
The Runner's Odyssey

Following his death, Lex abruptly awakens in a world of steampunk machinery, which intertwines the enchantment of fantasy. Given a second chance at life, he is determined to carve his destiny - to rise through the ranks of the Revered Runners - to become a Legendary Runner. With steely resolve, he endures unknown lands, battles deadly creatures, and uncovers ancient mysteries. Guided by an unwavering spirit, this is Lex’s story to the top! ------------------------------------------------------------ Will be doing constant edits here and there, improving the grammar and story in general. Character artwork on Discord and in the comment sections. 1 chapter per day. 50 power stones= 1 extra chapter. https://discord.gg/rkyQyz85DJ

NegansPalace · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Accepting His New Life

The woman's tight embrace left him struggling to breathe. Upon hearing his gasps for air, she finally released her hold.

Sporting a broad smile, she asked, "Lex, when did you wake up? What happened to you? The city guards brought you back home."

Confusion enveloped Lex as he grappled with his unfamiliar surroundings. Although he speculated that she might be the original body's mother, he couldn't quite place her.

Suddenly, a headache gripped him, memories surging forth. He remembered that the former Lex had endured relentless bullying at the Runner Academy.

On his journey home, he had fallen victim to an ambush, enduring a merciless beating that had nearly claimed his life. As the recollection settled in, the headache gradually ebbed.

He deduced that the previous Lex was seventeen when the attack occurred. He started to receive fragmented memories from the prior occupant of this body, a young boy who had tragically passed away.

Now, he found himself carrying the weight of both their lives and made a solemn promise to seek out his happiness. Lex turned his gaze toward the woman who was fussing over him.

At last, he recollected her identity – Lila Dawnstrider, the affectionate and nurturing mother of the former Lex. With newfound clarity, he addressed the concerned woman.

"I'm fine, Mother. I just don't remember much, that's all. I think it may be due to the head injury," he said, offering a reassuring smile.

Upon hearing his response, her excitement resurged, and she once again adorned his face with kisses, eliciting laughter from him.

This gesture brought back memories of his own mother back on Earth, who used to express her affection in a similar manner.

He allowed the woman to continue until she was content. When she finally pulled back, Lex embraced her with a joyful smile on his face.

His actions surprised his mother, but she quickly embraced him back, a thought rushing through her head. 'He was never this loving before. It's been years since I've seen him smile.'

Lex let go of her and spoke, "Mother, could I get a glass of water, please?"

She stood up and nodded with a smile before leaving the room. Lex got out of bed and walked over to the table.

He picked up the books that lay there: "Runner: A Guide to Beyond the Wall," "Eldora: A History of Magic," and "Eldora: History and Races of The World." The titles piqued his interest, so he began reading. Just as he was about to flip the page, a voice echoed in his mind.

[System activated]

Confused, he read the notifications.

[Lex Dawnstrider]

[Age: 18]

[Level: 0]

[Race: Vampire]


[Hp: 1000/1000]

[Mana: ----]

[Strength: 100]

[Stamina: 100]

[Dexterity: 100]

[Luck: 1000]

[Vitality: 100]

[Intelligence: 400]

[Charisma: 200]



Taken by surprise, Lex observed the substantial amount of writing before him. He recognized its significance, and excitement surged within him.

However, a lingering question remained: did anyone else possess something similar? As he gazed at his reflection in the mirror, confusion set in.

Lex observed the sunlight streaming in through the window and realized strangely that he wasn't experiencing the expected burn.

This made him understand that the vampires in this world didn't face the usual problems with sunlight.

This realization prompted Lex to decide he would delve into this further later. He also began contemplating the origin of his blood.

Lost in thought, his Mom entered the room holding a glass of water and a bag of blood.

She placed the items on the table and looked at his reading material. Lila spoke, "You're already studying, Lex? Don't you think you should rest?"

Upon hearing her, he turned toward her and replied, "I feel better, Mother. I want to study a bit and try to remember anything."

Lila smiled, then kissed his forehead before leaving the room, saying, "I'm going to cook you something, Darling. Make sure to drink the blood; you need it."

Following her advice, Lex picked up the bag of blood. A sudden dryness engulfed his mouth, and he longed to quench his thirst.

He ripped it open, started drinking, and found the taste nice and sweet. Lex drank all the blood and threw it in the bin. Once that was done, he picked up Eldora: History and Races of The World and started reading.

His fingers traced the embossed letters on the leather cover of "Eldora: Races of The World."

The pages held accounts of races he had never heard of – ethereal beings known as Celestials who wielded the power of stars, cunning shape-shifters called Changelings.

As he read, Lex's mind conjured vivid images of these races, each with unique abilities and cultures.

The Celestials danced among constellations, their radiant magic illuminating the night sky. Changelings weaved through shadows, adopting different forms to adapt and survive.

Turning to "Eldora: A History of Magic," Lex delved into the origins of the arcane arts that had once flourished across the land.

He learned of ancient spellcasters who channeled the world's energies to create wondrous and powerful incantations.

The history of magic was intertwined with the rise and fall of civilizations, with each race contributing its unique spells to a collective tapestry of mystical knowledge.

Lex's fingers flipped the pages of "Runner: A Guide to Beyond the Wall." This book chronicled the races' interactions before the invasion of the monsters.

The world had been a vibrant tapestry of cultures and alliances. Prosperous cities dotted the land, and laughter echoed through bustling markets.

His heart ached as he read about the Great Invasion, a dark chapter in Eldora's history. The monsters had arrived, and a relentless tide of darkness swept across the lands.

Millions perished as the monsters unleashed havoc and destruction, leaving behind trails of despair.

The survivors had no choice but to retreat behind towering walls, sacrificing their open cities for fortified safety.

Closing the books, a blend of awe and sorrow filled Lex. Eldora had existed as a realm of marvel and unity, where races endowed with unique gifts had once coexisted harmoniously.

However, the invasion had shattered that serene balance, inflicting deep scars. Yet, his resolve intensified.

He bore not just memories but also the duty to unearth Eldora's truths, carving a route toward a brighter tomorrow.

His imagination painted a revitalized world where races flourished anew, and the insights from their history and strengths were harnessed to reconstruct and safeguard.

Lex shook his head and rid it of such silly thoughts. That's when he started drinking and thought about everything he learned from his short read.

He pushed himself up from his seat, a spark of curiosity guiding his steps as he exited the room.

Passing through the doorway, he found himself in a splendid home, blending cozy comfort and fantastical aesthetics.

The living room beckoned with plush sofas adorned in deep, rich colors. The walls boasted an array of art pieces, a fusion of steampunk gears and mythical creatures, each canvas telling its tale.

A sense of enchantment hung in the air as if the room held secrets yet to be discovered.

His gaze wandered to the back of the space, where the kitchen stood like a culinary workshop of wonders.

Polished copper cookware gleamed against the backdrop of dark wooden cabinets. The countertops were smooth marble, a canvas for potential culinary creations.

Lex couldn't help but feel a surge of inspiration, imagining the feasts that could be concocted in such an environment.

Yet, it was the windows that truly stole his breath away. Twin panes of glass framed a breathtaking view. A sprawling city that seemed to defy the boundaries of time and reality.

Towering spires adorned with intricate gears and mysterious symbols reached into the sky while fantastical airships glided gracefully between them, like creatures of legend taking flight.

The streets below were alive with a symphony of colors, an eclectic mix of steampunk machinery and magical beings.

Vendors peddled their wares while ethereal beings danced through the bustling thoroughfares.

It was a tapestry of creativity and imagination, a testament to a world beyond the ordinary.

Lex's eyes widened as he took it all in. Amazement painted his features, and a delighted gasp escaped his lips.

His mother addressed him gently, "Lex, did you drink your blood, Darling? I was feeding you when you were in the coma."

He turned his head and nodded. "Yes, Mother, I did."

Her smile warmed, and she placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Dinner will be ready soon. Your father will be home."

Returning the smile, Lex settled into a chair, his gaze wandering around the room, taking in his new home.

It bore a striking resemblance to the houses he had seen on Earth but with an intriguing twist.

Cogs and pipes adorned various corners, their fascinating presence. While some appeared stable, others rattled with an oddly artistic rhythm.

Suddenly, a hiss of steam erupted from a nearby contraption, catching Lex off guard and causing him to jump at the unexpected noise.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]


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