
The S Classes That I raised:Geunseo( 근서) 218+

He was an F-rank Hunter. To top it off, he was a useless F-rank loser of a big brother who dragged down his incredible younger brother. While he carelessly lived out his messed-up life, he ultimately took his younger brother's life. He regressed back in time with the title, Perfect Caregiver. "Okay, this time, let's lay low and take care of the talented ones instead." He thought. But those S-ranks are acting a little strange. = Not the official and accurate translation of the novel. But I fixed some of it so it'll be readable at least, if you have suggestions feel free to comment, ENJOY!

notminee · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
73 Chs

Chapter 239: Han Yoohyun's World (2)

Unusually, plum blossoms bloomed early. Even though it was early February, white flowers adorned the tips of the branches. Perhaps it was due to the recent warmth or the gentle sunlight shining down. Although it was uncertain when the cold snow would torment them, several blossoms had bloomed widely on the long-reaching branches.

Han Yoohyun stopped walking and looked at the plum blossoms. He wasn't particularly interested in flowers. It was just that his older brother's birthday was yesterday. Kindergarten student Han Yoohyun folded paper to make flowers and wrote a card. When he said, "Happy birthday, hyung," his brother warmly hugged him.

There was a cake. Their parents, along with friends, gave them money and instructed them to buy something delicious. With that, they fulfilled their obligation and went into the living room to watch a movie. Han Yoojin wisely kept the money he received.

That 10,000 won bill was meant for Han Yoohyun's birthday. Just as it happened every year.

Cake, presents, and flowers. Han Yoohyun crossed the flowerbed without hesitation. The blooming branches were at a height unreachable by a child's hands. Han Yoohyun climbed the tree, gripping a branch with one hand. The thick branch, challenging for a kindergarten child's grip, snapped easily as he broke it. Then he lightly jumped down from the tree.

Discarding the thick branches, he picked only one thin branch with flowers. In the meantime, someone approached and shouted loudly.

"Don't go into the flowerbed! Even if the branch is broken, you shouldn't pick the flowers!"

Han Yoohyun turned to face the scolding elder. Instead of being scared, the old man momentarily stepped back in cold eyes. As cute and handsome as anyone could be, resembling a child, Han Yoo-yun received the cold gaze as if it instilled instinctive fear.

He's just a small child. Nevertheless, the old man, looking at him with fear, shouted even louder.

"Hey, which house is this kid from? What are the parents doing?"

Han Yoohyun turned away without saying a word. He had no interest in someone scolding him just for shouting. Han Yoohyun returned to the house where no one welcomed him, and when his brother came home from school, he gave him the flower branch. Han Yoojin smiled widely but also worried.

"Yoohyun, should I read you a fairy tale?"

As Han Yoohyun gradually responded, Han Yoojin felt more affection for his younger brother. Whether it was due to his parents who tried to avoid him, Han Yoojin chose Han Yoo-hyun instead and Han Yoohyun ignored everyone except his brother. Whether he sensed the parents trying to distance themselves, Han Yoohyun chose his brother over others and ignored those who tried to approach, including himself.

"Adults should be treated with respect. No, you should use honorifics."

"Listen to the teacher well and don't fight with friends."

"Even if you don't like it, Yoohyun-ah, endure a little. There are many things in the world that you have to do even if you don't want to."

He didn't understand why he had to treat adults with respect. Although he could easily make anyone scared with his heart if he wanted to, Han Yoohyun followed his brother's words. Teachers at kindergarten and elementary school were annoying and troublesome. But Han Yoohyun endured it. Although there were no friends he could call friends, he reluctantly mingled when necessary.

In this way, under Han Yoojin's affection, Han Yoohyun was created, one step at a time. However, there was still some resistance.

"What if I kill Mom and Dad? What will you do, hyung?"

It's irritating. he couldn't endure it, how would Han Yoojin react? At the chillingly calm question of his younger brother, Han Yoojin frowned. He embraced his young brother.

"Sorry, Yoohyun."

He apologized and somehow convinced him that Mom and Dad were busy. He explained that harming people was wrong, going to jail would be tough for Yoohyun, and that his brother would be very sad.

Even when Han Yoohyun occasionally revealed his nature, Han Yoojin's love for his brother is unchanging. From some point on, Han Yoohyun no longer thought of escaping that affection. Like a creature breathing in the water, he stepped into a world entirely different from his own nature.

A new world with Han Yoo-in at its origin.

To stay in that world, Han Yoohyun had to endure and withstand many things. Learning and realizing, Han Yoohyun's world gradually expanded. He started to move based on what Han Yoojin taught him without being explicitly told.

He made actions that Han Yoojin would appreciate without being instructed, and he made efforts to ensure a future where he could protect his own world without making his brother worry.

Around the time when enduring became a routine, a dungeon appeared.

"There's a strange rumor lately. They say a monster-like creature has appeared. Some attribute it to environmental pollution. So always come straight home after school, Yoohyun."

Rare dungeons of the lowest grade F appeared, and from the time when most people had not yet noticed the changes, Han Yoohyun felt the changing air. He realized that he could unleash his power without external stimuli.

If he set his mind to it, he could ignite a small fire and fly anywhere. Unbound and free from anything.

However, Han Yoohyun resisted the last opportunity to return to his true nature.

When he awakened after receiving the monster's attack, the flames swirling around Han Yoohyun were suppressed, and the restrained darkness was the only thing left. And once again, Han Yoohyun had to endure.

"My world and your world have changed, hyung."

Han Yoohyun left Han Yoojin. He didn't think he would be away for long. It could be endured for three or four years at most. Han Yoohyun became the fifth S-class Awakened in Korea.

Even if Han Yoohyun distanced himself from Han Yoojin, there was no change in Han Yoohyun's world. On the contrary, it became even more solid. Han Yoojin was at the beginning of everything, establishing a guild and creating influence as Han Yoohyun became a hunter. Not only that.

"Wow, this is the first time I've seen a high schooler who washes their hands diligently before eating. Seems like Han Yoohyun received an excellent home education. Well, he even used honorifics when we first met. Totally a young master. Won't you put down the spoon?"

During the first meeting of S-class Awakened organized by the Hunter Association, Han Yoohyun slightly narrowed his eyes at Moon Hyuna's words mixed with laughter. Even after Han Yoohyun washed his hands diligently before eating, there was a time when Moon Hyeona poured water on him during a meal with Suk Simyeong. Han Yoo-hyun kept his patience. Moon Hyuna found it quite amusing.

"I'm counting on you from now on, young master."

At the end of the meeting where the emphasis was more on destroying the restaurant than on the meal, Moon Hyuna casually extended her hand. Touching others was unpleasant, but Han Yoohyun shook hands with her. There would be similar incidents in the future.

After that, Han Yoo-hyun continued to endure. To grow the guild, he inevitably had to interact with various people. Although the number of people around him decreased after Suk Simyeong, he still had to pay attention to others, follow the rules, and restrain himself.

"I can't seem to comprehend why you endure it like that."

There was a time when Sung Hyunjae asked, having noticed it. Han Yoohyun didn't give him any answer.

And again, he continued.

Until things went wrong, became irreversible, and the suppressed black flames began to spread like venom.

Originally, he had to endure and endure such things in the future.

"My brother, Han Yoohyun. I love you."

The moment Han Yoo-hyun heard those words from Han Yoo-jin, he couldn't endure it. No, he couldn't.

In the meantime, while he was trying to bring his brother home a bit earlier than expected and protect him, many things happened. And still, like a habit, Han Yoohyun suppressed himself. Even though things that disturbed his brother increased one by one, he endured.

The Flame Horned Lion was no exception.

Although he knew it was his trump card and would be helpful, he disliked how it clung to Han Yoojin's side. Even after maturing into an adult with an S-class monster, he didn't like the sight of it seeking affection like a young cub, snuggling in his brother's arms.

Understanding that behavior made it even more uncomfortable. Of course, it's natural to like being loved. It's expected to develop affection for one's brother. Even that behavior of mastering a useless liquefaction skill and forcibly shrinking its large body.

Everything resembled Han Yoohyun.

The moment he realized this, he felt strange. It seemed like he was the only one doing this to his brother. A sense of crisis that it felt like a part of his brother was being taken away and a faint sense of kinship occurred simultaneously.

What should he do? Just get rid of it? But his brother cherishes it so much.


With a roar, the Flame Horned Lion's entire body was engulfed in flames. Han Yoo-hyun reached out his hand without caring about the flickering flames and grabbed its thick mane. He had no intention of harming it. It was merely a simple hierarchical arrangement. Even if it had the owner's mark, he pressed it firmly for the sake of his safety, prioritizing it over commands.

He hardly used skills or drew weapons. Han Yoohyun, prepared for injuries, simply used his strength to press it down.

Kwung! The giant monster was slammed into the ground. Han Yoohyun continued to press down the Flame Horned Lion. With a fierce growl, its foreleg soared. It would be difficult to escape unharmed if he tried to block its blade-like claws with his bare hands.

However, Han Yoohyun blocked it with his raised arm. A slight shaking of his body occurred along with the sound of the two colliding. That was it.


Bloodstains were not revealed. It stared at him with both eyes distorted, showing its teeth, yet it kept its claws hidden. Han Yoohyun realized that it didn't do anything that could cause significant harm to him.


It wasn't about worrying about the owner's safety. Han Yoohyun understood immediately. The Flame Horned Lion was worried about Han Yoojin. Knowing how important he was to his brother, it restrained itself.

Han Yoo-ñhyun released his grip and stepped back. With a loud roar, the Flame Horned Lion's whole body was covered in flames as it stood up from its position. Their eyes met.


"Even I can't kill you."


"Do you love my hyung that much? But, I came first for him."

The Flame Horned Lion flicked its long tail. Then, shrinking its body, it opened its eyes narrowly. As if telling him to get used to it, Han Yoohyun chuckled unconsciously. He knew it, after all.

"Indeed, you're just like me."

The world of the Flame Horned Lion was also composed of Han Yoojin. It was the same as Han Yoohyun's world.

For the first time, another existence appeared in Han Yoohyun's world. One Flame Horned Lion took its place beside him, who had been alone all along.

It was already amazing in itself. He hadn't thought there would be a similar event again. However, contrary to Han Yoohyun's expectations, many things happened again.

One night, Park Yerim called Han Yoo-hyun. Then, she suddenly extended her hand.

"What's this?"

"It means I'll be counting on you from now on. We're living together for now, right?"

She shook hands, suggesting they shake hands once. Han Yoohyun was still making a face as if wondering what nonsense this was, but she shrugged her shoulders as he did and withdrew her hand.

"I trust you."

Park Yerim said.

"Although you're annoying and unlucky, it's undeniable that you love and care for ahjussi is enough, to even sacrifice your life . Just as much as you like him, I think you're an okay guy."

There was an instinctive discomfort due to the opposite attributes. However, Park Yerim acknowledged and accepted Han Yoohyun. He wasn't a bad guy, and she valued and respected a person like him

Han Yoo-hyun looked at Park Yerim, who was looking up at him, and reached out his hand while smiling. She, too, was acknowledging him. So, he thought he could endure this much.


But, it wasn't bad. Han Yoohyun's expression slightly softened. Even though their hands touched and held onto each other, there was no need to endure. It wasn't as pleasant as when it touched Han Yoo-jin, but it wasn't unpleasant. He didn't need to endure it.

For the first time with others.

"Hey, why aren't you letting go? Why are you staring at me like that?"

"...It's strange."

In response to Han Yoohyun's words, Park Yerim withdrew her hand briskly and wore a displeased expression.

"Hey! You don't look perfectly fine either! We're supposed to get along, but you're picking fights and being annoying."

"When I said, 'Han Yoo-jin, you're handsome,' Ye―"

"Ack! Ack! Ack! Mister! Come on, Han Yoohyun! I'll beat you until that memory is completely erased!"

Park Ye-rim jumped around, determined to eliminate what she considered the biggest mistake of her life. Han Yoohyun smiled as he effortlessly melted and evaporated the flying ice blades. It wasn't bad at all, really.

Another person stepped into Han Yoohyun's world. Not entirely identical like Peace, but similar. A comrade who prioritizes Han Yoojin in a world where Han Yoojin is everything. The desire to monopolize Han Yoojin remained. However, at least, he didn't need to endure against Peace and Park Yerim. Han Yoohyun pushed them away freely, and they, in turn, tried to occupy Han Yooj8n's knees and the adjacent seat.

"I also had a meal with Ahjussi alone!"

So, she created a fuss for Park Yerim and had another meal with her brother.


"Where is peace...?"

"He's checking on Chirpie I'll go get him.."

He deliberately dirtied Peace on the rooftop garden, set it on fire to clean it thoroughly, and then went to fetch Chirpie

"Don't forget your swim trunks, ahjussi!"

He appreciated the opportunity to take care of Han Yoojin. Of course, there was no intention of repaying anything.

With the arrival of these new individuals in his previously solitary world, Han Yoohyun felt a sense of relief. He no longer had to shoulder his world alone. Both Peace and Park Yerim were far from weak. They had the ability to protect Han Yoojin. Like him, they were willing to sacrifice everything to protect the world.

Han Yoohyun naturally clung more comfortably to his brother, showing off like boasting, enjoying the fact that he was the absolute priority for Han Yoojin.

It was genuinely enjoyable. All of it


Yo ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ some netizen comments again, bcs i can't stop crying..


I can learn about Han Yoo-hyun through this episode, right?


Really like an imprint that follows a mother who gives blind love


S...! Han Yoo-hyun's world is Han Yoo-jin... Oh no, they love each other to death. In the end, Yoo-hyun's world widened because of Yoo-jin....ㅠㅠㅜㅠ Am I crying?

King Jojia Island

Yoo-hyun ㅠㅠㅠ Sobbing ㅠㅠSobbing ㅜㅜㅜㅜ


Our Yoo-hyun ㅠ.ㅠ.ㅠ ㅠ

Subculture Shock

Looks like it overlaps with the filial piety addicts

The origin of the world is Yoo-jin, and the kids who want to fulfill anything the origin wants seem similar


Yoo-hyun's world... It's Yoo-jin itself...

notmineecreators' thoughts