
Learning about the world

Where am I?....Where is this place?.....

"Welcome, human of another world, I have been waiting for you"

You are?

"I am the beast goddess that every beasts respect and someone that summon your soul here..."

That means...I died again?

"No, you didn't die....your body is in the resting state and while your body in the resting state. I can pull your soul here..."

Resting state? Soul?

"Oh, right, you didn't know about this world yet and no one explain to you about it"


"This is a world that has 2 factions...human faction and beast faction. Human faction consists of Elves, Dwarves, Humans and Demi-humans while Beast faction consists of Elemental Beasts and Monsters like Orcs, Goblins or Chimeras."

What is a Demi-human?

"Demi-human are hybrid from different species mate together"

What is an Elemental beast?

"Elemental beast are species just like you, the type that have a normal beast appearance except they can learn how to evolve further, have higher intelligence and ranking...."

The self-claimed Beast goddess is making an complex expression. Ranking?

"Ranking in Elemental beast is Alpha, Beta and Omega unlike human, They don't have something like male or female despite having similar appearance....Alpha is known for being the strongest, Beta is weaker than Alpha but a bit stronger than Omega and Omega is the weakest but they are the most precious because they are known for their reproduction ability, usually only powerful Alpha be able to have their own Omega..."

That's mean my dad are powerful?

"Umm...not exactly....It is actually your mom..."

So, my mom is an Alpha and dad is Omega? That's mean...Dad is the that who Birth me and my elder twin while mom is the...ah..

"Exactly...Like I said...There is no females nor males despite their appearance. Beasts only have Alpha, Beta and Omega...In fact, Humans have females and males and no Alpha, Beta and Omega."

Umm, So if there are 2 males or females like appearance but their rank is ok then they can....


Why did you do that?

"God needs entertainment too"

But you made it into...

"Ummm, what is the term you use on earth again? oh right, I'm one of those rotten girls"

Unique lesson 1: The beast goddess of this world is a rotten girl....no, rotten goddess....got it I will jot it down in my heart.

"Any more question before you wake up?"

What rank is me?

"Beta...*sigh* such a pity that means you are forever single and also the weakest in your clan..."

.....I actually bother about being single but after hearing the rank in beast...I'm kind of wants to be single now but I'm a person from another world, aren't you supposed to give me a cheat or something?

"You do....depend if you can raise your stage..."


"Almost forgot...There are so far...the stage that the Elemental beasts discover. There are 3 stages:

- Stage 1: Infancy : the stage where elemental beast is in their cub form and cannot change to their human appearance.

- Stage 2: Adolescent : the stage where you turn in to human child with beast ears or tail...or wings and if they lose their cool or become excited, they will turn to their original beast form.

- Stage 3: Adult : the stage where you can turn to fully human or human with beast's body parts or their original beast form when ever they wanted.

and when you surpass this 3 stage. You will have a chance to evolve in to a higher species of your clan...so far in your clan only 1 wolf manage to evolve and that is the founder of your clan...originally the stages don't have name but they named it anyway."

There only 3 stages? and then you will evolve?

"Don't think it is easy...almost 90% of the beasts only manage to evolve to Adolescent stage and most of them who manage to evolve are Alpha while Omega and Beta is having a hard time....and who know how long will the beasts can continue to exist. The beast faction is on the edge of extinction because of humans hunt beasts and beasts hunt humans. Humans think the beasts killed their ancestor era to their era and Beast thinks humans hunt beasts to satisfy their greed.

So, I got summon here to save the beasts? and humans?

"Don't dream too big...I just summon you just for entertainment after all I don't care about them nor you"

How can you be goddess if you don't care about your own believers?!

"Simple, in order for the world to balance and not getting destroy, Our existence is naturally born"

So, all of this is just for you to enjoy?!

"Not only I and also the human god that they respect"


"Like I said God can be bored...So, Please keep on struggle and entertain us...seem like time up, I will give you a present later, bye bye now~"





The goddess and god in this story don't have name by the way...

JustAfatSlothcreators' thoughts