
Chapter 012 Hunting Wild Pigs

"Where are you going?" Ji Xiulan spoke in her usual shrill voice, a tone of contempt clear in her words.

She had always looked down on Ji Xinhe, considering her nothing more than a rustic country girl who lacked the sophistication she herself possessed. How could they ever compare? She had been raised in affluence by Lady Ding, groomed to have the aura and demeanor of a well-bred young lady. Their destinies, naturally, ought also to be worlds apart.

In her presence, Ji Xinhe ought to be humble. Yet today, Ji Xinhe held her head high - an attitude that rubbed her the wrong way!

"I'm going to gather wild vegetables." Ji Xinhe answered casually, already prepared to leave, not in the least bit concerned about Ji Xiulan's presence.

Ji Xiulan's lip twitched as she stepped in front of Ji Xinhe, her smile not reaching her eyes, "A girl ought to stay in. Look at you now, prancing about like a wild child with no manners. Can't even greet our guests properly."

Wasn't this just another way of herself that she was elegant whereas Xian He was just a wild and mannerless girl?

Xin He couldn't help but find it funny. She was indeed a country girl, why would she pretend to be some refined lady? Was she supposed to imitate Ji Xiulan and put up an elegant façade?

Ji Xinhe laughed gloomily, "It's kind of big sister to care so much about me. Since sister wants me to go out less, I suppose she can help gather wild vegetables from now on. After all, we need someone to feed the pigs."

"I-I-I didn't mean it like that" sputtered Ji Xiulan, her face turning pale.

"Then what did you mean? Are you just trying to belittle me in front of your crush?" Xin He quipped, leaving no face for Ji Xiulan.

Ji Xiulan's face flushed bright red, "W-what nonsense are you talking about?"

Gao Zhiru was also taken aback, "Don't spout nonsense, Xin He."

Ji Xinhe laughed coldly. She wasn't interested in wasting time with these two and simply turned away.

A frustrated Ji Xiulan stomped her foot, all but ready to curse out loud, if not for the presence of Gao Zhiru, had to swallow her rage. Her eyes welled up, "Zhiru, look at her. As an older sister, I wanted to advise her, to remind her of the appropriate behavior for a young lady. However, she just turned it around on me."

"Xiulan, don't cry, I understand your good intentions. Xin He was indeed out of line." Gao Zhiru comforted her.

Gao Zhiru was the only scholar in Yangluo Bay. He took pride in his education and always considered himself superior. He found country girls like Xin He unappealing while Ji Xiulan, who always carried herself with the etiquette of the town's upper class, intrigued him.

Ji Xiulan sniffed, tears welling up in her eyes, "They bully me because I'm not Lady Ding's biological daughter. They always have, and they always will."

"Xiulan, don't worry. I will protect you in the future, no one will dare harm you." Gao Zhiru whispered gently.

Her eyes lit up at his words, "Truly?" She asked as she moved closer to him.

Embracing her, Gao Zhiru assured her, "Of course, you are different from those wild girls. I will never let you down once I establish a scholarly career."

Xiulan let out a satisfied hum. She was certainly different from those wild girls. She wore the finest clothes, styled her hair with the latest trends, and her makeup was nothing short of elegant. How could those girls in worn-out clothes compare to her?

Once she married Gao Zhiru and he made his mark as a scholar, she would become a respected official's wife. The gap between her and Xin He would then be insurmountable!


While Ji Xiulan was occupied with her wishful thinking, Ji Xinhe didn't have the luxury of doing so. She had more pressing matters to deal with.

Earn money!

How was she supposed to make ends meet in such poverty-stricken circumstances?

She didn't have any special skills - except for assassination, what could she do?

Xin He quickly dismissed this impractical idea and began wandering around the mountain, searching for a way to make a living.

Suddenly, a wild boar dashed out from the bushes, charging directly towards her. Xin He was dumbstruck for a moment, then a glint appeared in her eyes. Was this what they meant by "sitting by the stump, waiting for a hare"?

"Be careful!" A man's alarmed shouts rang out.

But Xin He paid him no heed. Standing up straight, she kicked the wild boar right in the eye. The wild boar, thick-skinned as it was, barely felt an arrow strike, but its eyes were a weak spot.

The boar howled in pain and charged at Xin He angrily.

Ji Xinhe swiftly evaded the boar's charge, darting behind it. The boar was too late to stop and crashed headfirst into a tree, knocking it down.

If the boar had hit Xin He with the same force, it would have certainly been the end of her.

A hunter arrived at the scene, breathless from running. He drew an arrow from his quiver to shoot the boar but hesitated, fearing that he might hit Xin He. His feet tapped anxiously on the ground, urging her to be careful.

The boar changed its target to Xin He again. "Sir, may I borrow your bow?" She requested the hunter. Before he could answer, she had already taken it from him and drawn three arrows from his quiver, stringing them all in one go.

The hunter was awestruck. Did this girl just string three arrows at once?

Three arrows whistled through the air, simultaneously striking the wild boar charging at her. Two hit its eyes, and one lodged itself in the forehead. The boar shrieked in agony, blood gushing from its wounds. It gradually slumped to the ground, life slowly fading from its eyes.

Stunned at the sight of the giant boar falling dead, the hunter turned to look at the excited young girl beside him. Did she just take down this beast - which usually took three hunters to subdue - with just three arrows?!