
The Ruler Of All - The Immortal Demon’s Rise to Power

Offered a chance to save his own life, Demon, Shinji Yuu, makes a deal with a mysterious voice in his head and is cursed with immortality, as well as the ability to unlock his unfathomable power that’s hidden deep inside his soul. There is one condition though - He must rise to defeat the almighty Demon King. Word count: 1000-2000 words/ch (on average) Roughly 1 chapter per month

JSPRX · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Prologue: Aurora

Above the known universe, beyond the furthest stratosphere, two sources of immeasurable power reign over all of existence; The True God and The Demon King. One who reigns over all things holy, and one who reigns over all things not. Only 6 individuals are known to have made contact with these beings, but as a child of extraordinary power is born, this number is soon to increase.

Kuragari Yuu of the 25 Supreme Archdemons, the feared S Class Commander, and Ikehara Yuu, his A Class wife are well-respected in the demon realm. They are known for their accomplishments both in battle and in the capital, Limbo. In the universal year of 90606, Their child was born. With the notoriety and status of his parents, the Newborn was expected to one day surpass his father's rank of Supreme Archdemon and become as strong as a Demon Lord. Alas, with high expectations in mind, he is given the name Shinji.

The year is 90611, Diablo of Pride, one of the 7 all-powerful Demon Lords, is currently the General of the Supreme Archdemons. Although he is quite arrogant, Diablo is very much a caring person, to his comrades, his friends and the rest of the demon race; in contrast to his appearance. With short, Crimson-red hair that spiked upward and aggressively, thick black horns that curved outwards, teeth sharp enough to be knives, an up-pointing nose that exposed his nostrils, fully black eyeballs that caused his pupils to blend in with the darkness. Despite these scary-looking features, Diablo wore the robe of a Nobleman that was covered in black spots upon the dark pink design. A strange looking Demon, but a Demon treated with utmost respect. His power is utterly overwhelming to even that of the Supreme Archdemons, with him being one of the two SS- Class Demon Lords. Even though he is only two classes above them, Diablo could wipe out all 25 Supreme Archdemons in a single attack; a Demon not to be disrespected.

"KURAGARI!" shouted Diablo.


"How is your son? Has he developed any kind of skill yet?" Diablo asks, interested.

"Ah, he is in good health, but has only just turned 5, today actually, so there hasn't been any development yet, sir." Kuragari responds in relief.

Diablo grinned, happy at the thought of watching another young demon grow, as he has done so for thousands of years.

"KAHAHAHAHA! I didn't know it was his birthday! Why don't you head home early and surprise him?" Diablo offers.

Kuragari thanks Diablo with a pleased "Yes Sir!" and starts flying home after releasing his dark, pointed wings. His long, blonde hair tailed behind him, reaching his elbows. His short, brown horns poked out of the front of his scalp, right above his light, red eyes that glistened in the sunlight. He smiled, showing his white, slightly pointed teeth out of pure joy; he was about to arrive home before sunset, giving him enough time to show his son what he has been waiting to show for years.


"How much longer until Dad gets home?" Young Shinji asked

"I've told you time and time again Shinji," Ikehara replies "He won't be home until long after the sun has set."

"But that means he will miss my birthday!" Shinji sulks.

Complaining to his mother, Shinji waited for his dad to come home, he was promised to be shown the best thing he will ever see. Luckily, he wouldn't have to wait much longer; there was a knock on the door.

"Guess who?" Kuragari jokingly asks as he arrived.


The confused but happy Shinji, after seeing his dad arrive so early couldn't hold in his question any longer.

"What is it? what is the best thing I'll ever see?" he asks with joy.

"I think it's better if I just show you, it should be happening any minute now!"

Kuragari takes Shinji to the top of the tallest hill, right by their house. The sun had set and a bright array of lights emerged from the horizon; streaks of blue and green coloured light mesmerised Shinji as he wondered what was happening.

"We call it the Aurora." Kuragari states, not taking his eyes off the sky "It happens one time during each winter season, me and my dad used to come and watch it every year."

With his eyes still focused on the lights, Shinji smiles.

"Does that mean I can come back and see it again next year? And the year after?"

"Of course we can! We can even go every year if you want." Kuragari suggests.

Shinji turns to his dad in response, smiling, happier than he has ever been before.

Somewhere far away from the demon realm, three beings of extraordinary power reside in a room. They do not like the demons. Not one bit.

"It won't be long now." the oldest of the three says.

"What? Until what?" the youngest questions.

"Until The War, you know the thing we have been talking about for years?" The other responds, annoyed and tired.

"Oh yeah, The war. The war... What war?"

The other two give the youngest an agitated glare before dismissing it and going back to what they were doing.

"Our best bet starting point is Limbo. Risky but we can handle it – and will certainly be worth it in the end." the oldest one breaks the newfound silence.

They all look at each other with an agreeing grin before going back to what they were doing. With a Class such as theirs, their confidence is not just for show. Not one bit.

Just to clarify before I upload the rest of the story, the class power system is ranged from the lowest, F Class, to the highest, SS+, and goes in the order such as A-, A, A+, etc. It does get clarified throughout the story but I just think it’s easier to do so here :)

Also I hope you all don’t mind my lack of grammar rule abiding, it’ll be a running theme from now on BUT I will be improving any and every mistake I can over time so lmk if you see one.

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