
The Ruler Of All - The Immortal Demon’s Rise to Power

Offered a chance to save his own life, Demon, Shinji Yuu, makes a deal with a mysterious voice in his head and is cursed with immortality, as well as the ability to unlock his unfathomable power that’s hidden deep inside his soul. There is one condition though - He must rise to defeat the almighty Demon King. Word count: 1000-2000 words/ch (on average) Roughly 1 chapter per month

JSPRX · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Demonic Punishment

Shinji faces Nebula, determined to kill her at all costs. Kasumi, a short distance away from the two, watches as the conflict unfolds.

"Was it you, Celestial mage, that murdered the Commander of the Supreme Archdemons?" Shinji asks and stares at Nebula, floating with the strength from his wings.

"Of course, it was me, weakling, I am the superior celestial after all, HAHAHAHA!" Nebula expresses her ego in confidence.

"I see... THANK YOU, NEBULA OF PACIFISM" He pauses, "FOR KILLING MY FAMILY!" Shinji grins, fuelled by his rage and his desire for revenge.

Nebula sensed the intensity and complete insincerity in Shinji's words. She knew he was serious about this fight , and she loved it. Her pointed and sharpened teeth were shown as she smirked for a brief moment.

"Tell me, Child of the S Class, what is your name?" Nebula asks.

"Shinji, Shinji Yuu."

"Shinji... HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE THE FIRST WEAKLING TO TRULY PISS ME OFF, AHAHAHAHAHA!" Nebula exclaims to the unfazed Shinji.


-What is this? I'm in the middle of something here! –

"It's your first ability, the rage in your soul insisted I unlock it …"

-Quit the metaphorical bullshit and tell me what it does already. –

"You should find that out for yourself..."

-Tch, whatever you say, if it helps me kill this bitch, I'm happy. -

Demonic Punishment is an ability only possessable by demons that temporarily boosts the class and therefore the strength and abilities of the user. It automatically and can only be activated when the user is in a peak enraged state. The class is boosted to match that of the opponent causing the rage but does not work against any being class SS or higher. The larger the gap between the individuals beforehand, the more detrimental the aftereffects of using the ability are on the user, the longer the ability is used worsens these effects as well. The boost will end when the users rage subsides or when they deactivate the ability themselves.

Shinji's rage had reached its peak, activating Demonic Punishment. He felt himself grow stronger as his class increased rapidly – but so did Nebula. Shinji's confidence was greater than it had ever been before, he now understood the basis of the ability, that, on top of his immortality, he now stood a chance.

"This doesn't make sense... YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE WEAK! WHY ARE YOU GETING STRONGER!?" Nebula exclaimed, angered by the unprecedented twist.

Shinji grinned as he charged up an attack, Nebula snarled at him before preparing some form of celestial magic.

"Oi, Little Aki," Diablo asks Aki, watching Shinji, "What's Shinji's Class?"

"It's always been B-, why do you ask?" Aki responded, ignoring the nickname he had been given.

"KAHAHAHA!" Diablo bursts into a laugh, "Wrong, its S+, you'll feel it soon, I'm sure!"

Aki fumbled to responded, utterly shocked by what Diablo had just said, "What!? How is that even possible?"

"That's a fair response, KAHAHA!" Diablo cackles at the thought, "I myself can barely believe it, a modern-day demon blessed with the primordial ability, Demonic Punishment, on top of being an immortal!"

Aki questions the response, "Primordial ability?"

"You don't know about primordial abilities? What do they even teach you nowadays?" Diablo asked, rhetorically. "You must at least know about the four Primordial demons, right?"

Aki slowly shook his head.

"Seriously? I'm one of them!" Diablo exclaims, slightly irritated by Aki's lack of knowledge.

"You are!? What, exactly?" Aki asks.

"Oh come on Little Aki, I thought you'd at least know that it means I'm one of the four original demons!" Diablo reveals.


Also short chapter and last one for a while, I had already wrote up all of this in some document up to now but from here on out I only have the first draft so the next chapter won’t be for a while (but it’s a good one, trust me)

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