
Dungeon rewards and the end of the dungeon?

Author´s note:For you information I use layer and floor for the same meaning!

*Inside of the dungeon*

"mmmhhhh" Franz made and woke up and saw that Adrian was up. "Adrian! Did you even sleep?" Frnaz asked. "Yeah I did, so dont worry about me!" Adrian answered and looked at the others that was sleeping peacefully. "Hopefully there is not another floor with a boss, when it is thn we dont have the catering to made it even if one person dies." Franz said in a sad ton.

"I know. I think we should like said before drink and eat only then when we really must. We dont know how many floors there are." Adrian answered and looked at Franz. "Should we wake them up? Then we can get it done with the dungeon and the next floor." Adrian asked.

"Do you know how long we were sleeping?" Franz asked. "I think it is something around 10 hours." Adrian replied and looked at the sleeping Alexander and the young man. "We should wake them up or we are waiting for death." Franz said and laughed a little. "Yeah. We should." Adrian said and both of them went to them and wake them up by shaking and by screaming in their ears.

"Good Morning!!!" screamed Franz to Alexander who were standing in a instant through the shock that he received. The young man was looking around confused and wasnt waken up yet, he has been waken up by shaking from Adrian.

"You good?" Adrian asked the young man. "Yeah.... Ahh..A little sleepy." the young man said and looked at Adrian. "Why were you up?" Alexander asked. "And why ... did you guys wake us up?" the young man asked.

"Well you slept for over 10 hours so it isnt so bad that we wake you up! And also we should get to the next floor, dreamheads." Adrian said and looked at the chests that were standing alittle bit away. "Right... but 10 hours already?" the young man asked.

"Yeah. Dont forget the chests! Perhaps we get something useful?" Adrian said. "Hopefully!" Franz said and went to the green box who where standing in the middle of them all. "I will take green!" Franz said and looked at the others. "Well... than take I the yellow one!" said the young man and looked at Adrian and Alexander if it were ok to take it.

"Take it. I think I will take the red one." Alexander said and looked at Adrian. "I wanted the red box!" Adrian said in shock. "You dont get it!" Alexander said and run over to the red box and opened it instandly. "Well....then the dark blue one is my!" Adrian and went over to the dark blue one.

When he came near the dark blue chest he got an warm feeling. "What the!??! So much mana! As if the chest itself is out of mana!" Adrian thought and looked at the other two who were oipen their chests. "I got a new dagger!" Franz screamed in joy. "Nice one! I got a crossbow! that will help me alot in dungeons." the young man said with joy.

When Adrian looked at Alexander he saw a new wand in his hands. "Well is look like everyone got good items for themself out of the chests!" Adrian thought and open his chest and found: Food and Waterbottles! "Wow....I think that with the hunger will be solved!" Adrian said and took the food and waterbottles out of the chest, there were 10 breads and 20 waterbottles inside of the chest.

"What do you mean? Do you got food inside of the chest of your?" the young man asked. "yeah I did. It is only bread but better than nothing I would sayy!" Adiran replied on the question and went to them to give each one one bread and two waterbottles.

"Thanks!" the three replied and ate the bread in an instant and drunk a waterbottle away. "Adrian why are you not eating?" Franz asked interested. "I dont have hunger...I dont know why but it is like my body reject it even if I am trying to eat it." Adrian said and looked at them. "Do you guys want more? I have 3 more breads!"asked Adrian.

"Yeah!" Franz said and Adrian took another bread out and gave it to Franz who was eating like he didnt got something to eat for almost a week. "Well and you guys?" Adrian asked and looked at Alexander and the young man. "Do you want any?". "I will take another one!" the young man said and looked at Adrian in a shamed inpression. "Here take it!" Adrian said and throw the young man a new bread over. "Dont look at me. I am full!" Alexander replied and look at both of them who were eating the breads.

"Lets do the next layer when you are finished with your breads!" Alexander said and went to Adrian. "Did you really mean it when you said that your body reject the bread when you tried it?" Alexander asked Adrian in interest. "Yeah I did. I dont know why but I throw it up in seconds..." Adrian anwered and looked at Alexander. "That is strange! When a dungeon gives out food then it is in the mostly good goods." Alexander said and looked at Adrian with a worry look.

"Take you bread out and put it into the backpacks and lets see if the next floor await us!" Franz screamed at Adrian who where standing infront of his chest. "Okay!" Adrian said back and took everything out of the chest and then all of the chest vanished into thin air and two portals emerged where the chests stands.

One black portal and a blue portal (it is the only one in the world). "What we have to choose?" the young man said in shock. "Yeah its looks like it. When I remembered correctly you Alexander said that the North Koreans hat a choice after they cleared the third floor, right?" Adiran asked.

"Yeah. But that it is really the third floor is unbeliveble!" Alexander said and look at them. "Lets do a vote! The one who wants to get out they will stand to my right and the one who stand to my left will do the next layer!" Alexander said.

"But which one if the right one to get home?" Franz asked. "I would say the blue one. It is the same one we came into this dungeon!" Adrian said and went to the left side of Alexander, Franz and the young man went to the right side of Alexander. "I didnt expected that you want to stay in this hell hole of a dungeon!" Fran´z said and looked at Adrian.

"Well. You know whats happend in North Korea! Thats why I didnt want it to happen by use!" Adrian replied and looked at them who were stunned. "What is? You know that when we will leave the dungeon will break! That is the thing that Alexander told us right?!" Adrian said in shock that they forgot it already.

"Yeah... but I want to see my family and want to eat and drink somuch I want!" the young man said and went into the gate. "And one less...." Adrian mumbled and looked at FRanz and Alexander. "You guyes dont think we should leave right?" Adrian asked them but before he got an answer he saw how Franz went into the gate that was close behind him.

"Fuck... they take it that they will kill millions of people!" Adrian said and looked to the place where Alexander where standing. "Do you think we can do it together?" Adrian asked. "Well. I dont think so anymore. It is better to leave and fight infront of the gate, so that we can kill them in our terretory." said Alexander and looked at Adrian which face got red from anger.

"You really think so?" Adrian asked. "Yeah." Alexander replied. "Than go there. I will fight them even if I am dying. Better dying than to be somebody who risked a million people or even more!" Adrian screamed and went straight to the black gate. "Do you really think that you can clear the gate? It is impossible!" said Alexander. "Because they left and I can feel with you but we have a change infront of the gate! Inside we lost already!" Alexander said back calmly and looked at Adrian.

"Do what you want. But I will take the fighting way inside of the dungeon!" Adrian screamed and went straight inside of the gate and was transported.

"Fuck... I warned him. He is dead for sure! Let get outside and fight outside!" Alexander said and went straight to the blue portal and stept in and got transfered outside with the other two.