
Hinata Hyuga Pt. 4

A/N: Just a reminder, new chapter here officially means new chapter over on the P atreon now!


To say he wasn't curious about the ANBU that the Hokage had dropped in his lap would be a lie. Naruto was very curious indeed. But he also wasn't a little kid anymore. Nor was he the baby-faced genin who'd run around hollering at the top of his lungs back when he'd first joined Team Seven. He'd… matured, for lack of a better word.

Life came at you fast, and Naruto had had a lot of life come at him in a relatively short amount of time. Jiraiya had taught him much, and when he'd finally exhausted all of his sensei's teachings, Naruto had taught himself even more beyond that. With such knowledge had come an understanding of the world and of people that, in essence, made it impossible to put the cat back in the bag. It was out, and there was no helping that.

And so, of course, Naruto knew that his immediate duty was to check on Hinata, once they all got back to the compound. He might have waffled about a little bit, might have considered briefly going and seeing Yugao first to find out what her deal was… but in the end, there was never really any question about who he was going to check up on first and foremost.

It doesn't make it any easier, coming to a stop outside of Hinata's door and pausing as he considers how best to approach this. He… SHOULD be mad at her, presumably. Given what she did, he should be horrified, he should be disgusted. Should he hate her? Should he dislike her? Naruto doesn't really know. And either way… he doesn't really care. Because he doesn't hate or dislike Hinata for her actions. He's not horrified or disgusted. Maybe he's a little worried for Hinata herself, for her state of mind, for her mental health.

But then, that's why he's here, isn't it? Letting out a sigh, Naruto finally reaches up and knocks gently on the door frame.

"Hinata? May I come in?"

There's a faint shuffling from the other side, and then a quiet response.

"O-Of course."

Naruto isn't sure what he's expecting when he enters Hinata's room, but her naked on the floor in dogeza, prostrating herself before him with her hands palm down and her forehead to the floor is… not it.

"T-This one humbly apologizes for her transgressions, Lord Uzumaki. This one acted alone with no intentions of harming the Uzumaki Clan or drawing the wrath of the Hokage down upon you. This one certainly did not deserve Lord Uzumaki going to bat for her before the Hokage h-herself. P-Please accept this one's most sincere apologies and pledge of service…"

… Right, no way was he letting this continue. Surging forward, Naruto finds himself growling.


The beautiful young kunoichi barely has time to raise her head and see his approach before he's upon her. Grabbing her forcibly by her arms, pulling her from the floor, he tries to be gentle… but he's incensed. He's incensed, because someone had clearly informed Hinata of what had happened and they'd either done so in the worst way possible, or Hinata had absorbed the information in the worst way possible.

Either way, they're soon both on the bed with Hinata cradled in his arms, frozen in place, seemingly unsure of how to react to his sudden and frantic motions. As he holds her there, Naruto leans in close, letting his head rest against hers.

"Hinata… I don't blame you for what you did."

It takes her a moment to process that. And then Hinata Hyuga begins to shake like a leaf, trembling in his grasp, naked as the day she was born.

"It… it always bugged me. From the time when I first learned what your cousin Neji had been put through, I hated what it meant for you and your clan. It didn't mean I would abide by what he did to you in our first Chunin Exams, but… at the same time, his situation was horrifying. YOUR situation was horrifying. The Hyuga Clan was built on an ideal of slavery."

Slowly, Hinata begins to let it out, her emotions. With those comes the tears, and her shoulders are soon wracked with sobs, before suddenly she lets out a sputtering laugh of sorts. Blinking in surprise, Naruto relaxes his hold as she pulls away slightly to be able to look at him with her pupil-less watery eyes.

"I-I should have known you of all people would so easily understand me, N-Naruto."

Well, at least she wasn't calling him 'Lord Uzumaki' anymore. If Naruto never had to heard THAT from her mouth again, he would be pretty damn happy. Offering Hinata a small smile, Naruto hugs her closer.

"I will admit, part of me thought you did it for us, at first. That you went off half-cocked without any sort of plan because Shizune frightened you so much that you thought you had no choice. But Tsunade says otherwise. She told me you planned this. That you had been planning this for quite some time…"

Hinata swallows thickly at that, looking down past her breasts to her hands, staring at them as if to see the blood they are now metaphorically covered in.

"… Yes."

Naruto frowns. He's not a therapist, not a mind walker like the Yamanaka Clan. Though, he's not sure if asking Ino for help in this instance would be all that useful. In the end, he's just going to try his best.

"… Do you want to tell me about it?"

Still hiccupping just a bit, Hinata slowly nods… and begins to explain.

"I s-suppose it was at least in part my own selfish desire not to be caged. Heh, at first, I was planning to do it for my sister Hanabi. For her future, so that she wouldn't suffer like Neji simply for being the younger sibling. Under Clan Law, she was to be the one marked with the Caged Bird Seal on her next birthday. Except…"

Naruto stays silent, letting Hinata gather her thoughts. In the end, the former Hyuga Heiress lifts and drops her shoulders rather helplessly. This does quite interesting things to her bared breasts, but Naruto doesn't pay those any mind. His focus is wholly on Hinata and her well-being.

"Hanabi has always been better than me. A prodigy much like Neji, but one born with the opportunity to change her fate. My little sister… she was more likely to replace me as Clan Heiress on her next birthday, rather than be caged and consigned to the Branch Family forevermore. If we had been a bit more equal in skill, if she was only a little better then me it likely wouldn't have been enough to change our fates… but I've never beaten Hanabi in a spar. Her mastery of our clan's Gentle Fist has ALWAYS been better than mine. The Clan Elders, my father included… they took notice."

Part of him realizes that… he's listening to a young woman explain what led her to murdering half of her own clan. But at the same time, Naruto still can't bring himself to care about those who were now dead. The men that Hinata had poisoned… even her own father… they had all supported the way things were. As an orphan who had grown up questioning why things were the way they were all his life, that wasn't something Naruto could accept.

"… At first, upon realizing that Hanabi would be the next Clan Head instead of me, I was elated. Even if it meant my own sealing, i-it was fine. At least she would be free, at least my little sister wouldn't… wouldn't suffer as my cousin did. Except, that was where I realized I couldn't stop. Because even if Hanabi wasn't to be sealed… the Branch Family still lived in eternal servitude and fear of the Main Family."

Naruto slowly nods at that, following Hinata's logic, her reasoning. She was right, after all. It was bigger than just her and Hanabi. The Hyuga Clan's traditions effected a lot more than just her and her younger sister.

"And then you showed up. You were back in town… and I realized I still had my own desires, my own wishes. I wanted… I wanted you. I've always admired you Naruto, all my life, from the time we were children. B-But absence made the fondness in my heart even greater. There was nothing else I wanted them to be yours, and if I were sealed… I wasn't sure I would be allowed."

Averting her gaze as she explains some things he already knows parts of, Hinata lets out a sigh.

"Shizune was right. If my father and the Clan Elders had found out we had been together, I would have been sealed immediately and you would have been kept away from me. Knowing that, as well as every transgression, every act of evil that the Main Family had committed over the years, over the decades that we've been part of Konoha… I knew I had to finally act."

Finally turning her head back to him, her pupil-less eyes are teary once more as she gives him a watery smile.

"S-So you see… the Hokage was half-right. I already had the plan in place. I knew I would have the opportunity to… t-to end it once and for all. But… I only finally had the drive to do it because of you and I and what we could maybe… have had together."

Naruto doesn't know what to say. It's obvious from her tone and the words she uses that she thinks they no longer have a chance together, in spite of all of the evidence to the contrary. In the end… Naruto decides to show Hinata exactly how he's feeling. Taking her chin in his fingers, he leans in and kisses her, finding it easier to act out his feelings rather than verbalize them in this moment.

Hinata's eyes widen for a brief second and she tenses at the kiss… before happily melting into his embrace finally, and kissing him heatedly right back. It's not long before they fall back into bed together, Hinata first and Naruto right after her. Not long after that they've worked his clothes off of him as well, leaving him just as naked as Hinata herself.

His cock slides into her slippery wet folds with just as much ease as it did the night before, and the former Hyuga Heiress lets out a soft cry into his mouth as her inner walls tighten around him. On Naruto's part, he finds he can't hold back. He's not trying to hurt her, he never would… but there's a certain frantic energy to their lovemaking that cannot be denied, as he plunges into her depths and Hinata takes him, moaning up a storm into his lips.

Their tongues wrestle with one another and their mouths press in hungrily again and again. It's like they're both starving and drowning at the same time. They need one another, they want one another… and now there's nothing stopping them from having one another. Last night may have been their first time together, but today, in this moment… this feels special for some reason. They're here and no one's going to take them away.

As he thrusts into Hinata, fucking her upon the bed, Naruto eventually disengages from her mouth long enough to tell her as much.

"No one is taking you away from me, Hinata. And whatever they told you… I have Tsunade's own word that you and I will still be allowed to marry once I've gotten you with child. You can still be one of my wives, Hinata. I wouldn't have it any other way."

From the way those Hyuga eyes of hers go wide, it's clear Hinata didn't know THAT part. To be fair, it's possible whoever told her about his meeting with the Hokage hadn't known about that. Regardless, she clings to him all the more tightly after that, bucking her hips up into his frantically pistoning prick with renewed fervor.

While they fuck like a pair of rabbits, Naruto continues to explain what Tsunade had said to him. He doesn't leave a single word of the Hokage's conditions out, wanting Hinata to be well and truly informed. She's happy, obviously, when he tells her that Hanabi will be the Hyuga Clan Head someday. But to Naruto's surprise, Hinata actually CUMS when he tells her what Tsunade said about her 'value as a broodmare'.

Hearing how the Hokage described Hinata's only purpose from now on as being the revitalization of Naruto's clan, Hinata's eyes roll back in her head, her tongue lolls out of her mouth… and she orgasms quite explosively all over his cock. Blinking, a little baffled, Naruto waits for her to recover, but once she does, Hinata is too red-faced and tight lipped to explain. In the end, she says that it's fine.

Of course, when Naruto tells Hinata about the ANBU that Tsunade has had unmask for him, Hinata seems to not know what to think either. It's here that Naruto shrugs and explains his thinking.

"I'm pretty sure I walked right into a trap here… not that I mind it. But I think… I think Tsunade was banking on me vouching for you, or trying to get you free. It honestly seems a little baffling, that she would just… release you into my custody. Unless she was getting what she wanted out of it. Unless she had decided I and my efforts to remake the Uzumaki were more valuable than half of the Hyuga Clan…"

Swallowing thickly, nodding her head, Hinata answers shakily, still trembling from his cock pounding into her clenching cunt.

"I-It's very, nngh, possible, Naruto. You, oooh, are a valuable a-asset. This, mm, ANBU… s-she could be a spy t-though…"

Chuckling, Naruto nods.

"Oh, I KNOW she's a spy. That doesn't make it any easier to figure out what to do with her."

Here, Hinata bites her lower lip for a moment before shrugging.

"W-What else? Bring her into the f-fold."

Furrowing his brow questioningly, Naruto cocks his head to the side, prompting Hinata to elaborate.

"You, mm, y-you j-just need to be yourself around her. S-She'll fall for you in n-no time. B-Bet if you w-walked right up to her and, oooh, kissed her… she'd melt i-into your arms j-just like that!"

Hearing Hinata say that with such conviction… Naruto can't help but snicker and plant another tongue-filled kiss on the beautiful young woman. Not his wife yet, maybe, but she was certainly his fiancé. And he'd be damned sure to marry Hinata as soon as she was pregnant…

Still, she was unquestionably biased when it came to Naruto's natural charisma. Yes, after three years with Jiraiya, he was pretty good with the ladies. You couldn't spend that long training under the old Pervert and not pick up a thing or two. Jiraiya's reputation in Konoha might be pretty bad, but his reputation out on the roads… well, needless to say, he had a woman in every village he passed through who was left pining after him.

That said, Naruto didn't think he had the ability to make an ANBU of all people swoon just from a kiss. That would be patently ridiculous. Although, that didn't mean there was nothing substantial to Hinata's advice. As he fucks Hinata, creampies her, and then starts fucking her again just to be absolutely sure, Naruto contemplates how to approach Yugao correctly.

Walk up to her and kiss her, like Hinata had suggested? Baffling and silly, but sure he'd put it on the list.

Alternatively, he could do the smart thing and approach her with blunt honesty, to try and develop something of a rapport that could at least be said to be built on trust, perhaps. If he came to her with his concerns and laid it all out on the table, there was a chance she would respond in kind. There was also a chance she would not, given she was ANBU.

Of course, while Yugao was ANBU… Naruto was also supposed to be a ninja. He could go about trying to find out what information he could about her without asking her outright first. Ask around town, try and develop something of a dossier on Yugao before he did anything else concerning her. Of course, if she found out he was snooping about asking about her, that could damage their relationship before it even begun…

Decisions, decisions…


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