
The Ruler Of All - The Immortal Demon’s Rise to Power

Offered a chance to save his own life, Demon, Shinji Yuu, makes a deal with a mysterious voice in his head and is cursed with immortality, as well as the ability to unlock his unfathomable power that’s hidden deep inside his soul. There is one condition though - He must rise to defeat the almighty Demon King. Word count: 1000-2000 words/ch (on average) Roughly 1 chapter per month

JSPRX · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

The Immortal

Shinji, now on par with Nebula wasted no further time in making a move. Using his newfound strength, fuelled by his rage, he releases his dark beam pulse against nebula - who simultaneously retaliates with an unrestrained celestial magic attack: Holy light beam.

"HOW DOES THAT TASTE!?" Shinji taunts his opponent, attacking legitimately for the first time in his life.

"ITS DELICIOUS!" Nebula responds as her Holy Light beam engulfs each and every inch of the dark beam pulse, causing it to diminish in size before making contact with Shinji.

Shinji went flying back, not expecting his attack to be squandered, his rage only grew. As he managed to stop himself and face Nebula again from the further distance, he struggled as he tried to overcome the pain caused by the celestial magic.

"AAGH!" Shinji coughs up a bloody scream.

"YOU'RE STILL ALIVE?! YOU'RE MORE OF A MONSTER THAN I THOUGHT!" Nebula was in shock to the sight of Shinji, who draws closer towards her, writhing in pain. His body starts to regenerate and rebuild the damage caused by the weakened holy light beam; the wide hole that went straight through his stomach demolished both of his hearts as well as other vital organs - Nebula was right to call him a monster.

"KAHAHAHA!" Diablo cackles, "You weren't lying when you said he was immortal, were you Little Aki?!"

"Yeah yeah whatever, what were you saying about being one of the ORIGINAL demons?" Aki asks, brushing off Diablo's remarks.

"Oh, so you do want to learn, eh?" Diablo moves his interest back to Aki, "It's like I said, I'm one of the the four primordial demons - the fourth one to be exact" He explains, "it's time you got a REAL education, not whatever that half-bit Dartheck had you learn"

Diablo sits down on a piece of rubble, Aki does the same.

"Ninety-thousand, six-hundred and twenty-two years ago, in the Year of Zero, The Immortal came into this world, otherwise known as the Primordial being, The Demon King. He was seemingly the only sentient life-form in the universe, he came from nothing but had the ability to create everything, and so he did. One of his first creations was his subordinate, the Demon who's Class is just short of the king himself - The True Demon Lord. From then on, the King went on to create legendary skills and abilities in order to combat the newly discovered entity. This was the True God, whom, just as the the Demon King, was naturally born into this world. The True Demon Lord used his power to create two more powerful demons; first was Betelgeuse, the leader of the Demon Lords; second was I, Diablo, who alongside Betelgeuse are one class beneath the True Demon Lord, SS- Class. For hundreds of years it was just us four, not including the developing holy beings, and any abilities we created during this period are the primordial abilities. The Primordial era came to an end when the now All-Mighty Demon King gave life to lesser demons, monsters and other life forms, leading to the development of society as it now is. However, The True God was doing the same, leading to two conflicting forms of being - Ones derived from holiness, and those not. Despite this, The two immortals, as the True God is immortal the same way that the Demon King is, made an eternal peace pact that had only been broken once before, until today." Diablo wraps up his giant monologue.

Aki sits in silence, pondering his response, when Diablo speaks once more.

"Knowing all this leaves me with a question to you, Little Aki. How in the king's name is Shinji an immortal?"

Aki quickly stands up, looking at the sky. "Forget that, where did he go?!"

The two look in the sky and see only Nebula, floating in place, glowing with radiating power.

"Aki, brother!" Kasumi shouts as she approaches from the back, "Lord Diablo too!"

"Kasumi?" Aki responds, "Where's Shinji, he disappeared?"

Kasumi takes a few seconds to catch her breath, exhausted from making a quick escape. "He's gone, the celestial, she… killed him!"



[Above the city of Limbo: 5 minutes earlier]

"I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW THAT DIDN'T KILL YOU, BUT THIS DEFINITELY WILL!" Nebula shouts in her usual tone, towards the regenerating Shinji. "CELESTIAL SPHERE!" Nebula casts one of her biggest attacks, a giant ball of pure celestial magic. "PROPORTION!" Nebula splits the ball of magic into 100 smaller spheres, all equal in size and power, before shooting them all towards Shinji in an uncoordinated manner.

"REFLECT!" Shinji generates a shield with dark magic to protect against the spheres, but it's useless as the first sphere to make contact with it burns the shield to ash, despite it being dark magic infused. Multiple spheres burn straight through Shinji's limbs and body, with him dodging the rest. As he twitches, trying to overcome the pain, Shinji looks toward Nebula with bloodlust - but Nebula smirks back as she gestures towards herself with her finger. Suddenly, all the spheres that missed or were dodged came flying back at Shinji.

"YOU!!" Shinji screams, his rage reaching beyond its peak, "FUCK YOU!"

Shinji blasts towards Nebula at an unexpected speed, catching her off guard, all the while he's overcoming the pain of his wounds healing.

Shinji, about to make contact with Nebula, Materialises his dark magic weapon, Black Viper Scythe, and infuses it with half of his remaining MP.

"DIE!" Shinji screams, now in an a seemingly uncontrollable state of perpetual rage, as he slices straight through Nebula's left arm, despite her intense light magic defences. "DIE! DIE! DIE!" He continues to swing at Nebula, who is now blocking the onslaught with all her might. Despite this, Shinji is leaving multiple wounds on her and is ultimately getting the better of her.

"YOU WEAKLING PIECE OF SHIT!!!" Nebula screams as her stamina depletes - Shinji, however, is still going strong. As Nebula's reflexes worsen due to exhaustion, she can barely keep up to defend against Shinji, on top of this, she has to put up with the pain of losing an arm - but she risks losing another limb to cast a colossal Celestial magic attack with the rest of her MP.

"HOLY FLARE!" Nebula shouts, casting the Celestial magic as Shinji slashes across her chest. Almost instantly afterward, a shining flame burns through and completely disintegrates Shinji's arms, knocks him far back and sets his whole body on fire.

"AAAAAAARRRGH!" Shinji bellows, experiencing the worst pain he has ever felt in his life, until his voice cuts out after burning up. During the pain, he manages to cast his only healing spell, that was enhanced by the power of Demonic Punishment, and subdues the flames - but the damage had been done. Shinji's charred, armless body struggled to float as his wings were punctured. The regeneration was slow and the pain was intense, his rage was still just as strong.

The exhausted Nebula, with all but her reserves of MP used up, bleeds profusely from her multiple wounds - but she has an ace up her sleeve.

"HOLY SKILL: RECHARGE!" She casts her holy skill with all her remaining might. Seemingly out of nowhere, Nebula gains all of her energy back. Her MP had refilled, her wounds had all healed, including her severed arm, and she was overflowing with extra power. As Shinji's body was recovering, Nebula launched a Holy light beam at his upper-right torso like it were nothing.


I lied, I just couldn’t wait to make the next chapter (and I’ve had free time soooo). Anyway, NOW there is probably going to be a longer wait between chapters, I hope to upload bi-monthly at least

though, also don’t mind any spelling errors if possible because I’m sure there will be some that I haven’t picked up in. Anyways, enjoy these fast phrases while you wait:

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