
The Road toward the Tower

in a world where the impossible can become possible by simply reaching the Tower!!! but is it really that simple. why do the rulers of the world decided to ban people from reaching the Tower ? Loki is a young man who is curious by nature, the more they told he can't go to The Tower the more he want try. to defy the order of the world and achieve his dream Loki has to face the entire world. follow Loki's journey toward the tower ------------------------------------ Note : Romance : × (no) harem : × (no) Conspiracy: high IQ: Superpower: (The cover isn't mine by the ArtistMEF)

Illusionmaster · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

psychological warfare

Pov Loki :

After unknown amount of time passed I opened my eyes, and i was met with beautiful decorated ceiling that I'm unfamiliar with, i thought I'm still in the forest but unexpectedly it looks like someone helped me, i raised my hands a little and saw that bandage is covering all over my body, i tried to get up and have better look on myself but I feel pain in every single part of my body, although I trained for years and raised my pain tolerance to the limit that I could handle, but the fight in that place already left me exhausted, fortunately I only met those wolves, if it was something bigger..

Just the thought of it brings shivers down my spine, this isn't the first time I was in life and death situation, but it would have been pity if I died in the day i got free.

So, it looks I'm gonna stay here for awhile, at least until I'm fully recovered.

But first I have to know the person that helped me, and determine if he has any goal he wants to achieve from doing so.

I'm not being paranoid it's just that the situation i was in can't be called a normal person need help, so if his intentions were pure, he should at least be wary of me.

But there's always people whom excluded from the normal routine, well if that really the case, i don't mind owning a favor to my helper, but if he wants to use me or force me to do something i don't want, then "hehe", cold light flashed in my eyes before returning to normal.

Third person POV

"Knock, knock"

Suddenly there was a knocking sounds followed by the opening of the door.

What come of it is beautiful woman in her mid twenties, she short black hair, clear blue eyes, a small nose, and a well-proportioned face. Her white skin was hard to notice while she's wearing white dress , she had well-developed body accompanied with beautiful appearance with cherry red lips.

But Loki didn't pay her appearance any mind ( I mean he's currently 11 years old for f##k sake),no, what made him take a deep look at her is because he can feel a calm yet a sharp Aura, like sword in his sheath ready to be drown anytime.

Loki started to analyze this woman from her Aura alone, and he concluded that he's not her opponent which made him a little nervous, he didn't expect to meet a Master just when he's in his weakest, no even if he is 100% and use all his abilities he's still lacking, the danger signals that this woman bringing him is stronger than anyone he faced before.

As Loki was in daze and using his super computer like brain to find the best course of action in this kind of situation, he suddenly felt a touch on his head so he raised it and his eyes met with clear icy blue pupils.

" Don't be so nervous, i don't have any ill intensions"

Loki was stunned for moment before making a wary smile on his face

" Well, i can't help it, the last thing I remember is that i was on verge of death then suddenly i find myself in stranger house, anyone in my place will be nervous" "Ahh, i understand that feeling, something similar happened to me too, one time I was drunk and when I woke up I found myself tide up in a large coliseum full of people whom were betting if i will live or die"

The woman kept nodding her head while saying something that left Loki speechless,

'no, I'm sure it's not the same' this were the thoughts of Loki at this moment, but he didn't say it.

"Well i hope you managed to get out of that situation unharmed"

Loki showed a worry expression while he said that.


The woman laughed lightly before saying with smile on her face

" Don't worry I'm strong you should know better "

Loki narrowed his eyes a little after hearing her statement, he already noticed that she had been testing him the moment she entered the room.

Yes, all their conversation was nothing more than probing from both sides, Loki was trying to find the attitude of the woman first before making any plans, while the woman was analyzing his character.

Her seemly unrelated story about kidnapping is just a facade, if Loki didn't show any worries or concern, she will be able to judge his personality.

Her second answer about him knowing that she's strong is to assess his senses.

He can't play the card of the child innocence because they already saw him kill the wolves, as Loki was trying to find the best answer without giving much information, the woman backed out a little and said

" Well, I'm going to let you off for now because you are a cute little rabbit"

Then she moved out room but before she closed the door she asked Loki

"By the way, what's your name?"


"Well nice to meet you, you can call me Rose, there's new clothes beside your bed. Make sure to come down after a while, the dinner is almost ready" then she closed the door.

"Sighhh, it looks like my helper is a bit troublesome woman, fortunately she doesn't seem to be hostile"

After a long sigh and little complain, he quickly dressed up and walk out of the room.

POV Rose :

This is the third day since I found that child yet he's still in coma, i thought today was the same, but I didn't expect to see him just after he woke up, which caught him of guard a little.

I knew he's not a normal child because aside from the scene we saw, my intention already warn me to be careful around him, but that only made me more curious about him, so I decided to play with him a little before dinner.

I noticed that he got a little nervous after seeing me, probably he felt my strength a little, which means he has high senses.

As I was getting close to him, i noticed that he seems to be in daze, which may be misunderstood as being stunned by my beauty, but I don't think he's doesn't look like that kind of person.

Once I got near him i put my right hand on top of his head and said to him

" Don't be so nervous, i don't have any ill intensions"

And in return he gave wary smile mixed with some embarrassment and said

" Well, i can't help it, the last thing I remember is that i was on verge of death then suddenly i find myself in stranger house, anyone in my place will be nervous"

Wow, i'm little surprised, even though he tried his best I can tell that his nervousness is real but his embarrassment and wary smile are fake, because I spent a majority of my time with this kind of people whom put a facade in order to mask their real feelings.

But I'm surprised that a child can do that because those people i know are old foxes.

So, i told him the story about when I was kidnapped which made him show a concern expression that was so good that i couldn't tell if it's real or fake.

" Don't worry I'm strong you should know better "

I laughed a little then told him that I'm strong to test his reaction and sure enough his eyes narrowed a little, with a little frown in his face which probably went unnoticed by him, he is finding this situation troublesome to handle that's why he took longer time to answer.

As I was looking at his thinking expression, i back out from this probing, since he might find it uncomfortable.

I'm planning to know him better, because if i at first just wanted to help him out of curiosity, now he has my full intention, this were my thoughts as made my way out of the room.