You may not be able to utilize it as I do, but you should be able to prevent the owner of this power from tampering with memories at least once."

A faint mist wrapped around my body and then disappeared.

"Not for Yerim?"

"Yerim has her pearl. But others should be cautious. Especially the contractors of the Fire Spirit..."

"Why again?"

Continuously risking Yoohyun made me increasingly irritated.

"It's not because of the attributes this time. It's because the owner of the mist has already taken some of his memories, making him more vulnerable."

"Even though he regained his memories?"

"As far as I know, not entirely. The owner of the mist still has some of his memories."

...The newcomer did warn us. They might have partially vanished. Yoohyun had some of the most memories stolen among those ensnared by the mist... Damn, that cursed jellyfish.

"Be careful."

Leaving the last words, the spirit's form blurred and faded. Yerim looked at me with concern.

"The memory loss wasn't fully resolved?"

"...I thought I had recovered them all, but apparently some remained. Still, it's not significant enough to worry about."

It might be trivial. But even if they're just small memories, I can't just leave them be. I told Yerim it's fine, but...

I'll never let my brother be taken again. Not even a tiny fraction, never.

"But about the spirit, the one contracted with me won't just blabber about my insides, right?"

"Well, it's hard to say. Irin was a bit... talkative. I don't know if that's really Yoohyun's intention."

Yerim's expression turned pale at my words.

"Even if she can't read your insides accurately, if she's always with you... Can teaching her before she grows too big help her discern what to say and what not to? These spirits here are too honest! What if she starts blabbering like earlier?"

Yerim cried, looking terribly distressed. I hated it too.

"Irin doesn't blabber about everything. Myeongwoo's Ismuar is more polite than Irin and might be more reserved in comparison. And most importantly, if she values you, she wouldn't do things you dislike. She'll understand if you teach her."

"Is that so? I hope so. Otherwise, I'm stuck here forever! I'm already feeling miserable! Ah, please don't ever tell Han Yoohyun! Never mention that I cried thinking about my parents!"

"Okay, okay. I won't say anything."


"I promise."

"Even Han Yoohyun must have cried. He did cry, right? I heard he cried a lot last time."

"Uh... Yeah. He did."

"Don't worry. I won't say anything about it. Han Yoohyun didn't say anything about my grades either."

The water around us swayed. Yerim seemed to be moving her power widely around me, as if trying to rise to the surface.

"But Yerim, let's pay a little more attention in the second semester. It couldn't be helped that you were busy awakening during the last final exam, but I think it's good to properly attend classes. You might feel it's useless now that you're a hunter, but we don't know how the world will change in the future."

"Ahjussi, I'm actually good at studying. I was just really busy last time. I went to the hunter education and the dungeon, and I also studied law from Kim Hayeon, the head of the legal team!"


"Like, up to what extent it's okay to cause accidents~. Something like the appropriate level of illegal activities depending on the social position and situation of an S-class hunter? It's hard for a high-ranking hunter to abide by the law when monsters are popping out in the dungeon. Han Yoohyun was also taught by the head of the legal team."

I should go and get some fruit. Yerim and I began to slowly rise towards the surface.

"Team leader Hayeon is quite famous in the hunter world for law. Especially since the guild master is young, she has had a hand in almost all laws related to minor hunters."

She had worked hard to remove unnecessary restrictions on minor hunters' activities while also focusing on their protection. Now, they are trying to raise the age at which minor hunters can register, Yerim told me that if she had awakened a little later, she wouldn't have been able to become a hunter.

"She was originally going to be a breaker, but the old men opposed having a woman in the position of head of the legal team, so she came to Haeyeon. Haeyeon doesn't have much of that. Hyuna also said that the young master is fair and good."

"Our Yoohyun is like that."

"He hates everyone equally except for you."

"...Isn't that a bit too much?"

Yerim laughed heartily.

"It's more accurate to say that he's not interested in anyone but you, right? Even hating requires interest."

"But Yerim, he does care about you and Peace. It's not that Yoohyun is biased, at least that's what I think."

"Oh, um. I was a bit surprised when Han Yoohyun said that he will listen to me. I was greatfull that he finally acknowledged me. This is a secret by the way."

"As a hunter, Yoohyun would trust you more than me."

Again, a bright smile spread over Yerim's face. Slowly heading towards the sea, we shared various stories. Stories from when we were young, and for the first time, detailed stories about Yerim's parents came out.

I couldn't ask casually, and Yerim, who is now my ward, was reluctant to bring up those words.

"When I was with my uncle, I tried not to think about my parents as much as possible. I told you before that I imagined another man coming to pick me up. That was fun to think about, but thinking about mom and dad was painful."

So, was that why the keyword effect manifested as a man, not her parents? It's still not a happy thought, but now that she says she thinks about her parents a lot more, I wonder if she would feel like I'm one of her parents if she applied the keyword now. I'm glad she doesn't.

With a splash, we emerged from the water. The sunlight, which had become stronger in the meantime, felt unusually dazzling.

"Hyung, was everything okay?"

Yoohyun approached us and asked, saying that it took too long for just a conversation.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that the jellyfish seem to be waiting for us to come out."

My brother's expression instantly turned cold. He's even more frightening than me, but neither of us can move right now, so I calmed him down.

"Guys, gather around!"

Yerim shouted, waving the pearl.

"It's hard for you guys to come to where I live directly. But instead, I can make something called a spirit's egg!"

- An egg?

- I've heard of it!

Some spirits excitedly chattered before Yerim could even explain. They really do talk a lot.

- but It's hard to make.

- It doesn't wake up easily.

- How that would live?

"Don't worry, it wakes up quickly. The foundation of the egg is this pearl."

When she said that everything was ready and all they had to do was blow their power into it, the spirits began to rush in.

- Me, me!

- Me too!

- I'm here too!

"Line up in order, line! I won't accept any spirit that doesn't keep order!"

At Yerim's command, the spirits lined up in an orderly manner. The sight of all sorts of forms lining up endlessly over the ice sea was truly a spectacle. Moreover, as time passed, the line didn't decrease but rather increased. I wonder if it will end today.

"I don't know much about the spirit's egg, but if so many spirits gather their power, will a stronger spirit be born?"

"I guess it won't be without influence?"

In response to Moon Hyuna and my words, Irin climbed onto Yoohyun's shoulder and flicked her tail.

- But since Irin is the first, she'll be the strongest there. I'll never lose!

"They're your siblings, so you should get along well."

- But that's water? Hyunh, fire and water don't get along.

"Yeah? Yoohyun and Yerim get along well tho."

At first, she felt a bit of resistance, but now she's okay.

- hyungr! Humans and spirits are different! Irin hates water!

Irin, who was screaming, was stared at by the nearby water spirits. The small lizard flinched and went inside Yoo-hyun's collar. But she still muttered quietly, "I hate it."

If it's a property that fire likes, it might be wood. Is there wood?

'I should look for a spirit's egg when I go back.'

Because I can hatch it. It would be good to have more of the same attribute, not to mention other attributes. Because it seems that multiple spirits can contract with the same person. What colors were there? I wonder if green is poison. It could be a plant, but if it's poison, I looked back at Noah, who was quietly standing on one side.

There's no rule that a poison or healing system spirit will contract with Noah, but the person who needs the being who likes him the most here is probably Noah. So, I wanted to find a spirit for Noah.

It would be nice if other people could also contract.

The spirits continued to share their power, and the pearl in Yerim's hand gradually turned blue. The size also changed a little smaller, into an oval shape.

The line that seemed endless had significantly decreased. Eventually, the egg, which had completely turned blue, received the power of the last spirit. All the spirits looked at that egg. A brief silence passed, and the white whale raised its long fin.

- Goodbye, Yerim.

- Goodbye! Bye!

- I won't forget! I like you!

- Me too! Bye!

- Take care.

A flurry of farewells poured out. It seemed as if I could see the countless voices shaking gently in blue, descending. Yerim also shouted loudly and waved both arms.

"Take care! All of you!"

Yerim's face seemed like it might cry for a moment as she turned around, but it soon brightened again. She flew towards us, carefully holding the blue egg.

"Let's go now."

"Yeah, let's go."

"I can't give the egg to you now, right?"

"It would be troublesome if it hatches here. It will take some time, but just in case. Put it in your inventory properly. Does it fit?"

"Yes, it fits. It appears as an item."

We didn't specifically mention what would happen to the spirits left behind. Because Yerim already knows. It would become a painful memory to recall, but she would also be able to talk about it again.

What about me?

We left Drosia before sunset. The Revenua Forest, which we found by diligently searching through past records, was quite far from Drosia. Specifically, it was a forest near the vanished city, which could be considered the predecessor of Drosia. It was far, but Floro of Medsang said it would take about half a day.

If we install the fourth disc there, only one will be left. I wonder what will happen to Sigma, whether we can safely take the spirit's egg, when we will see that human from the Holy Empire, and also.

The king of harmlessness is still lurking outside the dungeon.


I turned my head from looking at the reddening snowfield through the window. My brother, who was carefully examining the items and skills in the point shop, shifted his gaze to me.

"Do you remember the watch, by any chance?"


Yoohyun tilted his head as if he didn't know. I approached in front of where my brother was sitting.

"You know, that watch Sung Hyunjae tried to give me before."

"...Did you not want to refuse, hyung? But I wanted to give you a gift first..."

Yoohyun's words trailed off. His red eyes blinked slowly. The skin on the back of my brother's hand came out revealing its mouth.

- What's wrong, Yoohyun? The watch is in the inventory, isn't it? But not in the inventory now.

"...What watch?"

- Yoo-ñhyun?

I gestured to Irin not to speak. It seemed that it was not just a memory that was erased. He seemed unable to recognize any talk related to the lost memory.

"It's nothing, Yoohyun."


"Should I buy one for you? A wristwatch. You probably already have several."

"No, I don't. I only have a stopwatch supplied by the guild. It breaks easily and I don't really like such accessories. But Of course, if you give it to me... to wear it around..."

A deep concern spread over Yoohyun's face. It would probably break easily. It would also be cumbersome to take it off and put it in the inventory every time something happens.

"I'll buy you as many as you want. What are you worrying about? I have a lot of money now."

You can break as many as you want. Whether you lose it or it breaks, I'll buy you that many again. And I promise to restore your memory.
