


Leonardo Nielsen

Me and Nadine entered the charity event together hand-in-hand. The news about us broke out already so there's no need to hide my engagement with her. People already expecting us to get married soon.

We sat down immediately because we came quite late. We're already in the middle of the event. Carter and Aria decided to come alone with me and Nadine because they're bored being in Denmark.

/"Jayson!/" I turned to see Carter greet Jayson and I raised my eyebrows. Please tell me that Juliet isn't here! I looked around trying to find Juliet but she's nowhere to be found. I let out a breath of relieve. Nadine pulled me to our seats and Carter sat beside me. Aria was busy mingling with everyone and I hope she won't get into trouble today.

/"You know, one of my friends will be two of my friends will get an auction./" Nadine said as she squealed.

/"Auction?/" I turned to her.