


Amanda Estelle

New York.. please be nice.

I just landed in New York with my grandfather's private jet. It was hard to say goodbye to my family. I got out from the jet and got into the car right away. I looked out the window and tried to smile even though it's so hard to smile.

I will go straight to have lunch with Joan and Crystal. They're really happy to see me here in New York. I'm glad that I already have friends here or I'll be lonely.

I turned on my phone and I texted my father and grandfather that I landed in New York safely. I closed my eyes trying tell myself that it's okay that everything will be okay.

/"Amanda!/" I smiled as I saw Joan and Crystal. I closed the private room and hugged them both.

/"How are you guys? I brought some presents./" I said as I gave them both a paper bag each.

/"Thank you!/" Crystal squealed.
