
The Rooh of Greed

Cultivation is a path of rebellion — rebellion against the world, rebellion against Heaven and Earth. Rebellion against oneself! The journey to the apex is fraught with bloodshed. It's a path of no return that only the bravest of men can tread. However, courage alone is not enough to reach the end of this arduous road. Only those who can embrace the loneliness of this journey, all while enduring the unimaginable pain and suffering constantly hurled at them along this infinitely long path of cultivation, stand a chance to reach the peak. Yet, even then, it remains a one-in-a-billion chance. Does this mean there have never been individuals at the top? No, there have been those who reached the pinnacle, but they are a mere handful compared to the countless beings who have aspired to ascend since the beginning of time. So, what sets these supreme beings apart from the multitude of people who have walked the path of cultivation? Is it luck? Perhaps. Wisdom? Well, one cannot afford to be a fool and still be a king right. Wealth? Certainly, but it is not everything. Perseverance? Well, that goes without saying. But something is still missing, something important... What about fate and destiny? It could very well be a factor! However, isn't cultivation all about defying one's fate and forging their destiny? Then what is that one quality which separates the masses from being a supreme individual?? *** Wei Wushang slowly closed the book he was reading, leaning back in his chair. Closing his eyes which were filled with fatigue, he muttered softly. "It's the willingness to sacrifice. To achieve something great one must be ruthless towards both the world and oneself, treating everything equally. Only then can one achieve true greatness. Something that can be gained easily is not worthy of greatness, and that which seems impossible to achieve is the truth of the soul." "And the truth of my soul is Eternal Freedom!" ••••••• This is a novel about a true villain, unapologetic and unrepentant. He was reborn as Wei Wushang in the cruel and marvelous world of Rooh. For his goals, he shall do whatever it takes. But what drives this unrepentant sinner? Wei Wushang seeks eternal freedom, he desires to break free from the constraints of fate and live life on his own terms for all of eternity. Follow Wei Wushang's journey as he wreaks havoc and terrorizes all those who stand in his way, leaving a legacy that will never be forgotten in the world of Rooh. ..... Author's note: •)Mc is a Villain •)No romance & harem. •)Chapter Release rate: Uh, the author is unreliable. •)Rooh = Soul

EvilGrandpa · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Wei Wushang's Shamelessness(2/2)

<p>The atmosphere within the room was heavy.<br/><br/>In the room, there were only the academy elder Shang Fei, the academy guard Zhang Wei, and the teenager Wei Wushang present.<br/><br/>The academy elder, Shang Fei, was seated. Wei Wushang stood before him, and beside him, Zhang Wei knelt on the ground. None of them spoke a word, causing the already tense atmosphere to grow even more uneasy.<br/><br/>Elder Shang Fei gazed wordlessly at Wei Wushang, his gaze holding a thousand emotions.<br/><br/>Earlier this morning, the academy guards had informed him about the murder incident. This news had left him feeling shocked, angry, suspicious, and even a bit of admiration.<br/><br/>In the morning, when those six guards came to meet him, the academy elder had already formed a conclusion in his heart just by looking at their swollen faces. This was nothing new; every year, a few students would unnecessarily bully these guards for their entertainment or to vent their frustrations. Nevertheless, Shang Fei would give these youngsters a brief warning, and these naughty students would be more careful not to repeat such behavior again.<br/><br/>However, the words the guards spoke felt like a spit on Shang Fei's understanding. The Chief guard and his entire family had been brutally murdered, this news was shocking.<br/><br/>After his shock, intense rage followed.<br/><br/>The Chief guard was merely an external martial artist, and his family were nothing but ordinary mortals. So what if they died? Shang Fei didn't really care.<br/><br/>But the crucial point was their identity. Feng Tian was the academy's chief guard, representing the academy's prestige and Shang Fei's reputation. When beating a dog, it was common courtesy to look at the owner.<br/><br/>This culprit was simply too daring. Not only did they kill Feng Tian and his family, but they did so within the academy grounds, no less. No, this wasn't just gutsiness. This was practically a provocation and a challenge to the academy's prestige, it was like taking a dump on the academy elder's doorstep and inviting him to observe it!<br/><br/>By this juncture, Shang Fei was prepared for war. However, after the guards explained the whole incident, the academy elder's anger dissipated like a deflated tire, and he fell into deep thought.<br/><br/>Based on the guards' account, Chief Guard Feng Tian unexpectedly attacked a student named Wei Wushang, leading to a lethal confrontation between the two. Fortunately, Guard Zhang Wei, who was assigned to Wei Wushang, happened to be in the vicinity. Zhang Wei acted bravely, defending the young immortal and killing the traitorous chief guard.<br/><br/>The situation was a lot more complex now.<br/><br/>Upon receiving the complete report, the initial thought that crossed Shang Fei's mind was, 'This is absolute nonsense.'<br/><br/>They were talking about Feng Tian who had been the chief guard for three years. The very Feng Tian whom the Academy Elder had secretly acknowledged for his ability to stay tolerant and understand his responsibilities and lowly status. Why would such a smart person abruptly decide to ambush a student? Did he suddenly turn into a retard?<br/><br/>Not only that but what was Wei Wushang doing near the chief guard's house in the middle of the night? It was certainly a bit suspicious. Maybe, he was training? However, no one had seen him train at that hour before. And most importantly, the chief guard's residence and Wei Wushang's residence were not that close. Wei Wushang had never ventured to that side for training before. <br/><br/>All of these circumstances were highly questionable.<br/><br/>The guards might have been deceived by Wei Wushang's angry young man act, but the academy elder possessed deep wisdom. It's hard to believe that it would be so easy to deceive someone of his insight.<br/><br/>And truth be told, Wei Wushang's intention behind the act was never to deceive the elder. Instead, it was to declare: "I, Wei Wushang, am not so simple. The rules and regulations of the sect, I understand them."<br/><br/>Previously, when Wei Wushang slaughtered the chief guard and his family, he violated the academy's rule of non-violence. However, Wei Wushang felt no fear toward such rules, as he knew how to smoothly avoid them. <br/><br/>Thus, Wei Wushang assumed the victim's role and shifted the blame onto Feng Tian, clearly delineating the roles of the sinner and a morally upright individual. <br/><br/>However, Wei Wushang could have simply clarified this when conversing with Shang Fei; the chief guard and his family were already deceased, so Wei Wushang could have portrayed the narrative in any manner he desired. So, why did he put in so much effort into this facade of an angry young man for the guards? <br/><br/>Well, you see, taking such action would have displeased the academy elder, a Rank 3 Immortal. Considering that the chief guard was under Shang Fei's command, any foolish actions by his subordinates could also tarnish Shang Fei's reputation. <br/><br/>After all, what value does a master hold if they can't exercise control over their subordinates? Doesn't that reflect a certain level of incompetence? Can someone like that genuinely be relied upon to guide the future pillars of the sect? Won't they potentially mature and follow in the footsteps of their useless teacher? These were all the troubles Shang Fei would have to face. <br/><br/>Therefore, Wei Wushang orchestrated this performance. In the start, he ensured to convey his dissatisfaction to the guards through both verbal and physical reprimands. Subsequently, he enabled them to comprehend the reasons behind his intense anger, making them sense that they had neglected their duty while he was justified in his reactions. Lastly, to complete the picture, he elevated Zhang Wei, another subordinate, to the role of a hero in this murder incident. By doing so, he created a chaotic yet steady equilibrium of reputation for the academy elder to show the world.<br/><br/>Moreover, by enacting this scheme, Wei Wushang spared the academy elder the task of consoling his subordinates. If anyone could simply come and eliminate the guards, what purpose was there in leading such pointless lives? Why follow orders if you were bound to be killed regardless? They'd probably think something along the lines: I am going to die anyway, I might as well have some fun and wreak havoc.<br/><br/>At present, even though these mortals were considered slaves, they found a certain measure of safety in obeying orders. Indiscriminate killing would stir immense unrest among them. Therefore, through his actions, Wei Wushang prevented needless trouble for the Academy elder.<br/><br/>Wei Wushang had to take these steps; he was but an insignificant character now. Provoking a Rank 3 immortal needlessly would have been incredibly foolish!<br/><br/>'His method is really wise,' Shang Fei sighed in admiration. 'With his power-hungry nature, he must have killed Feng Tian to get a hold of all his spirit stones, and it was also the 1st day of the month—what better day to plunder than the day of the monthly pay? But this brat is not only cunning but also has such indifference towards taking a life. He will be a nightmare on the battlefield for our enemies. But it's such a pity that he only has a low-grade aptitude, if he only had high-grade or top-grade talent like his brother. It would have been a blessing to the sect.'<br/><br/>Even though Wei Wushang had killed two of his subordinates, the academy elder wasn't angry at all. On the contrary, he was quite pleased. A scheming and daring junior, wasn't that a blessing for the sect? The academy's purpose was to nurture talents, and Wei Wushang was undoubtedly a remarkable talent.<br/><br/>As for those mortals, they should consider it an honor to meet their end at the hands of such a brilliant young individual.<br/><br/>After all, this was a world of winners. Wei Wushang was a winner, while Feng Tian and his family were the losers. There wasn't much to consider anyway. <br/><br/>Shang Fei's gaze lightly landed on kneeling Zhang Wei. He couldn't help but think, 'Well, even though this boy has some wisdom, he still lacks experience. Keeping this slave alive was not wise. Just giving him credit was more than enough, but he went ahead and spared him. This creates an unnecessary variable for keeping the truth contained. Hmm, perhaps he was fearful of crossing my bottom line. But when compared to a sect member, what is the value of a mortal? Even if ten of them were to die, it wouldn't be a significant issue. The boy still has much to learn.'<br/><br/>Noticing Elder Shang Fei's gaze lingering on Zhang Wei, Wei Wushang couldn't help but smile in his heart. <br/><br/>Wei Wushang had a keen understanding of the Academy elder's thoughts. <br/><br/>This murder incident etched Wei Wushang's image deeply into Shang Fei's mind. From now on, the Academy Elder would carefully observe all of Wei Wushang's future actions, which wasn't advantageous for him. But it couldn't be avoided unless Wei Wushang wishes to lead an ordinary life. Being a low-grade talent, Wei Wushang had to take risks. Thus, he seized this opportunity. While also astonishing and impressing the Elder with his methods. <br/><br/>After revealing his methods, Wei Wushang had already been secretly judged by the Academy Elder. The one 'mistake' Wei Wushang intentionally made led Shang Fei to believe that while the boy was undoubtedly clever, he wasn't shrewd enough to deceive the experienced. <br/><br/>What did this signify? <br/><br/>Well, from this moment onward, whenever Wei Wushang would enact a plan, the Academy Elder would be the first to meticulously examine it, taking it very seriously. But, he will also be the one to unknowingly underestimate it. If the sheer brilliance of the plan surpassed his expectations, he would swiftly dismiss it.<br/><br/>Why? Because he already knows how capable Wei Wushang is, and that too from his personal experience. Can the Academy Elder, with nearly 25 years of teaching experience, really be incapable of assessing a student? Hah, you must be dreaming with your eyes open!<br/><br/>This 'mistake' was a mental trap that Wei Wushang had set, which allowed the Academy Elder to unknowingly set a limiter in his mind. Shang Fei believed he had Wei Wushang's character and intentions fully grasped in the center of his palm, but he was oblivious to the fact that he had just ended up with his hands soiled by the pile of dog shit Wei Wushang had dropped in his lap.<br/><br/>As if all of this wasn't sufficient, Wei Wushang was still putting on an act. He stood in front of the Academy Elder with a confident look, but the Academy Elder's astute gaze could discern restlessness in Wei Wushang's wandering gaze.<br/><br/>After a long silence, Shang Fei finally spoke, his voice deep and solemn, "Wei Wushang, don't repeat it."<br/><br/>Merely a few words from Shang Fei, yet Wei Wushang's body visibly stiffened. Hastily, he performed a deep bow in front of the Academy Elder, expressing with utmost respect, "This disciple will hold the teacher's words in his heart."<br/><br/>Observing Wei Wushang's unease, a smile tugged at the academy elder's lips, he laughed in his heart, 'No matter, he is still a child.'</p>


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