

It was year 2076 of the Imperial Calendar. Earths Resources have dried up, The Land in Shambles, Ravaged by War. The Once proud city Capital of Terra, Now, Lies in Ruins. Corpses litter the streets as the Rebel Army surround the Imperial Palace within a Battle Formation Trapping Everyone Inside.

"Your Excellency, The Capital has Fallen. The Formation is Being maintained by the might of a 1000 Battle Mages. We are completely Trapped with no out. We Failed in our Duty, let us Atone by Fighting by your side till the bitter end." The Captain of the Imperial Guards informed As He kneeled before his King with his head down.

"Raise your Head, The Battle is still not over, for there is still hope. The Enemy does not have the Strength to Break through our Last defense Thus, they can Trap us within a formation." The King Informed his Guard Before turning to his Right, "Am I right Brother."

The Sound of Amused Laughter filled the Empty Throne Room as Someone invisible to the naked eye become visible.

"Indeed, The Current Battle is far beyond the Level of Those Soldiers Outside. But If combined together it is enough to Keep you from Fleeing Alex."

Drawing his Sword, The Captain of the Imperial Guard Stood Before his King Like a Shield.

"You Damn Traitor, how dare you utter the kings Name with that foul mouth of yours." The Captain of the Imperial Guard shouted in Rage at his clear disrespect of the King as He crossed the distance within the Blink of an Eye to cut the Traitor in Half with a Swing of his Blade.

"Who Allowed an Ant like you to Speak." The Blade was stopped with two fingers leaving the Captain bewildered.

"You! How is this Possible" The Captain shouted as cuts appeared throughout his body mysteriously before being thrown backwards by a mysterious force as he crashed into the palace wall and falling down unconscious.

"Now then, where were we? Ahh, Yes. You see brother just as the Guard is an Ant before me I am Ant Before You." The Rebel Leader stated.

"Indeed, makes me wonder what gave you the guts to appear before me." The King Calmly replied.

"Are You Done with your Babbling." Alex Asked as he stood from his chair before calmly approaching the traitor with his sword drawn.

"As the Crown Prince I should have been King? Why did father give you the Throne? It does not Matter I will have what was mine one way or another?" The rebel Leader Laughed like a mad man as he spoke.

"It was because you were incompetent that was All." He replied as raised his Blade to Cut his Brothers Head off but like the Captain of the Imperial Guards it was stopped.

"Even Through the difference between you and I is of a single Realm. It is indeed the difference between the Heavens and the Earth. It doesn't change the fact that there are multiple ways to kill someone. You have Become too confident in your Strength that you have Ignored the length a person can go as he tries to achieve his Dreams." The Rebel Leader stated as he Stopped the blade.

"You madman, How Dare commit such a Crime." The King Bellowed.

"So, what of It? All I did was sacrifices the life a billion people just to kill you. The results clearly speak for themselves. Here you are a Saint level magician helpless before me. Farewell Brother."

The Rebel Leader immediately cut the Head of his brother from his neck. Blood full of vitality gushed out from the body staining the Ground Red.

Kneeling before his Brothers severed head the rebel Leader removed the crown before putting it on his Head.

"Well That was Anticlimactic."