
The Rivermoore Chronicles

Rivermoore, is a small town with mysteries and secrets ready to be revealed. Join Youtuber Kwong Seulgi on this journey and explore the town again to see what's new.

Diana_Yumi · LGBT+
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4 Chs

Detectives in action

Previously in Rivermoore...

Kwong Seulgi in her panic moment was distracted by her classmate's beauty Taylor Hecher, but she was surprised by Albert Allen and the gossip between friends started.

At Greenmore, Angelo had a surprise party, while the trio from Panic Club search for answers about magic trees and curses.

At Sunnymoore, Brianna was almost trusting in an evil spirit while she was working at Sunnymoore Historical Museum. And somehow one of the visitors, a kid, was hypnotised by one of the cursed artefacts and vanished from sight on Eversgreen Bridge.

Read now one more chapter...

"I can't believe I was accused for doing nothing by someone. The sheriff really believes that I am the guilty one because of an anonymous report without evidence. He is crazy!"

Me; This is my first week in Riverdale and they already think I am a criminal? This is the worse week of my life!

Sheriff K.; No one blames another one without my authority. I am just doing my job to protect this city. The fire was a serious criminal activity. Me; Right, then what clues do you have until now? And who wrote the note accusing me without evidence?

Sheriff K.; An anonymous victim of the fire said you were acting strangely outside of Chatswin when the fire started.

Me; I was talking to my mom on my phone! (angry) I am totally innocent.

Sheriff K.; Through my experiences, people who said it are the guilty ones.

Me; Whoever did this, is jealous because I am new in town and they think I caused it. This person wants to ruin my life! This is not fair! (mad)

Sheriff K.; And do you have evidence to prove is wrong?

"Maybe he is not sure that I am the guilty one yet. Maybe I can convince him to free me from this case."

Me; Look at my cellphone, the history and the time and day of who was talking to me. I was talking to my mom when the fire started.

Sheriff K.; It looks nice, but is possible to start a fire while doing something else.

Me; Really?! Are you going through this suspecting about me? The new girl and the cause of the fire? This is insane!

Sheriff K.; I am not saying that I'll do it, but I can't prove you haven't done it either.

I need to clean up my name before it is too late! Somehow, but how? And why does he think I can talk on the phone with someone from OUTSIDE and start the fire at the same time? He is insane!

Sheriff K.; You are free... for now. But you will be watched by my teamwork until the truth comes out.

Taylor H.; Is everything fine here? Kwong?

Taylor saw me leaving Pop's, maybe she can help me.

Me; Not exactly.

Sheriff K.; Taylor, right in time. You are the next on my list.

Taylor H.; But I am not an accomplice or criminal. I am one of the victims (desperate)Help me, Kwong! (whispering in my left ear)

"I know we are all innocent and we have each other, but I am scared. Frozen from the feet to top, two victims of the fire that none of us started and we have only each other to defend our story."

Me; I can't. You are on your own. Sorry. (whispering)

Taylor H.; I thought you were with me, Seulgi. Apparently, I was wrong. (angry)

"And now, she won' talk to me again. Never!"

Sheriff K.; Troubles in the paradise?

Me; It is not like that! It is... it is just...

Taylor H.; All right, I can defend myself now. (upset) At least I have an alibi. I was sitting next to a window talking to Carolyn and Reece at Chatswin when the fire started.

Sheriff K.; Mmmm... I need to confirm this story with them. You can go.

Taylor looks upset at me and I feel guilty for it. The Sheriff is leaving and we are alone, just the two of us in the locket aisle, face to face.

Taylor H.; What was that?

Me; Sorry, I was in a panic.

Taylor H.; Sheriff Kenner really thinks we are the guilty ones for the fire? Absurd!

Me; I showed my phone to him as proof that I was talking to my mom when it all started, but he still thinks I am a criminal. I had no idea of what to do and was in a panic when I remembered I haven't cleaned up my call list history yet.

Taylor H.; Right. I have class now. See you after the classes!

Taylor leaves and I feel worse. "She has been helping me since I arrived and maybe I will lose thousands of followers because of one fan. I need to make her feel better and do something to gain her trust again."

Now I am in class and everyone is looking at their phones watching or texting something. I feel guilty, less important and closed to everyone. I need to be strong, pass through this and enjoy the day. I breathe deeply and go to my chair thinking not to worry about the fire incident. Suddenly Jared appears talking about the subject I wanted to avoid.

Jared J.; Is it true what everybody is saying, Kwong Seulgi? That you were strange when the fire started?

Me; What? Do you think about me this way too? Who told you that?

Carolyn B.; The news spread fast, Seulgi. You should know about that since you are smart enough and works with it.

Me; I know how gossip works, Cheryl. And let me guess, you are the one spreading fake rumours about me because of last night.

Carolyn B.; Be careful to accuse someone because of something you did, Seulgi. Especially when you don't have proof of it.

Me; I always find out the truth, and I won't let you escape easily. This is my duty.

Carolyn B.; You are wasting your time. Like I care with you, huh?

Me; I can see through your eyes that you are lying, Cheryl.

Carolyn B.; Face the truth, Seulgi. Say it! You are into me. After all, I am the beauty of this school.

"She is right, I need proof to show who is the guilty one and she is one of the suspects on my list because of Taylor's kiss from last night. I need to convince them that I am innocent to help people from Rivermoore solve this mystery case.

Jared J.; Kwong Seulgi, I think it is better to talk about it after the classes.

Me; All right Carolyn, if you haven't spread these rumours, who was it?

(School bell rings)

"And just when I started to face the queen bee, the school bell rings. Ugh!"

Carolyn B.; Saved by the bell! Toodles.

Jared J.; Just ignore her as everyone do. Why don't you talk to Albert and the girls to find out if they know about something?

Me; This is a good idea, Jad. You are incredible.

"This is getting out of control and these rumours are spreading faster than a blender making a milkshake."

The boring classes of mathematics and biology finally are over and now it is time to break up. At the gym are Bridget and Albert talking about something.

"What do they think about me?"

Bridget C.; There is no way a kiss coming instantly! This is not going to help us to restore Chatswin.

Albert A.; This is because they don't know me yet!

Bridget C.; How can I forget you have the sweet lips from all the boys in Rivermoore?

Albert A.; I am invincible, this is a fact.

"What are they talking about? Are they talking about me?" (I sore my throat to get people's attention)

Bridget C.; KWONG SEULGI! Uh, hi!

Me; Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you. (of course, I wanted)

Albert A.; It is fine. We were just talking about doing something to restore Chatswin.

Me; And how will you do that? What are you going to do if they start a fire at Chatswin again? You know, after being restored.

Bridget C.; This is a great question.

Albert A.; Why? What is the problem?

Me; Someone is spreading rumours that I started the fire and I think is Carolyn because, since the first day at Rivermoore, she has been provoking me because of my moments with Taylor.

Bridget C.; What? She had her dark moments, but this is not her.

Me; Talking seriously, I am not sure about it, but I and my intuition feel the same.

Albert A.; Maybe it is time to talk to Taylor about it. She has been acting strange lately.

Me; Do you think Carolyn spread a rumour about me to her?

Bridget C.; I am trying to keep a distance from gossip. But I saw her talking to Taylor earlier.

"I am furious. I think it is better to be away from them and try to talk alone somewhere to feel better."

Me; I can't let that psycho put lies in Taylor's head.

The school ends the classes and I am going to the schoolyard to reflect on it. "I can't imagine Carolyn talking to Taylor today. I won't let that psycho tells lies to Taylor! But I think it is better for Taylor to decide on her own who she thinks is innocent or not. I really need to stop thinking about the kiss and feel worse."

I am angry, but I have hope that Taylor will choose the right side. Now it is time to record a new vlog for my fans. This time I will show them I am innocent and convince them to help restore Chatswin.

" Hello everyone. How are you? I am Kwong Seulgi bringing one more dramatic story for you. All of you when you were the new girl or boy in town know how it is hard and bad to know a place you haven't growned up and raised and never thought about being accused of something you haven't done, and never thought that you would be a suspect from a crime happening in the most famous tourism point in a town. And this is why I need to find the real criminal and clean up my name before it is too late."

(Message notification ring)

Me: Ugh. CUT! "

This is a message from Taylor.

Taylor Message: Hi, I need to tell you something important that I couldn't tell you earlier. It is about the anonymous note.

"How does Taylor have a lead from the anonymous reporter? And what if she thinks I am a criminal? Oh no!

At Eversgreen forest is the Greenmoore social group of Sandra Safford. Rosalyn Warren, Holden Kirby and Thomas Pruitt are looking for supernatural leads that only people with special gifts can find like Rosa with her premonitions or Thomas, a sensitive medium who can feel the spirits of his ancestors.

Thomas P.; Rosa, are you sure we going to find something here? What if we are cursed too?

Holden K.; IF we find a cursed object as evidence to show the mysterious figure that turned into a tree-like in Rosa's premonition, we can call Sandra to solve this case. She is the daughter of the Beast for example and he is the master of the evil things.

The Scott Guardian and the Queen of Hell appear to them.

Sandra M.; Hello, friends!

Rosalyn W.; How was your day? You know, in Hell.

Sandra M.; Great. Actually, they gave me permission to see you and talk about what is happening up here.

Thomas P.; How the Hell knows about it before us? You are very well-informed, huh?

Holden K.; Thomas. It had been a long time. It must be hard for you to be trapped without tasks to do it. Have fun, for example.

Scott Guardian; What are you saying, mortal?

Holden K.; Hello for you too, Noah.

Scott Guardian; You don't deserve to speak my name and less talk that way with the Queen of Hell.

Holden K.; No, no. Don't screw this moment, please. Besides we haven't known we would meet this way again.

Sandra M.; All right, my love. Let me take care of this situation on my own, fine? Excuse me.

Sandra holds Thomas and Holden's hands and pushes them to stay away from her Guardian.

Sandra M.; You don't have any idea of how is tiring and boring to be the Queen of Hell, but it is for a good cause. I need to stay here and find a solution to get out of there as soon as possible. You know, before my reflection comes to see me or the world will end.

Holden K.; I thought you were excited about that. A few minutes later I asked you if you are fine and you said it is great.

Sandra M.; Stay alert that what I am talking about with you in front of my protector, is the opposite of what I am saying. If I talk to you don't go somewhere far, go and don't reveal our secret communication to him. He knows how to read your mind, then doesn't think about what I said in front of him. And also I will continue to go to Baxter High, but don't tell them what I am going to show to Rosalyn.

Sandra M. shows everything that happened from coronation to the clan wars. Noah Scott sees how the Queen is smiling and looks like she is having some fun instead of keeping on doing her tasks to find out what is happening at Greenmoore.

Scott Guardian; My queen, I believe it is time to go back. It is getting late.

Sandra M.; But I haven't heard what they are going to say yet. Just a few minutes and I go.

Scott Guardian; A few minutes or I will report this to your father.

Roz touches on something on the grass and receives a new premonition. This time the premonition shows the same scene from a different angle. The man turns into a tree, but before losing his human shape, says something. "Sandra, forgive me. But for now on, you won't see me again." and the figure holding a wood stick reveals itself as Fabian Blackwell. The premonition ends and Rosalyn sees what she is touching. It looks like an old diary buried for years and no one discovered it because they have fear of the forest keeping horrible secrets from the past.

Rosalyn W.; What is this book?

Holden K.; Did you find something?

Rosalyn W.; A book, brown cover and looks like a 90's diary.

Thomas P.; I don't know if it is a good idea to open an old diary. What if it is cursed?

Sandra M.; If it is cursed, I can't take out the curse on it. Actually, let me see if it is cursed or not.

The Queen holds the diary in her hands and this time she is the one who receives the premonition. She sees someone familiar writing in a diary a safe message. "Sandra, my dear daughter. Soon you will complete 16 years of age and I want you to know that you need to study our family traditions and understand your duties. Your mother died to save us and now it is up to you to keep our legacy. Love, Edward Safford." The premonition ends and the Queen recovers her consciousness.

Sandra M.; Well, apparently is not cursed, but I will take this diary with me. It belongs to me, I can feel it.

Rosalyn W.; But how are we going to find out about the tree without evidence? I had the same premonition from a different angle and the same man being turned into a tree and he said your name. Maybe he is the owner of this diary and dropped it before became the tree.

Holden K.; And what has to do with her?

Rosalyn W.; And it is not just that. Do you remember when Sandra shows who was the past owner of the mysterious school where she went to study magic? That Fabian Bla...

Thomas P.; Blackwell. Yes, I do. Very well.

Rosalyn W.; He was in my vision too and smiling as a psycho.

Sandra M.; What is Blackwell doing now?

Scott Guardian; Sorry, but the Queen needs to go back to her position now.

Noah holds Sandra's arms, pulls her to him and disappears in a flash.

Thomas P.; This is strange.

Holden K.; I agree.

Brianna is at home, tired and lay down on the bed. Again, the figure looking like her ex appears.

Angel(treacherous spirit); I know I am dead and you won't forgive me early, but I need you to do a favour for me and we can live like before. A perfect happily ever after.

Buffy G.; But now I am married, tired and I can date a vampire anymore. My life as a hunter is over.

Angel(treacherous spirit); Is it? If it was true, you wouldn't be able to see me.

Buffy G.; You might be only a reflection of my unconsciousness and I am crazy. I know I ended up with all the magic essence in Sunnymoore to save my friends and the town and I know it cost my life as a hunter too. But if I do that and become a hunter again, I would do the same, end up with all magic in Sunnymoore.

Steps come from the Welcome room.

Ryan G.; Honey! I'm home!

Brianna G. doesn't answer because she is tired and without the energy to do it. She just closes her eyes and sleeps. A few minutes later, in a dream, Brianna Grendell is in a dark room, without doors or windows, only an altar with black candles and her picture.

Brianna G.; What is...?

She looks at her picture when she was young, to the candles, and the drawing of old symbols on the wall that remembers the style of writing in caves.

Brianna G.; It is not real!

Brianna G. looks one more time at her picture and the photo boils spreading through the air revealing an alert message. "WHERE THE TWO CHAINS CONNECT, A GRAND SECRET WILL BE REVEALED. THE MIST COVERING THE MOUNTAINS IS THE KEY TO AWAKE YOUR DEEPEST FEAR."

Brianna G.; I don't know what was that, but I want to leave now.

She hears a voice. It is Ryan's voice. "BRIANNA! BRIANNA! WAKE UP! BRIANNA!" and her eyes open.

Brianna G.; Ryan?

Ryan G.; Are you fine? I heard a noise and when I find you, you were having a seizure.

Brianna G.; Was I?

Ryan G.; I thought I've lost you forever.

Brianna G.; But I swear I haven't felt anything. I've only had a nightmare.

Ryan G.; How can a nightmare do this with you? Are you sure you haven't eaten or drunk something suspecting?

Brianna G.; I came home tired and hungry, I haven't thought about eating first before going to bed. Now I think I want to eat fruit.

Ryan G.; I know you have chronicled diseases since your last surgery and the epidemics that haunted this town, but you need to take care of yourself now. If you come hungry, eat first and then have your nap.

Brianna G.; I can't eat when I am tired. But it is good to know you woke me up.

Brianna G. doesn't want to tell her what happened when she was unconscious, but she remembers very well the message about something. Maybe the magic still is inside her, but she doesn't know it. Meanwhile, at Fox forest, a strange figure looks like a zombie dumbing and scaring out the birds and animals from there. Next to the lake, there is a couple laughing and enjoying their romantic life, eating marshmallows and kissing. The strange figure is actually a boy who walks toward the couple and asks for help to find a special object for him. The couple accepts to help him and asks to wait a moment until they pick up all their stuff from there. As soon as the couple gets in the tent, the boy turns into a gargoyle and kills them with one scratch, spitting blood everywhere. The monster is gone and the crime scene had never been seen or registered, but the message left for Brianna was right. "WHERE THE TWO CHAINS CONNECT..."


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