
The S Classes That I raised:Geunseo( 근서) 218+

He was an F-rank Hunter. To top it off, he was a useless F-rank loser of a big brother who dragged down his incredible younger brother. While he carelessly lived out his messed-up life, he ultimately took his younger brother's life. He regressed back in time with the title, Perfect Caregiver. "Okay, this time, let's lay low and take care of the talented ones instead." He thought. But those S-ranks are acting a little strange. = Not the official and accurate translation of the novel. But I fixed some of it so it'll be readable at least, if you have suggestions feel free to comment, ENJOY!

notminee · Videojogos
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67 Chs

Chapter 259: Unintended Mass Hunt (2)

"Just come over here! We'll handle this quickly and then head to Medsang."

Yerim said cheerfully. We were currently stopped between the crossroads of Medsang and Drosia.

Originally, it would have taken about a day to reach Medsang, but the problem was the monsters that followed us. Due to teleportation rather than high-speed movement, some monsters couldn't keep up and diverted towards nearby cities.

With over three hundred monsters, including SSS-grade monsters, heading towards Flesha, we panicked and turned back. In the end, we had to prioritize high-speed movement rather than short-distance teleportation.

As we moved relatively slowly, the number of monsters increased even more, and if we counted the smaller ones, it was close to a thousand. Now, just approaching the city became dangerous. If by any chance the massive horde of monsters dispersed, the damage would undoubtedly increase due to the numerical disadvantage.

Still, Yerim was confident.

"You'll see. I'll designate a place for you to send them."

With that, the communication abruptly cut off. Since there were no artificial satellites in the area, long-distance communication within the moving ship was unstable. Once we moved beyond the range of the equipment buried along the road, communication became impossible.

"Should we head to Drosiaa?"

Noah asked me, turning back. If Yerim was that confident, it should be okay. Yoohyun and Hyuna also agreed that it would be better. Both of them said that if it was Park Yerim, who had the sea in front of her, she could easily cover the numerical issue.

"I heard there are many spirits in Drosia."

"I heard that too."

Noah nodded at Hyuna's words.

"But it's hard to expect them to actively cooperate. They cooperate with the spirits, but there are hardly any contractors."

- I won't make a contract unless it's someone I like!

Irin, who was on my hand, said.

"You made a contract with Yoohyun as soon as you were born."

- Because I fell in love at first sight, hyung. Yoohyun had Irin in his hands, so it was almost like he proposed the contract first! So, I accepted it right away~

Originally, it was said that he needed Yoohyun's consent to make a contract. Yoohyun probably didn't think much about it at that time, but Irin, this kid. Of course, contracting would be much better.

Some members, including the second SS-grade guard in Medsang, decided to return to their own cities. The flagship set sail for the northern city of Drosia, leading numerous monsters along the way.

"The temperature is gradually dropping. Please bring winter gear when engaging in outdoor activities."

The broadcast came through. The scenery outside the window was desolate. Only sturdy plants, which were exceptionally resistant to cold, were sparsely visible on the frozen ground.

Even though it was the northern land, it wasn't originally this cold. Mana holes were established near the coast, attracting water and ice spirits, and as a result, the surrounding temperature dropped. After decades passed, the forest disappeared, the land froze, and non-melting snowfields spread.

"Take a look outside the window."

Hyuna tapped the glass with the back of her hand and said.

"I need to buy a cold resistance skill."

"It would be convenient to have a mid-tier resistance skill. How much is it?"

"Three million points for a C-grade."

"I have ten million points. Isn't that totally unfair?"

Unlike equipment or items, skills were expensive even if they were low-grade. Still, three million points would be worth buying, so why am I hesitating? If it was an attack skill or anything related to physical abilities, they were all several times more expensive. Exactly, Yoo-hyun, Hyuna, and Noah probably get discounts.

"How much do you have, Yoohyun?"

"I have seven million points. It's probably because of the attribute."

"It's expensive because of the attribute."

I've accumulated quite a few points, but when should I use them? It's not like suddenly all dungeons will be conquered and the points will vanish, right?"

At first, worriedly, Moon Hyuna, who had initially aimed for SS-grade grandeur but then decided to rely on Myeongwoo growth and focus on skills, said.

"You could use them before installing the last disc. It won't be conquered until then."

Since we unintentionally gathered a bunch of monsters, after this hunt is over, everyone will probably have plenty of points. Especially with high expectations for SSS-grade monsters. Considering the tenfold difference in points between S-grade and SS-grade monsters, wouldn't one SSS-grade monster yield over ten million points?

"Little moon, I'm counting on you."

Sigma, who was listening somewhat absentmindedly to a story unrelated to him, glanced at me. There was no response, but he wasn't about to get involved in the hunt.

Snowflakes fluttered sporadically outside, and the temperature dropped even further. Several broadcasts about finding people with cold resistance skills were heard. Just as the outside darkened and then dimly brightened again, a broadcast came announcing that we were about to land.

"All crew members except those in combat, please move to Zone A."

Outside, several vehicles from Drosia had gathered. I took out the pink fur balls before getting off the ship. It's not really my taste.

"A cold resistance skill attached to a set effect."

Even the last fur hat I received had an SS-grade cold resistance skill. I don't know if it's due to the effect of Sveil's fur or something Sung Hyunjae did. There were no other effects in the set, so I could use it in daily life, but it was perfect for now.

I put on a long cardigan, a scarf, a hat, and gloves. Hyuna, who was already out, smiled broadly when she saw me.

"It suits you well, yoojin-ssi."

"The color's a bit strange, but the craftsmanship is good."

Especially the cardigan to my liking. It's spacious and has large pockets.

"I can make one for you too."

"Yeah, let's do the scarf."

I wrapped the overly long scarf around Yoohyun. Just by doing this, the cold resistance skill was shared. Yoohyun might not feel cold if he casually ignites a fire, but it's better to save mana.

"Little moon, come here too."

Still plenty left.

"...I'll pass."

Sigma stared at me and Yoo-hyun blankly, then said. If it were Sung Hyun-jae, he would have elegantly accepted it with nonsense. He's still really young.

"What if our little moon catches a cold? Come on, let's go to yoojin-ssi."

Hyuna pushed Sigma's back. Yoohyun and Sigma both furrowed their brows at the same time.

"Why are you taking care of him when he doesn't like it? Let's go, hyung."

"Hyung! Take the youngest too!"

"Leave me alone, Lambda."

"Let me go, Noona~ Try it, huh?"

Sigma grimaced, but he couldn't resist Moon Hyuna's simple strength. Besides, Hyuna was taller than Sigma. Especially, her muscles were truly impressive to the point of admiration whenever he saw them. Even with similar grades and abilities without using skills, physical strength was still important. I didn't know the exact difference in mana infusion between them.

Our Yoohyun also needs to grow more.

As we stepped out of the ship, the wind mixed with snowflakes rushed at us. Thanks to the cold resistance, I wasn't cold, but just seeing the scenery made me feel chilly inside.

"Yoojin-ssi, aren't you cold?"

Noah, who was already out, asked me. Noah didn't have cold resistance, so he was wearing a winter coat with fur. Probably an item with cold resistance attached. It wasn't high grade, but his white cheeks were slightly red.

"Noah, would you like a scarf too? This one shares SS-grade cold resistance."

"Uh... I'm okay for now."

Noah said, looking around. It wasn't that he disliked it, but he seemed to be checking the reactions of the people from Medsang and Drosia. Maybe he thought it wasn't suitable for Mu to wear matching pink scarves. Suddenly, I remembered what Sung Hyunjae said before. "No matter what you do, maintain your dignity."


Approaching Noah, who wasn't coming, I wrapped the end of the pink scarf around his neck. It suits him well.

"It looks great."


"Do as you please. It's weirder to endure it when it's not a big deal. Oh, of course, as long as it doesn't cause harm to others."

Some people glanced at us, but it was just a smile or a gesture. Of course, there are many things to consider about others' opinions in life, but seriously, Mu is an absolutely important presence in Medsang. There's no problem with sharing a pink scarf.

"Only if it doesn't harm others."

Look at our Yoohyun. How confident he is. Even if Sung Hyunjae were here, he would have been similar. Moon Hyuna also has no hesitation when it comes to what she wants.

"Perhaps the trend of pink scarves will blow in Medsang."

Noah chuckled at my words.

"Are you Han Yoojin?"

At that moment, a Drosia guard approached us. He looked at both sides of me before saying, "You are, indeed," with a face that seemed to confirm it. Yerim, what did you explain to them?

"I'll guide you to where Delta-nim is. Please follow me."

The Drosia guard got on a snowmobile. There were small flying vehicles in Medsang, but we couldn't bring the auxiliary guards needed to operate them, so we got on the Drosia vehicle. The car, designed for snow and ice, began to cross the snowy plains. Unlike a snowmobile, the car's speed was relatively slow.

After a while, we came to a frozen valley. It was like a scene where two giant waves were about to collide and froze like that. Looking at the cliffs, which were twisted and jagged, the Drosia guard proudly said,

"Impressive, isn't it? Delta-nim made this just yesterday."

...It wasn't like two waves had frozen, it was actually that. As we ascended to the ground, the frozen walls of the waves sparkled in the sunlight. Passing through them, the sea appeared. Above the cold northern sea covered in white snow.

"Crazy, what is all this?"

Hyuna muttered. Noah widened his eyes and Sigma also looked surprised. On the other hand, Yoohyun frowned slightly.

- ..Irin is hiding.

Lin seemed a little intimidated as she spoke and buried herself into her scarf. The fire spirit Lin seemed to shrink back. The landscape spread out before them was truly magnificent.

The first thing that caught their eyes was a white-colored whale. Floating in the sky like a gatekeeper, the whale slowly moved its long fins, surrounded by various shapes of fish swimming in groups around it.

It wasn't just fish. Large and small dolphins, sharks, turtles, jellyfish, and other marine creatures were present, as well as spirits in the forms of birds, butterflies, dragons, and more. Underneath the sky and above the snow and ice, numerous spirits gathered. Deer, wolves, rabbits, unidentified animals, snowmen, books, swords, and other unclear shapes were also visible.

It seemed like all the spirits of this world had gathered here. Despite the chill running down their spines, pure admiration flowed through them.

In the center of it all, surrounded by countless spirits, stood a familiar face. With short hair blowing in the sea breeze, Yerim stood confidently, raising one arm amidst the spirits.


"Welcome, with a big smile on her face, Yerim flew over to them as the car approached. She waved her hand to stop the spirits from following. But...

"Ahjussi, are you the same?"

"Uh, yeah. Yerim, you've... grown a lot."

No, she wasn't actually physically big. She was just possessing someone, but she was taller than me. No matter how you look at it, she definitely wasn't fifteen. Yerim grinned meaningfully. In her twenties... maybe? The Yerim I saw before regressing came to mind. Her expression was completely different, but her face was similar. Except her eyes were blue, and her hair had a blue tint.

"Han Yoohyun! You look similar too. Here, I'm the same level as you, I'm the guild master! Hyuna unni! Wow, you've grown so tall! Lucky you! Noah oppa, your eye color is so pretty! Can't we take a picture? Huh Mr. Sesung Guild Master seems to be in a stiff mood. What happened?"

"He's not the Sesung Guild Master."


When Sung hyeonjae was elsewhere and Sigma explained that he was a person here, Yerim's eyes widened.

"Wow, there are two of the same face. It's amazing."

She tried to explain further, but the Drosia Guard, who was in communication, shouted loudly.

"A herd of monsters has been caught on camera 1!"

"Oh yeah? We should get ready. Ahjussi do you want to avoid it?"

"Huh? No, I want to help too."

"It could be dangerous."

"Yerim, I have a skill that applies double points. Of course, sharing is possible too."

Yerim's movement stopped for a moment, then she screamed like a scream.

"Ahjussi, you're the best! Double points!"

Yerim was delighted, but Yoohyun and Hyuna couldn't hide their regret. But both of them thought it was better to share with Yerim. Of course, it was a natural conclusion since Yerim would catch the most monsters here.
