
Demon realm?!


"Umm, Yes, Flame Demon Corpse Pepper, Any problem?"

Of course, There. Is. A lot. Of. Problem..."Mentor, what do you mean by corpse?"

"The Pepper grows by absorbing the life force from a certain type of demon and after 100 years, They might have a chance to grow"

"Does that means I ate a corpse?!"

"No, more like fungi that grow from dead bodies"

"Mentor, you even know fungi?"

"Like I said, I'm a program that created by the goddess. So, she implanted your world memories to make it easier for me and you to cooperate together"

"Does that mean my 22 years of suffering is only worth 20 minutes of yours?"

"You can comprehend like that to"

"Never mind about that for now...does that mean demon exist?"

"Used to but not anymore since their realm got destroyed long ago for offended the god and goddess, they never learn their lesson"

"Realm? not faction?"

"No, not faction, but realm...as you can see, there used to be 3 realms such as demon realm, moral realm and god realm but now we only have 2 realms since demon realm got destroyed 10 000 years ago"

"Mentor, that mean right now I'm in moral realm?"


"Mentor, I'm curious of the demon realm. What exactly happened back then?"

"About that...As you know, In your previous world, They said demon are corrupted and some thought that they possess a person or act as a tormentor in hell, right?"


"But this is different. This world demon actually like normal human. Some are bad and some are good. They help each other in need and live in peace, but one day, the god and goddess was displeased with them because of their behavior doesn't fit being an existence that cause terror. So, They warned them, but the demons stand up to them and cause a rebellion. The god realm are far stronger and wiped them off and erased the demon realm due to anger"

"Why does the demon sound way nicer then the gods?"

"Because they are actually nicer than them...I'm not going to say anymore I fear that those 2 gods will send a retribution at us and let stop talking about them. Is there anything else you want to ask?"

"Mentor, you said fire spirit type. Does that mean there are more type?"

"Yes, So the elements have 4 such as fire, water, wind and earth and there is 8 types, They are divided into common and godly type. The common types are attack, defense, speed, control and support while godly types are Spirit, berserk and divine types."

"Mentor, Mine is one of those godly type?"

"Yes, your is Fire spirit type. Fire is supposed to be attack type, but combine with spirit type...It is possible that it can be support"


"That is because Spirit type are consists of a support type boost by control type"

"How about the other 2 types?"

"Berserk type are consists of attack type and defense type boost by speed type while divine type doesn't consists of any of those categories since they are the one who do sorcery and Voodoo"

"So, Spirit type is best for only supporting other only?"

"Not exactly, since it does boost by control type, It can also be perfect for assassination and while I'm at it, you also can support yourself"

"What happen if I fight directly?"

"Depends on the strength and techniques"


- Attack type: higher damage to the opponents.

- Defense type: High defense and less damage but very slow.

- Speed type: High speed and damage but no defense whatsoever.

- Control type: Control your opponents movement, very good at conceal and hit every vital spots but low defense and attack.

- Support: give boost to your comrade or yourself but very weak in the other 4 areas.

JustAfatSlothcreators' thoughts